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'''Name:''' Osclow Wiltenholm<br>
'''Name:''' Osclow Wiltenholm<br>
'''Title(s):''' Os, Mr. Funny-hat, Music man<br>
'''Title(s):''' Os, Mr. Funny-hat, Spoony bard<br>
'''Home/Location:''' Just about anywhere he can rent for the night'''<br>
'''Home/Location:''' The Viridale Druid's Glade '''<br>
'''Birthplace:''' Navil<br>
'''Birthplace:''' Navil<br>
'''Age:''' 25<br>
'''Age:''' 25<br>
'''Race:''' Human<br>
'''Race:''' Human<br>
'''Gender:''' Male<br>
'''Gender:''' Male<br>
'''Deity:''' Deneir<br>
'''Deity:''' The Gods of Knowledge (Deneir and Oghma in particular)<br>
'''Alignment:''' NG<br>
'''Alignment:''' Chaotic Good<br>

Osclow Wiltenholm is the only son of former adventurer Issen and his wife Ladeira. He was born in Navil, a small town to the southeast of Neverwinter. As a young child, Osclow was a bit of a lone wolf, preferring books to people and usually seeking out quiet places to read. He may have been a book-delving loner for the rest of his life had it not been for his childhood friends Parm, Lilia, and Esmee. As he grew older, Osclow eventually began to follow the path of the bard and developed a more social and charismatic approach to life, though still never losing his love for books, particularly accounts told by adventurers.  
Osclow Wiltenholm is the only son of former adventurer Issen and his wife Ladeira. He was born in Navil, a small town to the southeast of Neverwinter. As a young child, Osclow was a bit of a lone wolf, preferring books to people and usually seeking out quiet places to read. He may have been a book-delving loner for the rest of his life had it not been for his childhood friends Parm, Lilia, and Esmee. As he grew older, Osclow eventually began to follow the path of the bard and developed a more social and charismatic approach to life, though still never losing his love for books, particularly accounts told by adventurers.  

In time Osclow’s feelings for Lilia began to develop into something more than just friendship. He became truly aware of this ironically after Parm openly confessed his own love to Lilia. Not wishing to step between Lilia and a man whom he believed to be more deserving of her, Osclow kept his true feelings secret. About a year after they were wed, Parm and Lilia had a baby girl whom they named Tia, in honor of Lilia’s grandmother.  
In time Osclow’s feelings for Lilia began to develop into something more than just friendship. He became truly aware of this ironically after Parm openly confessed his own love to Lilia. Not wishing to step between Lilia and a man whom he believed to be more deserving of her, Osclow kept his true feelings secret. About a year after they were wed, Parm and Lilia had a baby girl whom they named Tia, in honor of Lilia’s grandmother.  
Though a loving father and husband at first, Parm slowly began to lose himself to his work within the militia, alcohol, and fits of paranoia. Often he would get drunk and make false remarks about his wife taking “interest” in others within Navil. Though he never struck Lilia or Tia, his distancing behavior and verbal abuse created a gap between him and his family. Through thick and thin, Osclow was always there. Tia was always the biggest fan of Osclow’s music and he loved the spunky girl as if she was his own daughter, constantly telling her stories of adventurer tales and  great palaces where nobles lived. Like Osclow, Tia had developed a fondness for books and once told him how she dreamed of one day living in a grand palace, like the one’s told in his stories, where she could read and explore all her days.
Though a loving father and husband at first, Parm slowly began to lose himself to his work within the militia, alcohol, and fits of paranoia. Often he would get drunk and make false remarks about his wife taking “interest” in others within Navil. Though he never struck Lilia or Tia, his distancing behavior and verbal abuse created a gap between him and his family. Through thick and thin, Osclow was always there. Tia was always the biggest fan of Osclow’s music and he loved the spunky girl as if she was his own daughter, constantly telling her stories of adventurer tales and  great palaces where nobles lived. Like Osclow, Tia had developed a fondness for books and once told him how she dreamed of one day living in a grand palace, like the one’s told in his stories, where she could read and explore all her days.

-Tragedy and an oath
Tragedy and an oath:<br>
One tragic day, Parm discovered Oxclow and Lilia atop Bluewatch Cliff, a common meeting place for the three and Esmee. Though they were merely talking, Parm was too deeply under the influence of alcohol to listen to reason. He accused Osclow of backstabbing him and Lilia of being unfaithful. After bringing Osclow to his back with a vicious right hook, Lilia stood before Parm trying even harder to explain that they were doing nothing wrong. Parm refused to listen still, and took a rough hold of Lilia’s shoulders hurling insult after insult upon her. Lilia slapped him, and in his drunken daze, he swayed right off the edge of the cliff, taking Lilia with him. Osclow attempted to save Lilia, but managed only to grasp at her sleeve and one last glance of fear and sorrow in the eyes of the woman he loved before the fabric tore free and she fell to her death.  
One tragic day, Parm discovered Osclow and Lilia atop Bluewatch Cliff, a common meeting place for the three and Esmee. Though they were merely talking, Parm was too deeply under the influence of alcohol to listen to reason. He accused Osclow of backstabbing him and Lilia of being unfaithful. After bringing Osclow to his back with a vicious right hook, Lilia stood before Parm trying even harder to explain that they were doing nothing wrong. Parm refused to listen still, and took a rough hold of Lilia’s shoulders hurling insult after insult upon her. Lilia slapped him, and in his drunken daze, he swayed right off the edge of the cliff, taking Lilia with him. Osclow attempted to save Lilia, but managed only to grasp at her sleeve and one last glance of fear and sorrow in the eyes of the woman he loved before the fabric tore free and she fell to her death.  
Osclow mourned for over a month. Though he managed to retain his cheerful demeanor in time, deep down he still blames himself for the death of Parm and Lilia. Whether it be through the confession of his feelings to Lilia or a better attempt to talk Parm away from his drinking problem, in his own eyes Osclow believes his inaction was the cause of death for Tia’s parents. The only way Osclow saw to redeem himself was to devote his entire life to Tia. Remembering the dream she had told him, Osclow made a promise to Tia one night as she slept.
Osclow mourned for over a month. Though he managed to retain his cheerful demeanor in time, deep down he still blames himself for the tragedy that took place upon Bluewatch Cliff. Whether it be through the confession of his true feelings to Lilia or a better attempt to talk Parm away from his drinking problem, in his own eyes Osclow believes his inaction was the cause of death for Tia’s parents. The only way Osclow saw to redeem himself was to devote his life to Tia and to never settle for merely standing aside for matters concerning those he cared about.

