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<b>The Present</b>
<b>The Present</b>

In quiet mourning for Kaldaris, but determined to see her adopted homeland made safe, Tamryn returned to Sundren and the Temple of the Triumvirate. She found the reputation of Torm and the Temple in good hands, and now seeks to aid the new allies and devotees of the Triumvirate in their war against the Black Hand's spreading influence. As her recent involvement in the capture of the man once known as Landaren shows, there is more than enough work to go around.
In quiet mourning for Kaldaris, but determined to see her adopted homeland made safe, Tamryn returned to Sundren and the Temple of the Triumvirate. She found the reputation of Torm and the Temple in good hands, and now seeks to aid the new allies and devotees of the Triumvirate in their war against the Black Hand's spreading influence.
Tamryn aided sir Hano, Lida, and others as well as a sizable contingent of Exigo Syndicate guards in apprehending the Banite leader Neradnal Ill'koresh. However, it was a short-lived victory when Elric Gallows, aided by the newly-revealed "traitor" Karthus El'than, kidnapped Hano and Nulnius to hold them against Neradnal's release. Tam's subsequent attempt to free them, aided by Sehron and Balthasar, ended in disaster and Sehron's capture. However, the Banite Tifton released all three captives for reasons unknown; less that two days later, Neradnal was also freed from Sundren city jail.
Now confronted by a host of issues surrounding the Artifact and the machinations of the Talonites, as well as by the issue of Karthus, Tamryn finds herself unsure regarding many things that she once held to be inviolable.

<b>Significant Relationships</b>
<b>Significant Relationships</b>
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[[Tamara Roth]]: Tamryn's connection to the former commander of the Scarlet Lions and Banite defector are unclear to those who have not been taken into her trust, but she seems very familiar with the woman's presence and history in Sundren.
[[Tamara Roth]]: Tamryn's connection to the former commander of the Scarlet Lions and Banite defector are unclear to those who have not been taken into her trust, but she seems very familiar with the woman's presence and history in Sundren.

[[Kaldaris Kelenvale]]: Her lover and eventually fiancee, member of the Right Hand. Tamryn currently believes him dead after he failed to planeshift back to the Prime with her, and all of her subsequent efforts to scry have found nothing. She still wears her engagement ring, partially to honor his memory and partially because it also contains useful magic.
[[Kaldaris Kelenvale]]: Her lover and eventually fiancee, member of the Right Hand. He failed to planeshift back to the Prime with her, and all of her subsequent efforts to scry have found nothing. She still wears her engagement ring, partially to honor his memory and partially because it also contains useful magic.
Lida's recent revelation that she'd seen Kaldaris less than two weeks before Tamryn's arrival, within the time that she had returned to the Prime, raises new questions and reopens old wounds. She's currently unsure of his status.

[[Sigrun Hael]]: The gruff Northern woodsman became Tamryn's close friend after a rocky introduction over an issue regarding the hunting of the vampire Sylloven. She has no current knowledge of his whereabouts, but knows of his tendency to roam and so is not exceptionally worried about his welfare.
[[Sigrun Hael]]: The gruff Northern woodsman became Tamryn's close friend after a rocky introduction over an issue regarding the hunting of the vampire Sylloven. She has no current knowledge of his whereabouts, but knows of his tendency to roam and so is not exceptionally worried about his welfare.
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[[Hano Fetten]]: Over a very short period of time, Tamryn has come to put great trust in her fellow agent of the Triumvirate. She sees much of herself in him, both for good and for bad. She also feels a great lifting of burden off her shoulders now that someone besides her has taken up a mantle of leadership, although she does worry about how hard he is working -- a worry that comes from her own experience.
[[Hano Fetten]]: Over a very short period of time, Tamryn has come to put great trust in her fellow agent of the Triumvirate. She sees much of herself in him, both for good and for bad. She also feels a great lifting of burden off her shoulders now that someone besides her has taken up a mantle of leadership, although she does worry about how hard he is working -- a worry that comes from her own experience.
[[Karthus El'Than]]: Tam's growing friendship and mutual respect of Karthus was cut short when she departed Sundren; her return found her staring at posters indicating that he had betrayed Sundren and taken up arms with the Veritas. She resents him greatly for his assistance of Elric, but recent conversations and actions have confused her as to his nature and intentions. She finds herself fondly disposed towards him, and on at least one occasion detected his presence via True Seeing but did not reveal him.


Tamryn knows instinctively how to speak Celestial, a side effect of her gift of divine magic from Torm, and can both speak and understand it about as well as a native to the plane. Her study of elven has suffered, though; although she can understand it, her pronunciations are crude at best, so she ends up speaking in the elven equivalent of lolcat.
Tamryn knows instinctively how to speak Celestial, a side effect of her gift of divine magic from Torm, and can both speak and understand it about as well as a native to the plane. Her study of elven has suffered, though; although she can understand it, her pronunciations are crude at best, so she ends up speaking in the elven equivalent of lolcat.

