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Rholt Kanar can be very passionate about his views and for better or worse trys to make a difference. He can be easily annoyed but does his best to keep his temper under control and more often than not trys to be diplomatic with others. Rholt is far from the definition of physically fit but what he lacks in strength he makes up for with knowledge. Recently Rholt has been finding himself more and more troubled with his beliefs and faith in the humanoid races. After seeing so much corruption during his stay in Luskan its left him vulnerable to be swayed to the darker way of viewing things.


'''-History-''' <br>
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Grabbing what food remained in the house and a small stash of copper and gold he kept hidden under a loose floor board Rholt fled Waterdeep.
Grabbing what food remained in the house and a small stash of copper and gold he kept hidden under a loose floor board Rholt fled Waterdeep.
'''First entry:'''
Well things finally appear to be looking up for me for a change. I've safely arrived at Port Avanthyr and the people here seem courteous enough. An elf who I believe went by the name of Asliena was kind enough to treat me to an ale and some conversation. She was also nice enough to give me an overview of the Port though I find her information concerning the guards disheartening but something I can concern myself with later. Eventually she had business to attend to so we went our separate ways.I happened to come across a dwarven smith that needed some one to retrieve some smithing tools or what not.I really wish he had warned me concerning the weight of the crate... had I known it was going to be so heavy I may have reconsidered helping.
After delivering the crate to the smith I had planned to explore the Port more but happened upon a little man that went by the name of Rokko. He seems nice enough but at least for the moment I don't think I can trust him but I'm willing to give him a chance. He was looking for work so I let him know about the smith and showed him where to pick the smiths supplies up.It was rather amusing watching him try and carry the crate back to Port Avanthyr. I must admit that I was impressed that he managed to get the crate all the way back safely. He has determination if nothing else and I can respect that.
It would seem I made the right decision to head to Sundren and not take my chances heading back to Waterdeep. My good friend Leon is living here now as well and he seems to be doing well enough. We talked for awhile concerning how we both have been holding up and I told him why I had to leave Luskan so abruptly. After we finished catching up we headed up to the near by trading post to meet a friend of his. He warned me she was pretty gruff and well he wasn't kidding. While I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt something about her doesn't seem right but since shes friends with Leon I'll give her a chance.
'''Second Entry:'''
Well I now can no longer feel my feet and I ache all over but I suppose I should be grateful that I arrived safely back at the trade post. While the Gate of the Sunderer was mighty impressive I'm beginning to question my wisdom in deciding to walk there and all the way back. Still I can't help but admire the beauty that I observed traveling to the gate. I wish I had more time to study the area but it will have to wait until a future date.
While at the Exigo trading post I encountered an interesting elf that went by the name of "Cat".Seems like an odd alias to me and while I was tempted to press him for information it didn't seem prudent after conversing with him for awhile. After feeling rested I decided to make my way back to Sundren City to see if I could learn more about the legion and the city's local politics. However before I could leave Leon's "gruff" friend wandered into the trade post. Taking advantage of the fact Leon was not here I figured I would press her for information concerning her past.
I tried to make small talk with her about where she hunted for rabbit but it would seem she was more interested in pointing out the error in my generalized question .To say the least I was rather annoyed with that but I did my best to keep myself composed. Continuing with my questions I discovered that apparently they'd known each other for almost two years. Seems that she has some feelings for Leon too and while I suspect that she won't admit to it I think theres something more there than just "friendship". That being said I'm not sure how far I want to press this particular topic considering Id rather not know certain details.
To my surprise I was actually able to make her laugh so I guess she actually has other emotion than "gruff". Though not to my surprise pointing out this fact to her brought the "gruff" right back out. Which I found rather amusing though I don't think she appreciated that a whole lot.... Oh well. After further conversing I found that she apparently has some sort of wolf companion. I feel compelled to study it and I pressed her to allow me but she seemed apprehensive about the idea. Though after following her all over Sundren city I think I may have softened her to the idea. Well see where this goes....
'''Third Entry:'''
I'm still not sure what happened I thought I was heading to the Exigo Expedition camp?Its very hard to write my head is still ringing and it would seem I'm currently in Sestra now.I think I'm going to lay down... maybe this ringing will stop gods I feel horrible.
'''Forth Entry:'''
Well my head after a days rest seems to have cleared up though I still physically feel like I just ran a hundred miles. I can't seem to get any clear answers as to why I'm in Sestra... I'll have to assume the worse happened and some one looked favorably on me this time. Well no more reason to stay here I think I'm going to try and find Leon or that gruff ranger friend of his back at the trade camp.
'''Fifth Entry:'''
Leon nor Willow seem to be around... probably off romping around the woods together. Returning to the trading post seems to have worked out in my favor though. I've been conversing with an elf that goes by the name of Anorith. She was kind enough to help bring me up to speed on the comings and goings of Sundren. I learned a fare amount about the Kurz Cartel and why I'm going to be avoiding the Viridale forests. I think I'm going to look into what else is being done concerning the Kurz Cartel, I want to know if something is truly being done or they are just being kept at bay.
'''Sixth Entry:'''
Well I have to admit this sell sword that goes by the name of well... "sword" seems like a reasonable enough of a person. As much as I find him annoying he doesn't appear to be a threat and for the most part has some reasonable views concerning "politicians". We chatted for awhile and I explained that I was learning what I could about Sundren's politics. As we talked an odd man wearing leathers and a hood that obstructed his face approached us seeing if we were interested in helping him. Well after trying to make heads or tails of his gibberish we knew thats what he wanted. He seems to go by the name of "Vee" an odd fellow that is for certain. Against my better judgment I've agreed to go along with them to the Viridale forest. While I don't think I'm going to be of any use in a fight I can't pass up a chance to observe an actual gnoll..... even if its being hacked to pieces. I'm sure whatever I get to observe of the gnolls will be to my benefit.
Seventh Entry:
I can't believe this! Well I won't be going against my better judgment again nor try to observe anything hostile for awhile. I don't know what happened out in the forest but I'll be damned if it wasn't a one way trip to a near by temple. Gods I ache all over... I think I'm going to stick to the city for awhile. I really hate to admit this but incidents like this are really making it hard for me to hold much faith in others. Well.. no I can't let myself think like its still worth the effort to try and make a difference and continue my studies.