“Tia…You shall have your palace some day”
“Tia…You shall have your palace some day”

Thus began Osclow’s adventuring career, while Tia waits behind in the loving care of her aunt Esmee. Though he is not ignorant of the great cost Tia’s dream can equal up to, Osclow is determined nonetheless.  Little does he realize that all Tia truly wants is for him to return home to Navil.  
This was the promise he made to his now-adopted daughter one night as she slept. Thus began Osclow’s adventuring career, while Tia waits behind in the loving care of her aunt Esmee. In time, Osclow came to realize however that all his daughter truly wished for was a loving family and for the bard to be the loving father he always was.  

-Reasons for coming to Sundren
Reasons for coming to Sundren:<br>
Osclow had been working as a sellsword and entertainer-for-hire along the Sword Coast about 3 months before he first met Fenton during the investigation of a supposedly unknown ruin. Though the two worked well together in discovering an old artifact, Fenton was concerned about a dispute on the rise as to who gets to keep the artifact itself. Surprisingly to Fenton, Osclow’s very first offer was to sell it and split the gold 50-50. Not once did he opt for a greater cut or try to backstab Fenton, even when he was “baited” with several opportunities. In time, the two became good friends and business partners working along the Sword Coast and Waterdeep.
Osclow had been working as a sellsword and entertainer-for-hire along the Sword Coast about 3 months before he first met Fenton during the investigation of a supposedly unknown ruin. Though the two worked well together in discovering an old artifact, Fenton was concerned about a dispute on the rise as to who gets to keep the artifact itself. Surprisingly to Fenton, Osclow’s very first offer was to sell it and split the gold 50-50. Not once did he opt for a greater cut or try to backstab Fenton, even when he was “baited” with several opportunities. In time, the two became good friends and business partners working along the Sword Coast and Waterdeep.
Their business in Waterdeep came to a grinding halt after Fenton seduced a young noblewoman by the name of Jaseima Quinalt, only to disappear from her bed the morning after. Jaseima had connections to rather unscrupulous individuals, whom she sent to capture Fenton and Osclow, after doing what they could to ruin their good name with frequent customers and potential clients. Now constantly losing coin and ducking law enforcements after being framed for stealing from a church of Tyr, Osclow and Fenton had no choice but to venture elsewhere for profit. Various rumors spoke of a city-state to the north with opportunities to be had. This land was called Sundren. Quickly and quietly, Osclow and Fenton snuck away with the gold they had remaining. Little was heard from Jaseira after she learned of Fenton’s disappearance, however rumors state that she has not forgotten or forgiven Fenton or the man who helped him escape.  
Their business in the City of Splendors came to a grinding halt after Fenton seduced a young noblewoman by the name of Jaseima Quinalt, only to disappear from her bed the morning after. Jaseima had connections to rather unscrupulous individuals, whom she ordered to capture Fenton and Osclow, after doing what they could to ruin their good name with frequent customers and potential clients. Now constantly losing coin and ducking law enforcements after being framed for stealing from a church of Tyr, Osclow and Fenton had no choice but to venture elsewhere for profit. Various rumors spoke of a city-state to the north with opportunities to be had. This land was called Sundren. Quickly and quietly, Osclow and Fenton snuck away with the gold they had remaining. Little was heard from Jaseima after she learned of Fenton’s disappearance, however rumors state that she has not forgotten or forgiven Fenton or the man who helped him escape.  
'''Family History-'''<br>
The Witenholm family is said to be able to trace it's origins several hundred years back, and would be able to do so further if not for a tragic incident that caused the loss of much of their records (and the creation of one of the more important rules of their family). The earliest known Wiltenholm is generally agreed to have been Rufaris Wiltenholm, who was a skilled arcane swordsman and adventurer. Some older records exist in the hands of the eldest members of the family, who claim that they do not wish to let the rest of the family see them until they are complete. This will help prevent the further spread of wild tales and exaggerations that the Wiltenholms are already partially prone to regarding their own history. Much of the Wiltenholm family history is linked together with the Larkmeadow family, comprised mostly of elves. Both families have records of their bloodlines often working side by side in numerous occasions for various goals.
The Wiltenholm family contains a fair amount of bardic spellsong artists and sorcerers. In time, the family has found unique ways to draw upon many peculiar powers typically through the use of special inks and glyph markings either on their skin or an article of clothing. The origin of the power within the Wiltenholm bloodline is a mystery, which has given rise to numerous theories.
The Gods of Knowledge are the predominent faith among the Wiltenholms. Following other gods is not prohibited as long as the rules of the family are not broken.
One of the most well-known bits of lore spread among the family is the existance of a force known as the Silver Threads of Fate, thin translucent silver threads that appear on certain indviduals. So far, the Wiltenholm family has only speculated and theorized what this is precisely. Some say it is a mark of fate placed by the gods. Some say it may even be a force greater than the gods and is merely guided by their hand much as Mystra guides the Weave. Whatever the belief, all Wiltenholms believe the existance of the Threads to be of great importance ever since the documentation of several individuals that possess the Threads (known as Threadbearers to the family) completing grand tasks all over Faerun.
'''Family Rules-'''<br>
Though the Wiltenholm family is, more or less, not known for any real respect to authority, there are six rules that must always be abided by.
I.- Under NO circumstances is the Overseer to be mentioned by name and no conversations regarding the Overseer are allowed.<br>
II.- The orders of the Jointed One are absolute.<br>
III.- Never shall services or coin of the family be given to divine orders which the Gods of Knowledge deem foes: Bane, Talos, Myrkul, Bhaal, Mask, and Cyric.<br>
IV.- It is the duty of all within the family, other than the Jointed One or any appointed Bloodnote Scribes, to aid any and all Electus. Their orders are to be followed and their fates are to be realized.<br>
V.- It is the duty of all within the family to aid any and all Threadbearers offically recognized by the Jointed One.<br>
VI.- No marriages between the Wiltenholm family and the Larkmeadow family shall be recognized without the approval of the Jointed One or an appointed Bloodnote Scribe.<br>

