Dark Hunter

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Dark Hunter

PRESTIGE CLASS: This class is not available at character creation and must be unlocked by meeting special requirements, listed below

Description: Dark hunters specialize in hunting down and eliminating creatures in the dark, twisting caves of the Underdark, often protecting underground communities or those people who make their living under the eart (such as miners or hunters). They use stealth, ambush, and deception to single out foes and remove them one by one. A typical strategy is to locate the enemy, then hide against a nearby wall of earth or stone. The dark hunter then waits for her enemy to pass by, leaping out to attack when the target least expects it. A dark hunter uses her knowledge of underground terrain to find the best areas to create pits, cave-ins, and rockslides, often enabling her to eliminate the enemy without drawing her axe. If a dark hunter is outnumbered, she retreats into the darkness, hiding until she can pick off individual targets. Because they spend so much time in the stark wilderness of caves and caverns, dark hunters are slightly ostracized by other members of society. Most individuals live among others of their own kind, so the rootless existence of the dark hunter seems like a social aberration. Still, grat honor is to be found in protecting the clan from attack, so dark hunters are given respect. None of this concerns the individual, who cares little for what others think; she finds purpose in what she does every time she brings down another one of her enemies. She prefers to work alone, but also knows that cooperation with others has its advantages.


Base Attack Bonus: +5

Skills: Craft Traps 5 Ranks, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 2 Ranks, Move Silently 2 Ranks, Survival 2 Ranks.

Feats: Blind-Fight, Track.

Class Skills

The class skills of the Dark Hunter are:

  • Climb
  • Concentration
  • Crafting
  • Disable Device
  • Hide
  • Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
  • Listen
  • Move Silently
  • Spot
  • Survival
  • Swim
  • Use Rope

Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: High

Weapon Proficiencies: Dark hunters gain no weapon proficiencies.

Armor Proficiencies: Dark hunters gain no armor proficiencies.

Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.

Hit Dice: D8

Improved Stone Cunning: At first level, a dark hunter gains the stone cunning ability possessed by dwarves.

Darkvision: Dark hunters spend most of their lives in the darkest caverns they can find. As a dark hunter's skills improve, her almost mystical understanding of the deep caverns sharpens her inborn visual acuity. She gains Darkvision at 2nd level.

Sneak Attack: Functions identicly to the rogue ability. Gained at 3rd Level.

Stone's Hue: When underground, a dark hunter can take on the coloration of the stone, and may seem to blend into the surface of a wall. As long as she reamins underground, she gains a +10 bonus to the hide skill at 4th level.

Death Attack: Brand new reworked death attack ability similar to PNP. The DC is 10 + int modifier + class level. Gained at 5th Level.