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Deity: Mielikki <br>
Deity: Mielikki <br>
Alignment: Chaotic Good <br>
Alignment: Chaotic Good <br>
Summary: <br><br>
Ashana is a new member of the Wychlaran. She is unique in that she uses Eldrich magic in her efforts to support the Rasemi cause. Her Eldrich powers most likely stem from her parentage for she is part Fey. She is quite small in stature and very slender. She has high cheakbones and her eyes and hair allude to her unusually heritage.

History: <br><br>
History: <br><br>

Latest revision as of 12:10, 29 October 2009

Name: Ashana Tearloch
Home/Location: Rashamen
Birthplace: Rashamen
Age: 20
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Deity: Mielikki
Alignment: Chaotic Good


Ashana is a new member of the Wychlaran. She is unique in that she uses Eldrich magic in her efforts to support the Rasemi cause. Her Eldrich powers most likely stem from her parentage for she is part Fey. She is quite small in stature and very slender. She has high cheakbones and her eyes and hair allude to her unusually heritage.


Ashana was born in Rashamen near the Lake of Tears, Lake Ashane. Her father, Dolim, is a farmer his lands not far from the Lake Ashane. Her mother was a Fey living in that lake and seduced Dolim she later fell in love as well and diecided to have his child. Noone knows where she is now, only that Dolim was given costody of the child when she was still and infant. He raised her until the age of seven when her Eldrich talents began to manifest and he no longer knew what to do with her. He brought her to the Wychlaran in the hopes they could help her.

There she was studied and cared for. Eventually, when the witches decided her powers were of no threat, they began to train her. Life was difficult for her among the withches. Not one of them really understood her talents and she was often made the butt of pranks and garnered no friends among the other innitiates. Dispite this she learned quickly and the skills others needed to pratice came naturally for her.

Not yet a full witch, she uncovers a Thayan plot to harm the the nation. She is able to thwart the ultimate goal of this red wizard but he escapes. She is made a Wychlaran and charged with bringing the red wizard to justice. It is that chace that leads her to sundren.


She is mistrusting of outsiders and her status as anomaly within her order has made her fiercly independent. She stongly believes in the tennants of Rashemi society. From her mother comes her penchant for rash behavior and action before thought. Her father traits can be seen in her fierce loyalty and devotion to her cause. Both her solitary life growing up with Dolim and her years studying alone in the Wychlaran schools make it very difficult for her to "play with others" she is slow to trust and always waits for the next joke to be made at her expense.


They Fey blood along with the Rashemi penchant for harsh action make chaotic a sutible postion on the order axis. While her belief in the Rashemi cause and the care her father took in raising her in her formative years make good the natural choice for the ethic axis.


Ashana was unable to follow most of her sisters in their worship of Mystra. She was drawn to a small congregation near by that worshiped Mielikki. The natural perspective of the Mielikki teaching resonated well with her wild side.


She now travels with two other Rashemi whom she has learned to trust. They are all that remain of the Fang of thirty that she left Rashamen with.