Osclow is rarely without a whimsical smile, smirk, or at least a friendly nod to those he meets. He is kind-hearted, charismatic, and a quick thinker. At times he seems to lack concentration or focus, though the balance as to how much of this is real and how much is for show is difficult to tell at times. He has a somewhat odd outlook on life, commonly referring to events taking place in the land and in people's lives to be "chapters" of a grand "story".  
Osclow is rarely without a whimsical smile, smirk, or at least a friendly nod to those he meets. He is kind-hearted, charismatic, and a quick thinker. At times he seems to lack concentration or focus, though the balance as to how much of this is real and how much is for show is difficult to tell at times. He has a somewhat odd outlook on life, commonly referring to events taking place in the land and in people's lives to be "chapters" of a grand "story".  

Though technically human, Osclow's body has been altered slightly from his experience with Rexensis, a dark sword who's power was fueled by Bane and Osclow once wielded in hopes of gaining the power he needed to help those precious to him. Thanks to the actions of the Triumvirate, Osclow was eventually freed from the sword's control, but not until it had left it's 'mark' upon him. Upon his chest is burned a symbol of Bane, which spreads its black markings further over his skin to this day. According to Melchior, Osclow's soul is still his own, but his flesh belongs to Bane. The extension of Osclow's condition is not entirely known. What has been discovered is that he cannot wield holy weapons without eventually corrupting them, he does not scar easily, he is prone to occasional nightmares (though this has waned considerably as of late), and he becomes wrought with panic when in the presence of Banite temples and artifacts (even when under the effects of fear-suppressing spells).
* Church of Oghma
* rumored to be working closely with the Church of the Triumvirate and a few other groups.
Officially, Osclow is a Neverwinter citizen, as Navil is officially recognized as Neverwinter territory. He seems quite proud of this, even going as far as to have the Neverwinter eye symbol sewn into the tabard of his armor.
'''Allies and Enemies:'''
After being arrested on Thayan soil and destined for slavery, the Legion offered to purchase Osclow and grant him his freedom in exchange for two years of military service. Osclow agreed and after serving his contract, discontinued his relationship with the Legion. He now works as an ally to the Wardens of the Viridale and Corps d' Grace, though his true allegiance is to another.
Osclow biggest foe is the Black Hand. He utterly despises the Banites, not only for what they stand for, but also because he blames them for his darkest of secrets: the mark upon his chest and the alterations it has caused to his body. Osclow also bears a deep hatred for the Luskans creating the blockade, as well as Luskan in general. Of course this is pretty typical of a proud Neverwinter citizen.