Latest revision as of 19:02, 4 March 2009

Name: Rholt Kanar
Title: None
Home/Location: Sundren
Birthplace: Unknown but believed to be Waredeep
Age: 28
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Deity: Azuth
Alignment: LN

Rholt Kanar can be very passionate about his views and for better or worse trys to make a difference. He can be easily annoyed but does his best to keep his temper under control and more often than not trys to be diplomatic with others. Rholt is far from the definition of physically fit but what he lacks in strength he makes up for with knowledge. Recently Rholt has been finding himself more and more troubled with his beliefs and faith in the humanoid races. After seeing so much corruption during his stay in Luskan its left him vulnerable to be swayed to the darker way of viewing things.


Rubbing an eye Rholt blinked back the desire to continue to sleep and stared at the ceiling of his tiny room. Laying there he thought to himself "I can't keep doing this its the same thing day after day I really...". But before he could finish the thought he heard a loud repeated thud against his door causing dirt and dust to gently rain down on him. "Rholt hurry it up in there! You are going to make us late again and so help me my son your mother will not quell my wrath this time!" his father bellowed from behind the door. Raff was not a brute nor a violent man but he was a man of little patients and Rholt's tardiness was quickly burning through what little he had. Casting aside his blanket Rholt stumbled out of bed knocking over his night stand as he frantically dressed himself with cloths from the prior day.

Rholt swung open the door and greeted his father's scowl with a mischievous grin. Raff was not amused so Rholt carefully maneuvered around his father, through the kitchen and out the door passed his mother. He yelled back inside to his father "Alright lets go Raff Id like to leave before you and the militia's battering ram decide to destroy my door...". Gilda smiled and kissed Raff on the cheek "Please try not to fight with the boy you know hes bored with the work... ". Raff let out an annoyed sigh "I know hun I know I've seen the books hes bartered for... hes more interested in learning... its just he needs to learn some respect!". Gilda smiled and placed her hands on his shoulders "I know and we can discuss more later but now you are going cause the two of you to be late". Raff smiled and held her hand for a moment then stepped out through the door to catch up with Rholt.

The sun had only been in the sky for a few hours and it had already become uncomfortably hot.Glaring at the sun Rholt stopped offloading cargo and began to wipe his brow. Doing the best he could with out causing another argument Raff tried his best to tactfully encourage Rholt to get back to work. Unfortunately for Raff his ability to be tactful is on par with a drunk dwarf stitching a wound with a rusted needle. Rholt flushed red with anger and shoved a stack of crates over and began yelling at Raff. With his arms up in the air "You know your right Raff! I'm just a lazy kid you know what just say it I know that you and Gilda regret taking me in! I'm just a big lazy failure to you right?". Raff bellowed back "Now wait just one damn minute! I didn't mean it that way and you know it!". The yelling began to draw the attention of every one with in ear shot much to Raff's embarrassment. Raff began to stammer "Rholt please let me explain I did not intend to belittle you I just....". But before Raff could finish Rholt stormed off shoving his way through the crowed that had gathered to watch.

Raff began to pursue Rholt but before he could take but a few steps some one placed their hand on his shoulder. Raff turned to see a tall portly man that was well dressed and obviously some one of considerable wealth. The man spoke with a heavy accent "Hello my good sir I believe we need to talk about the crates your little whelp just destroyed. Their contents was of considerable value you see....".

Seeing that his father was no longer pursuing him Rholt ducked into an alleyway and sat on the remains of a barrel. He had no idea what to do next, he couldn't go home not yet he needed a plan. Waiting until morning Rholt began to meander his way through the back alleys and streets to his parents home. Stopping he noticed something was wrong the door to the house had been forcefully removed. Rholt fearing for his parents ran in through the open doorway.Before he even had a chance to react some one clotheslined him in the throat. Rholt hit the ground with a thud and rolled onto his side coughing and sputtering. After catching his breath he groaned and sat up the best he could. Blinking he looked up to see two large men towering over him.

The more brutish of the two picked him up by the collar of his shirt. The other spoke slowly and pointedly to Rholt "Now listen here boy and listen good. Your parents have fled and while our boss didn't want to make a mere boy pay for his ruined property.... with your parents gone he has no choice.". Rholt sputtered "I... I'm sorry! I don't have any money! I..I". Before Rholt could say another word the thug tossed him to the ground "You have a week boy one week to get the money oh and read the letter on the table it says how much you owe!".

Rholt lay there his body hurt all over and he was afraid more afraid than he had ever been before. It took him some time to motivate himself to get up but as the day approached noon he dragged himself onto his feet. Picking up a chair that had been knocked on its side he sat at the table and read through the letter. He grimaced at the amount it was so much and there was no way he would ever convince any one to lend him the needed gold. Thinking out loud he decided to leave Waterdeep "What choice do I have I've got to flee or who knows what they will do to me.".

Grabbing what food remained in the house and a small stash of copper and gold he kept hidden under a loose floor board Rholt fled Waterdeep.


First entry:

Well things finally appear to be looking up for me for a change. I've safely arrived at Port Avanthyr and the people here seem courteous enough. An elf who I believe went by the name of Asliena was kind enough to treat me to an ale and some conversation. She was also nice enough to give me an overview of the Port though I find her information concerning the guards disheartening but something I can concern myself with later. Eventually she had business to attend to so we went our separate ways.I happened to come across a dwarven smith that needed some one to retrieve some smithing tools or what not.I really wish he had warned me concerning the weight of the crate... had I known it was going to be so heavy I may have reconsidered helping.

After delivering the crate to the smith I had planned to explore the Port more but happened upon a little man that went by the name of Rokko. He seems nice enough but at least for the moment I don't think I can trust him but I'm willing to give him a chance. He was looking for work so I let him know about the smith and showed him where to pick the smiths supplies up.It was rather amusing watching him try and carry the crate back to Port Avanthyr. I must admit that I was impressed that he managed to get the crate all the way back safely. He has determination if nothing else and I can respect that.

It would seem I made the right decision to head to Sundren and not take my chances heading back to Waterdeep. My good friend Leon is living here now as well and he seems to be doing well enough. We talked for awhile concerning how we both have been holding up and I told him why I had to leave Luskan so abruptly. After we finished catching up we headed up to the near by trading post to meet a friend of his. He warned me she was pretty gruff and well he wasn't kidding. While I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt something about her doesn't seem right but since shes friends with Leon I'll give her a chance.