'''Significant Relationships:'''
'''Significant Relationships:'''
* Tia: The name of Osclow's adopted daughter who waits for him back in Navil. To Osclow, Tia's happiness is more important than his own life.
* Tia: Osclow's adopted daughter, who brought about the beginning of Osclow's adventuring career. She now resides happily with her father within their home in the Viridale Druid's Glade. Intelligent for her age, she's also become quite curious about the Viridale, and can often be found going for distant walks and climbing trees, much to the dismay of her sometimes overprotective father.
* Esmee: A childhood friend of Osclow and aunt to Tia. A beautiful wizard who has attracted the attention of many men within Navil. Through messages delivered by her raven familiar, Heska, she keeps in contact with Osclow and Fenton.
* Fenton Tellens:  One of Osclow's best friends and his official partner in business. Though they have only known each other for a short time, they have almost become like brothers, agreeing to split all profits made 50-50.  
* Esmee Vindel: A childhood friend of Osclow and aunt to Tia. After having helped raised Tia for so long, Osclow had no intentions of separating the two with the making of the Viridale Forest their new home. Being an alchemist who specializes in natural formulas, she fell in love with her Viridale home and is constantly at work brewing new experiments using the rare flora of the forest. Though talented, she seems to have utterly lost her sense of smell and cannot tell when her brews (or cooking) produce pungent aromas that could bring tears to most. She also seems lacking of any sense of proportion, making her brews far too powerful and her dishes far too spicy.
* [[Hano Fetten|Hano Fetten]]:  A knight of Torm who has done a great deal for the land of Sundren in a short time. In him Osclow sees not only a good friend but a potential hero to fill numerous tales of wonderment and good triumphing over evil.
* Hubei: While Fenton cannot seem to stand the curious little hin (often calling her 'stalker'), Osclow finds her antics quite amusing and her skills something to behold.  
* Fenton Tellens:  Osclow's best friend, whom is also the reason for the two coming to Sundren. Much of Fenton's past is a mystery that either Osclow is unwilling to tell, or simply does not know. Greedy, cynical, and lacking of tact, most of Osclow's friends and allies generally see Fenton as an untrusting sort, and some outright hate him. Regardless, Osclow seems unwilling to cast aside their friendship. Quite opposite to how he acts to  most others, Fenton is actually quite nice to Osclow's children, who gleefully refer to him as their 'Uncle Fenny'.
* Nulinus: Osclow sees a great man and leader in Nulinus. Although he is concerned about the dwarf's self-doubt, he speaks not a word for or against the actions that apparently made him fall from the grace of his god.
* [[Annaleen Wiltenholm|Annaleen Hanssen]]:  A beautiful, young, high-spirited druid of Sundren under the service of Chauntea and Silvanus. At first merely good friends, she and Osclow came to see something more of one another, fell in love, eventually married, and had two children. They now work together toward maintaining the peace of the Viridale and keeping it a place suitable to raise their three girls. Annie often finds herself the voice of reason for Osclow's occasional reckless 'woolheaded' behavior.
* Ivy & Ida Wiltenholm: Twin girls born of Osclow and Annie. Now toddlers, they spend their time mostly following their big sister Tia or causing trouble in some other fashion, having inheirited their father's curiousity and their mother's spunk.
* Maia Nanethiel: A kind-hearted, yet strong willed elven ranger whom Osclow has become somewhat close to. The two get along remarkably well and the moon elf has become not only one of the must trustworthy individuals in the bard's eyes but also one of the most worthy to reveal sides of himself he does not show to many. Much to the annoyance of the two of them, it seems many have begun speculations that the two are getting far too 'close' to be just friends. This may account on them being seen rarely together outside of the Viridale as of late.
* Rastellia: A sultry follower of Sharess and a powerful wielder of spellsong, much like Osclow. Rastellia is currently one of Osclow's closest friends, as well as one of the few people he trusts with one of his deepest secrets. Osclow claims that Rastellia is one of the few people he knows who's wit he is actually somewhat envious of.  
* [[Hano Fetten|Hano Fetten]]:  A brave and selfless knight of Torm. Once one of the Threadbearers, Osclow served Hano faithfully and became more of a friend than a simple servant of family duty. As of late, Osclow cannot see the Silver Threads upon Hano any longer. Though first chalking this up to a lack of ability on his own part, he now believes it is simply because Hano's time as a 'hero' has passed, at least as far as destiny (or whatever the Threads represent) is concerned.
* Melchior: The kindly and wise leader of the Ilmatari within the Triumvirate Temple. It was Melchior, with Hano's aid, who freed Osclow from the grip of Rexensis by trapping the dark sword within a sheath of light and storing the cursed blade within the Triumvirate vault, unable to destroy the blade due to its connection to Osclow. Believing paladins to be not the type to keep secrets, Osclow now watches Melchior with a careful and wary eye. He is thankful for all he has done, but also slightly worried about whether or not his 'tainted body' shall one day be deemed necessary to destroy.
* Peridan Twilight: A straightforward, no-nonesense elven warrior who served as Osclow's partner and commanding officer during his time in the Legion. Despite their somewhat conflicting personalities and completely opposite points of view regarding law and order, the two get along remarkably well.
* Jessica Alexander: A clever and talented rogue of the shadows, Jessica was once a lover to Osclow. However, circumstances beyond their control drove them apart. Still caring deeply for her, Osclow strives to help her fight her tortured past and the inner darkness that slowly strives to consume her. Osclow has yet to discover what is perhaps her darkest of all.
* Sol Sunderkin: A hin wizard and inventor who specializes in golems and dreams of one day creating a learning institution that can rival that of Candlekeep. Her demonic heritage however, provided many problems in this regard and forced her to seek out a new body. Using a combination of golemology and the spellsong glyph arts of her friend Osclow, she succeeded in creating a new doll-like body that retained her soul and all the memories attatched to it. No longer having to worry about her bloodline posing a problem, she left Sundren, supposedly to pursue her dream.
* Lauan Tissle: A high-ranking Thayan Knight and former lover to Osclow. After their intimate relationship fell apart, the two became rather fierce enemies. Luckily, their conflict has rarely escalated beyond the point of verbal mudslinging. While this sometimes proves to be comedic, it has done little to improve the level of maturity of the bard and thayan knight in the eyes of many of their friends and allies.
* [[Tamyrn Jorandur|Tamryn Jorandur]]: A powerful follower of the Triumvirate, wife to Hano, and good friend of Osclow's. When he worked as an informant to the Triumvirate, most of the information Osclow provided went either to her or Melchior. Though never actually seeing the Threads upon her, Osclow is convinced she was once a Threadbearer.
* Cybil Gelley: A radiant young woman touched by the power of Ilmater. A close friend, Os finds himself often protective of this noble warrior for reasons he himself seems unaware of. Ironically, she can take care of herself better than Osclow can. One of the two captains of the Corp de Grace of Sestra, Cybil works hard to help Setra recover from the war with the Siltherscale. Osclow aids in whatever manner he can, mostly providing his insight as a Loremaster or working as one of Cybil's informants, though she does not always seem to like the bard's chaotic ways.
* Cirion Reliun: A knight of Sune attempting to overcome numerous obstacles in his life. Though he would perhaps never admit it, Os sees much of himself in Cirion, and is sympathetic for much he tries to overcome. Recently, he has been trying to teach Cirion the finer arts of spellsong techniques passed down within his own family. With Cirion already being remarkably talented in the ways of spellsong, Os is convinced he could be the key to a theory that his family's arts can be used by those not bearing their bloodline. Cirion is the second of the two captains in charge of the Corp de Grace in Sestra and another whom often employs Os as an informant. Much like Cybil, Cirion strives hard to help Sestra restore, and perhaps surpass, the glory it once held.
* Yashia Jadysvarion: Undead hunter, tracker, and devout servant to the people of Sundren and the ways of good and decency, few people have gained as much respect from Osclow as Yashia. Attracted to her devotion and strong spirit, the bard once entertained a romantic pursuit of her. This stopped even quicker than it began though, as the bard opted to instead always aid her in her more serious tasks defending the valley. Despite their friendship, Yashia seems uneasy at Osclow's willingness to use deception and trickery for what he sees as the greater good.
* Eira Skald: An Aurilite with a cold heart and disposition that keeps most at a respectable distance, where she perfers. Though she is more a friend of Osclow's wife Annie, the two have at least a modicum of respect for one another and don't seem to mind working together and even sharing a joke or two. Most of Osclow's other friends however, either despise or are terrified of Eira.
* Aerick: A favored one of Oghma, who Osclow is determined to help reach his destiny, as is the duty of the Wiltenholm family. Uneasy at Osclow unrelenting determination and the fact that he reminds him of the monks that sheltered and coddled him as a child, Aerick often finds himself somewhat irritated by Osclow's actions. Unlike Osclow, Aerick does not seem to think there is anything particularly special about him. Osclow often deems him "Electus", a term used commonly by the Wiltenholm family for favored ones of the Gods of Knowledge.
* Kathryn Blake: A powerful sorceress and former resident of Sundren, the length of Osclow and Kathryn's relationship is unknown by most. However, while in Sundren he seemed extremely protective of her, as much a servant as he was a friend, never questioning her orders and even willing to die for her. Osclow is either lying when he says he did not understand this behavior, or something else was afoot. Kathryn's reasons for leaving Sundren are believed to be entirely selfish, yet Osclow insists that is not the case. Despite his insistance, he seems unwilling to elaborate. The bard has let slip occasionally that Kathryn is currently studying in Candlekeep.
* Etria: An elven smith and artificer with near unrivaled ability in her craft. She and Osclow get along remarkably well, constantly joking one moment then slipping into deep philosophical discussions the next. She is the creator of Osclow's favored weapon, the Stormsinger, a powerful adamantine blade covered in runes similar to those upon Osclow's gloves. It is said when the blade is swung by the bard, storms erupt and deep sounds like a rumbling percussion instrument can be heard. Currently visiting other lands, Etria has not been seen in some time. It is said she and Osclow are trying to arrange some kind of communication method beyond just simple letters, but have so far been unsuccessful.
* Elusa: A friend to Osclow and follower of Selune who has undergone a strange alteration, splitting into various personalities. Having been trusted with the secrecy and execution of the ritual that was supposed to save Elusa and failed, Osclow feels somewhat responsible for her current condition. Often he adopts a guilty look in her presence even after she was said to be cured.
* Professor Gryff: One of the head professors of Sundren University and perhaps the busiest man in Sundren. His knowledge of alchemy is second to none, but he seems unwilling to help just anyone. Osclow is one of the few that can coax him away from his busy schedule, but even he fails more often than not and even when he CAN pull him away, he can only do so briefly. Regardless, Osclow speaks about him with nothing but praise and as a fellow follower of Deneir often fetches the professor rare goods and material for his research.
* Professor Renwald Teion: Osclow and Esmee's teacher from Navil, whom they still today often address as "Master". A researcher of ancient lore and a master of arcane and divine powers, it never seemed to occur to Osclow how strange it is that a man of such power and knowledge would reside in his small hometown. Osclow seems rather convinced that he is Teion's 'star pupil' but this has yet to be confirmed.
* Jointed One Narisold Wiltenholm: The eldest member of the Wiltenholm family. An immensely powerful sorcerer who Osclow speaks little of... even to his own wife and most trusted friends. Even the mere mention of him makes the bard shake uncomfortably.
* Agent K: ???