Second Entry:

Well I now can no longer feel my feet and I ache all over but I suppose I should be grateful that I arrived safely back at the trade post. While the Gate of the Sunderer was mighty impressive I'm beginning to question my wisdom in deciding to walk there and all the way back. Still I can't help but admire the beauty that I observed traveling to the gate. I wish I had more time to study the area but it will have to wait until a future date.

While at the Exigo trading post I encountered an interesting elf that went by the name of "Cat".Seems like an odd alias to me and while I was tempted to press him for information it didn't seem prudent after conversing with him for awhile. After feeling rested I decided to make my way back to Sundren City to see if I could learn more about the legion and the city's local politics. However before I could leave Leon's "gruff" friend wandered into the trade post. Taking advantage of the fact Leon was not here I figured I would press her for information concerning her past.

I tried to make small talk with her about where she hunted for rabbit but it would seem she was more interested in pointing out the error in my generalized question .To say the least I was rather annoyed with that but I did my best to keep myself composed. Continuing with my questions I discovered that apparently they'd known each other for almost two years. Seems that she has some feelings for Leon too and while I suspect that she won't admit to it I think theres something more there than just "friendship". That being said I'm not sure how far I want to press this particular topic considering Id rather not know certain details.

To my surprise I was actually able to make her laugh so I guess she actually has other emotion than "gruff". Though not to my surprise pointing out this fact to her brought the "gruff" right back out. Which I found rather amusing though I don't think she appreciated that a whole lot.... Oh well. After further conversing I found that she apparently has some sort of wolf companion. I feel compelled to study it and I pressed her to allow me but she seemed apprehensive about the idea. Though after following her all over Sundren city I think I may have softened her to the idea. Well see where this goes....

Third Entry:

I'm still not sure what happened I thought I was heading to the Exigo Expedition camp?Its very hard to write my head is still ringing and it would seem I'm currently in Sestra now.I think I'm going to lay down... maybe this ringing will stop gods I feel horrible.

Forth Entry:

Well my head after a days rest seems to have cleared up though I still physically feel like I just ran a hundred miles. I can't seem to get any clear answers as to why I'm in Sestra... I'll have to assume the worse happened and some one looked favorably on me this time. Well no more reason to stay here I think I'm going to try and find Leon or that gruff ranger friend of his back at the trade camp.

Fifth Entry:

Leon nor Willow seem to be around... probably off romping around the woods together. Returning to the trading post seems to have worked out in my favor though. I've been conversing with an elf that goes by the name of Anorith. She was kind enough to help bring me up to speed on the comings and goings of Sundren. I learned a fare amount about the Kurz Cartel and why I'm going to be avoiding the Viridale forests. I think I'm going to look into what else is being done concerning the Kurz Cartel, I want to know if something is truly being done or they are just being kept at bay.

Sixth Entry:

Well I have to admit this sell sword that goes by the name of well... "sword" seems like a reasonable enough of a person. As much as I find him annoying he doesn't appear to be a threat and for the most part has some reasonable views concerning "politicians". We chatted for awhile and I explained that I was learning what I could about Sundren's politics. As we talked an odd man wearing leathers and a hood that obstructed his face approached us seeing if we were interested in helping him. Well after trying to make heads or tails of his gibberish we knew thats what he wanted. He seems to go by the name of "Vee" an odd fellow that is for certain. Against my better judgment I've agreed to go along with them to the Viridale forest. While I don't think I'm going to be of any use in a fight I can't pass up a chance to observe an actual gnoll..... even if its being hacked to pieces. I'm sure whatever I get to observe of the gnolls will be to my benefit.

Seventh Entry:

I can't believe this! Well I won't be going against my better judgment again nor try to observe anything hostile for awhile. I don't know what happened out in the forest but I'll be damned if it wasn't a one way trip to a near by temple. Gods I ache all over... I think I'm going to stick to the city for awhile. I really hate to admit this but incidents like this are really making it hard for me to hold much faith in others. Well.. no I can't let myself think like its still worth the effort to try and make a difference and continue my studies.