'''Miscellaneous Information:'''
'''Miscellaneous Information:'''
* Osclow is a talented crafter of marionettes. It is said he has made a puppet with the likeness of many individuals within Sundren, including Hano, The Keeper, and the late Kemnebi and occasionally uses them in street performances.
* Osclow is a talented crafter of marionettes. It is said he has made a puppet with the likeness of many individuals within Sundren, including Hano, Fenton, Yashia, Tamryn, The Keeper, and the late Kemnebi. These puppets are occasionally used in Osclow's street performances.

Latest revision as of 16:12, 26 January 2011

Name: Osclow Wiltenholm
Title(s): Os, Mr. Funny-hat, Spoony bard
Home/Location: The Viridale Druid's Glade
Birthplace: Navil
Age: 25
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Deity: The Gods of Knowledge (Deneir and Oghma in particular)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Osclow Wiltenholm is the only son of former adventurer Issen and his wife Ladeira. He was born in Navil, a small town to the southeast of Neverwinter. As a young child, Osclow was a bit of a lone wolf, preferring books to people and usually seeking out quiet places to read. He may have been a book-delving loner for the rest of his life had it not been for his childhood friends Parm, Lilia, and Esmee. As he grew older, Osclow eventually began to follow the path of the bard and developed a more social and charismatic approach to life, though still never losing his love for books, particularly accounts told by adventurers.

In time Osclow’s feelings for Lilia began to develop into something more than just friendship. He became truly aware of this ironically after Parm openly confessed his own love to Lilia. Not wishing to step between Lilia and a man whom he believed to be more deserving of her, Osclow kept his true feelings secret. About a year after they were wed, Parm and Lilia had a baby girl whom they named Tia, in honor of Lilia’s grandmother. Though a loving father and husband at first, Parm slowly began to lose himself to his work within the militia, alcohol, and fits of paranoia. Often he would get drunk and make false remarks about his wife taking “interest” in others within Navil. Though he never struck Lilia or Tia, his distancing behavior and verbal abuse created a gap between him and his family. Through thick and thin, Osclow was always there. Tia was always the biggest fan of Osclow’s music and he loved the spunky girl as if she was his own daughter, constantly telling her stories of adventurer tales and great palaces where nobles lived. Like Osclow, Tia had developed a fondness for books and once told him how she dreamed of one day living in a grand palace, like the one’s told in his stories, where she could read and explore all her days.

Tragedy and an oath:
One tragic day, Parm discovered Osclow and Lilia atop Bluewatch Cliff, a common meeting place for the three and Esmee. Though they were merely talking, Parm was too deeply under the influence of alcohol to listen to reason. He accused Osclow of backstabbing him and Lilia of being unfaithful. After bringing Osclow to his back with a vicious right hook, Lilia stood before Parm trying even harder to explain that they were doing nothing wrong. Parm refused to listen still, and took a rough hold of Lilia’s shoulders hurling insult after insult upon her. Lilia slapped him, and in his drunken daze, he swayed right off the edge of the cliff, taking Lilia with him. Osclow attempted to save Lilia, but managed only to grasp at her sleeve and one last glance of fear and sorrow in the eyes of the woman he loved before the fabric tore free and she fell to her death. Osclow mourned for over a month. Though he managed to retain his cheerful demeanor in time, deep down he still blames himself for the tragedy that took place upon Bluewatch Cliff. Whether it be through the confession of his true feelings to Lilia or a better attempt to talk Parm away from his drinking problem, in his own eyes Osclow believes his inaction was the cause of death for Tia’s parents. The only way Osclow saw to redeem himself was to devote his life to Tia and to never settle for merely standing aside for matters concerning those he cared about.

“Tia…You shall have your palace some day”

This was the promise he made to his now-adopted daughter one night as she slept. Thus began Osclow’s adventuring career, while Tia waits behind in the loving care of her aunt Esmee. In time, Osclow came to realize however that all his daughter truly wished for was a loving family and for the bard to be the loving father he always was.

Reasons for coming to Sundren:
Osclow had been working as a sellsword and entertainer-for-hire along the Sword Coast about 3 months before he first met Fenton during the investigation of a supposedly unknown ruin. Though the two worked well together in discovering an old artifact, Fenton was concerned about a dispute on the rise as to who gets to keep the artifact itself. Surprisingly to Fenton, Osclow’s very first offer was to sell it and split the gold 50-50. Not once did he opt for a greater cut or try to backstab Fenton, even when he was “baited” with several opportunities. In time, the two became good friends and business partners working along the Sword Coast and Waterdeep. Their business in the City of Splendors came to a grinding halt after Fenton seduced a young noblewoman by the name of Jaseima Quinalt, only to disappear from her bed the morning after. Jaseima had connections to rather unscrupulous individuals, whom she ordered to capture Fenton and Osclow, after doing what they could to ruin their good name with frequent customers and potential clients. Now constantly losing coin and ducking law enforcements after being framed for stealing from a church of Tyr, Osclow and Fenton had no choice but to venture elsewhere for profit. Various rumors spoke of a city-state to the north with opportunities to be had. This land was called Sundren. Quickly and quietly, Osclow and Fenton snuck away with the gold they had remaining. Little was heard from Jaseima after she learned of Fenton’s disappearance, however rumors state that she has not forgotten or forgiven Fenton or the man who helped him escape.

Family History-
The Witenholm family is said to be able to trace it's origins several hundred years back, and would be able to do so further if not for a tragic incident that caused the loss of much of their records (and the creation of one of the more important rules of their family). The earliest known Wiltenholm is generally agreed to have been Rufaris Wiltenholm, who was a skilled arcane swordsman and adventurer. Some older records exist in the hands of the eldest members of the family, who claim that they do not wish to let the rest of the family see them until they are complete. This will help prevent the further spread of wild tales and exaggerations that the Wiltenholms are already partially prone to regarding their own history. Much of the Wiltenholm family history is linked together with the Larkmeadow family, comprised mostly of elves. Both families have records of their bloodlines often working side by side in numerous occasions for various goals.

The Wiltenholm family contains a fair amount of bardic spellsong artists and sorcerers. In time, the family has found unique ways to draw upon many peculiar powers typically through the use of special inks and glyph markings either on their skin or an article of clothing. The origin of the power within the Wiltenholm bloodline is a mystery, which has given rise to numerous theories.

The Gods of Knowledge are the predominent faith among the Wiltenholms. Following other gods is not prohibited as long as the rules of the family are not broken.

One of the most well-known bits of lore spread among the family is the existance of a force known as the Silver Threads of Fate, thin translucent silver threads that appear on certain indviduals. So far, the Wiltenholm family has only speculated and theorized what this is precisely. Some say it is a mark of fate placed by the gods. Some say it may even be a force greater than the gods and is merely guided by their hand much as Mystra guides the Weave. Whatever the belief, all Wiltenholms believe the existance of the Threads to be of great importance ever since the documentation of several individuals that possess the Threads (known as Threadbearers to the family) completing grand tasks all over Faerun.

Family Rules-
Though the Wiltenholm family is, more or less, not known for any real respect to authority, there are six rules that must always be abided by.

I.- Under NO circumstances is the Overseer to be mentioned by name and no conversations regarding the Overseer are allowed.
II.- The orders of the Jointed One are absolute.
III.- Never shall services or coin of the family be given to divine orders which the Gods of Knowledge deem foes: Bane, Talos, Myrkul, Bhaal, Mask, and Cyric.
IV.- It is the duty of all within the family, other than the Jointed One or any appointed Bloodnote Scribes, to aid any and all Electus. Their orders are to be followed and their fates are to be realized.
V.- It is the duty of all within the family to aid any and all Threadbearers offically recognized by the Jointed One.
VI.- No marriages between the Wiltenholm family and the Larkmeadow family shall be recognized without the approval of the Jointed One or an appointed Bloodnote Scribe.

Osclow is rarely without a whimsical smile, smirk, or at least a friendly nod to those he meets. He is kind-hearted, charismatic, and a quick thinker. At times he seems to lack concentration or focus, though the balance as to how much of this is real and how much is for show is difficult to tell at times. He has a somewhat odd outlook on life, commonly referring to events taking place in the land and in people's lives to be "chapters" of a grand "story".

Though technically human, Osclow's body has been altered slightly from his experience with Rexensis, a dark sword who's power was fueled by Bane and Osclow once wielded in hopes of gaining the power he needed to help those precious to him. Thanks to the actions of the Triumvirate, Osclow was eventually freed from the sword's control, but not until it had left it's 'mark' upon him. Upon his chest is burned a symbol of Bane, which spreads its black markings further over his skin to this day. According to Melchior, Osclow's soul is still his own, but his flesh belongs to Bane. The extension of Osclow's condition is not entirely known. What has been discovered is that he cannot wield holy weapons without eventually corrupting them, he does not scar easily, he is prone to occasional nightmares (though this has waned considerably as of late), and he becomes wrought with panic when in the presence of Banite temples and artifacts (even when under the effects of fear-suppressing spells).

Officially, Osclow is a Neverwinter citizen, as Navil is officially recognized as Neverwinter territory. He seems quite proud of this, even going as far as to have the Neverwinter eye symbol sewn into the tabard of his armor.

Allies and Enemies: After being arrested on Thayan soil and destined for slavery, the Legion offered to purchase Osclow and grant him his freedom in exchange for two years of military service. Osclow agreed and after serving his contract, discontinued his relationship with the Legion. He now works as an ally to the Wardens of the Viridale and Corps d' Grace, though his true allegiance is to another.

Osclow biggest foe is the Black Hand. He utterly despises the Banites, not only for what they stand for, but also because he blames them for his darkest of secrets: the mark upon his chest and the alterations it has caused to his body. Osclow also bears a deep hatred for the Luskans creating the blockade, as well as Luskan in general. Of course this is pretty typical of a proud Neverwinter citizen.

Significant Relationships:

  • Tia: Osclow's adopted daughter, who brought about the beginning of Osclow's adventuring career. She now resides happily with her father within their home in the Viridale Druid's Glade. Intelligent for her age, she's also become quite curious about the Viridale, and can often be found going for distant walks and climbing trees, much to the dismay of her sometimes overprotective father.
  • Esmee Vindel: A childhood friend of Osclow and aunt to Tia. After having helped raised Tia for so long, Osclow had no intentions of separating the two with the making of the Viridale Forest their new home. Being an alchemist who specializes in natural formulas, she fell in love with her Viridale home and is constantly at work brewing new experiments using the rare flora of the forest. Though talented, she seems to have utterly lost her sense of smell and cannot tell when her brews (or cooking) produce pungent aromas that could bring tears to most. She also seems lacking of any sense of proportion, making her brews far too powerful and her dishes far too spicy.
  • Fenton Tellens: Osclow's best friend, whom is also the reason for the two coming to Sundren. Much of Fenton's past is a mystery that either Osclow is unwilling to tell, or simply does not know. Greedy, cynical, and lacking of tact, most of Osclow's friends and allies generally see Fenton as an untrusting sort, and some outright hate him. Regardless, Osclow seems unwilling to cast aside their friendship. Quite opposite to how he acts to most others, Fenton is actually quite nice to Osclow's children, who gleefully refer to him as their 'Uncle Fenny'.
  • Annaleen Hanssen: A beautiful, young, high-spirited druid of Sundren under the service of Chauntea and Silvanus. At first merely good friends, she and Osclow came to see something more of one another, fell in love, eventually married, and had two children. They now work together toward maintaining the peace of the Viridale and keeping it a place suitable to raise their three girls. Annie often finds herself the voice of reason for Osclow's occasional reckless 'woolheaded' behavior.
  • Ivy & Ida Wiltenholm: Twin girls born of Osclow and Annie. Now toddlers, they spend their time mostly following their big sister Tia or causing trouble in some other fashion, having inheirited their father's curiousity and their mother's spunk.
  • Maia Nanethiel: A kind-hearted, yet strong willed elven ranger whom Osclow has become somewhat close to. The two get along remarkably well and the moon elf has become not only one of the must trustworthy individuals in the bard's eyes but also one of the most worthy to reveal sides of himself he does not show to many. Much to the annoyance of the two of them, it seems many have begun speculations that the two are getting far too 'close' to be just friends. This may account on them being seen rarely together outside of the Viridale as of late.
  • Rastellia: A sultry follower of Sharess and a powerful wielder of spellsong, much like Osclow. Rastellia is currently one of Osclow's closest friends, as well as one of the few people he trusts with one of his deepest secrets. Osclow claims that Rastellia is one of the few people he knows who's wit he is actually somewhat envious of.
  • Hano Fetten: A brave and selfless knight of Torm. Once one of the Threadbearers, Osclow served Hano faithfully and became more of a friend than a simple servant of family duty. As of late, Osclow cannot see the Silver Threads upon Hano any longer. Though first chalking this up to a lack of ability on his own part, he now believes it is simply because Hano's time as a 'hero' has passed, at least as far as destiny (or whatever the Threads represent) is concerned.
  • Melchior: The kindly and wise leader of the Ilmatari within the Triumvirate Temple. It was Melchior, with Hano's aid, who freed Osclow from the grip of Rexensis by trapping the dark sword within a sheath of light and storing the cursed blade within the Triumvirate vault, unable to destroy the blade due to its connection to Osclow. Believing paladins to be not the type to keep secrets, Osclow now watches Melchior with a careful and wary eye. He is thankful for all he has done, but also slightly worried about whether or not his 'tainted body' shall one day be deemed necessary to destroy.
  • Peridan Twilight: A straightforward, no-nonesense elven warrior who served as Osclow's partner and commanding officer during his time in the Legion. Despite their somewhat conflicting personalities and completely opposite points of view regarding law and order, the two get along remarkably well.
  • Jessica Alexander: A clever and talented rogue of the shadows, Jessica was once a lover to Osclow. However, circumstances beyond their control drove them apart. Still caring deeply for her, Osclow strives to help her fight her tortured past and the inner darkness that slowly strives to consume her. Osclow has yet to discover what is perhaps her darkest of all.
  • Sol Sunderkin: A hin wizard and inventor who specializes in golems and dreams of one day creating a learning institution that can rival that of Candlekeep. Her demonic heritage however, provided many problems in this regard and forced her to seek out a new body. Using a combination of golemology and the spellsong glyph arts of her friend Osclow, she succeeded in creating a new doll-like body that retained her soul and all the memories attatched to it. No longer having to worry about her bloodline posing a problem, she left Sundren, supposedly to pursue her dream.
  • Lauan Tissle: A high-ranking Thayan Knight and former lover to Osclow. After their intimate relationship fell apart, the two became rather fierce enemies. Luckily, their conflict has rarely escalated beyond the point of verbal mudslinging. While this sometimes proves to be comedic, it has done little to improve the level of maturity of the bard and thayan knight in the eyes of many of their friends and allies.
  • Tamryn Jorandur: A powerful follower of the Triumvirate, wife to Hano, and good friend of Osclow's. When he worked as an informant to the Triumvirate, most of the information Osclow provided went either to her or Melchior. Though never actually seeing the Threads upon her, Osclow is convinced she was once a Threadbearer.
  • Cybil Gelley: A radiant young woman touched by the power of Ilmater. A close friend, Os finds himself often protective of this noble warrior for reasons he himself seems unaware of. Ironically, she can take care of herself better than Osclow can. One of the two captains of the Corp de Grace of Sestra, Cybil works hard to help Setra recover from the war with the Siltherscale. Osclow aids in whatever manner he can, mostly providing his insight as a Loremaster or working as one of Cybil's informants, though she does not always seem to like the bard's chaotic ways.
  • Cirion Reliun: A knight of Sune attempting to overcome numerous obstacles in his life. Though he would perhaps never admit it, Os sees much of himself in Cirion, and is sympathetic for much he tries to overcome. Recently, he has been trying to teach Cirion the finer arts of spellsong techniques passed down within his own family. With Cirion already being remarkably talented in the ways of spellsong, Os is convinced he could be the key to a theory that his family's arts can be used by those not bearing their bloodline. Cirion is the second of the two captains in charge of the Corp de Grace in Sestra and another whom often employs Os as an informant. Much like Cybil, Cirion strives hard to help Sestra restore, and perhaps surpass, the glory it once held.
  • Yashia Jadysvarion: Undead hunter, tracker, and devout servant to the people of Sundren and the ways of good and decency, few people have gained as much respect from Osclow as Yashia. Attracted to her devotion and strong spirit, the bard once entertained a romantic pursuit of her. This stopped even quicker than it began though, as the bard opted to instead always aid her in her more serious tasks defending the valley. Despite their friendship, Yashia seems uneasy at Osclow's willingness to use deception and trickery for what he sees as the greater good.
  • Eira Skald: An Aurilite with a cold heart and disposition that keeps most at a respectable distance, where she perfers. Though she is more a friend of Osclow's wife Annie, the two have at least a modicum of respect for one another and don't seem to mind working together and even sharing a joke or two. Most of Osclow's other friends however, either despise or are terrified of Eira.
  • Aerick: A favored one of Oghma, who Osclow is determined to help reach his destiny, as is the duty of the Wiltenholm family. Uneasy at Osclow unrelenting determination and the fact that he reminds him of the monks that sheltered and coddled him as a child, Aerick often finds himself somewhat irritated by Osclow's actions. Unlike Osclow, Aerick does not seem to think there is anything particularly special about him. Osclow often deems him "Electus", a term used commonly by the Wiltenholm family for favored ones of the Gods of Knowledge.
  • Kathryn Blake: A powerful sorceress and former resident of Sundren, the length of Osclow and Kathryn's relationship is unknown by most. However, while in Sundren he seemed extremely protective of her, as much a servant as he was a friend, never questioning her orders and even willing to die for her. Osclow is either lying when he says he did not understand this behavior, or something else was afoot. Kathryn's reasons for leaving Sundren are believed to be entirely selfish, yet Osclow insists that is not the case. Despite his insistance, he seems unwilling to elaborate. The bard has let slip occasionally that Kathryn is currently studying in Candlekeep.
  • Etria: An elven smith and artificer with near unrivaled ability in her craft. She and Osclow get along remarkably well, constantly joking one moment then slipping into deep philosophical discussions the next. She is the creator of Osclow's favored weapon, the Stormsinger, a powerful adamantine blade covered in runes similar to those upon Osclow's gloves. It is said when the blade is swung by the bard, storms erupt and deep sounds like a rumbling percussion instrument can be heard. Currently visiting other lands, Etria has not been seen in some time. It is said she and Osclow are trying to arrange some kind of communication method beyond just simple letters, but have so far been unsuccessful.
  • Elusa: A friend to Osclow and follower of Selune who has undergone a strange alteration, splitting into various personalities. Having been trusted with the secrecy and execution of the ritual that was supposed to save Elusa and failed, Osclow feels somewhat responsible for her current condition. Often he adopts a guilty look in her presence even after she was said to be cured.
  • Professor Gryff: One of the head professors of Sundren University and perhaps the busiest man in Sundren. His knowledge of alchemy is second to none, but he seems unwilling to help just anyone. Osclow is one of the few that can coax him away from his busy schedule, but even he fails more often than not and even when he CAN pull him away, he can only do so briefly. Regardless, Osclow speaks about him with nothing but praise and as a fellow follower of Deneir often fetches the professor rare goods and material for his research.
  • Professor Renwald Teion: Osclow and Esmee's teacher from Navil, whom they still today often address as "Master". A researcher of ancient lore and a master of arcane and divine powers, it never seemed to occur to Osclow how strange it is that a man of such power and knowledge would reside in his small hometown. Osclow seems rather convinced that he is Teion's 'star pupil' but this has yet to be confirmed.
  • Jointed One Narisold Wiltenholm: The eldest member of the Wiltenholm family. An immensely powerful sorcerer who Osclow speaks little of... even to his own wife and most trusted friends. Even the mere mention of him makes the bard shake uncomfortably.
  • Agent K: ???

Miscellaneous Information:

  • Osclow is a talented crafter of marionettes. It is said he has made a puppet with the likeness of many individuals within Sundren, including Hano, Fenton, Yashia, Tamryn, The Keeper, and the late Kemnebi. These puppets are occasionally used in Osclow's street performances.