Revision as of 12:17, 30 May 2008

Name: Tamryn Jorandur

Title(s): Favored of Torm, Noble Judicator

Affiliation: Temple of the Triumvirate

Birthplace: Procampur

Age: 23

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Patron Deity: Torm

Physical Features: Nearly albino; pale skin, white hair, very light blue eyes. Taller and more strongly built than average.

Early History

Born to Marik and Eileen Jorandur, minor nobility in the city of Procampur, Tamryn had a sheltered, stable and generally happy upbringing. As the third daughter in a total of five siblings, she had very little of family wealth or obligation passing down to her, although her parents insisted that she be trained in a wide variety of noble niceties as well. In school, she was an avid and bright student, if not brilliant, and performed at a level just above what her parents considered 'acceptable.'

Her father was a knight in the service of a superior noble house, House Meridius, and tales of his doings inspired young Tamryn to seek out a weapons trainer. Marik openly approved, and though her mother worried, knew that forbidding Tamryn to train with a professional meant that she'd just take up with some lowlife street scum instead. And so it was that House Meridius' armsmaster took up her training. Although no natural prodigy to the ways of the sword, Tamryn's will and desire to learn was formidable. By the time she reached the Vastian age of accountability, Tamryn was a good match for any of her father's retainers.

This didn't satisfy her, though. Frustrated by the lack of real opportunities for combat other than the Watch, she joined up with an adventuring company, taking a suit of family ceremonial armor and a greatsword that had been gifted to her father by an elven friend of the family. Her skill at arms helped her companions clear out several marauding groups of orcs, bugbears and similar nuisances. Emboldened by their success, the company left the Vast and headed west towards the Sword Coast. This is, to date, the last time she has seen her family.

Perhaps the hand of fate was at work in a tavern, one evening, when the rumor of an Orb of Dragonkind lost in the Spine of the World came to the humble company, staying in an inn just south of Luskan.

Perhaps it was luck...

Recent History

As the adventuring company pushed into the Spine, the weather took a sudden and violent turn. A storm sprang up, a blizzard so intense that the adventurers were separated from each other. And then, the winter wolves came...

Tamryn lay pinned under the carcass of a slain wolf, listening to the screams of the others as they died, one after the other. The snow covered her, and by all rights she should have perished with them. Something else was at work, though, and when a looting group from the Kurz Cartel discovered her after the storm, she was inexplicably still alive, though unconscious. The bandits stripped her of her armor and weapons and left her to die in the lower reaches of the Spine, but something protected her.

She awoke, strangely untroubled by the cold although everything told her that she should have frozen to death. Naked and hungry, she staggered down into the valley, coming across a kindly group of adventurers near the Exigo Trading Post that took her in, fed her, and listened to her story.

In the following weeks, Tamryn began to discover that something had changed on the mountainside. She could now manifest divine magic, and did so sometimes without thinking. The grace of her protector also seemed to shield her from extremes of heat and cold, allowing her to endure nearly any environment. At last, she discovered the true nature of the change, and began to pay homage in earnest to the god that wrought it -- Torm.

Tamryn became a servant and eventually champion for the Temple of the Triumvirate, challenging and defeating several enemies of the faith in single combat. She also led early efforts to unify good-hearted adventurers under the Triumvirate's banner, though they met with mixed results. The deeper politics of Sundren began to draw her in as the Hand of Mundus expressed interest both in her and in her lover, Kaldaris Kelenvale. She played a role in the Sindron project and in the ensuing brawl between the Right and Left Hands.

However, Tamryn's contentment with her station and with Kaldaris' companionship could not last. Both of them were called to an urgent summons in the city of Silverymoon, where a nest of dangerous cultists had been discovered. Though Tamryn remains tight-lipped on what happened, the absence of Kaldaris at her side and her renewed loathing of the Lower Planes provide some indication of the trials that separated them.

The Present

In quiet mourning for Kaldaris, but determined to see her adopted homeland made safe, Tamryn returned to Sundren and the Temple of the Triumvirate. She found the reputation of Torm and the Temple in good hands, and now seeks to aid the new allies and devotees of the Triumvirate in their war against the Black Hand's spreading influence.

Tamryn aided sir Hano, Lida, and others as well as a sizable contingent of Exigo Syndicate guards in apprehending the Banite leader Neradnal Ill'koresh. However, it was a short-lived victory when Elric Gallows, aided by the newly-revealed "traitor" Karthus El'than, kidnapped Hano and Nulnius to hold them against Neradnal's release. Tam's subsequent attempt to free them, aided by Sehron and Balthasar, ended in disaster and Sehron's capture. However, the Banite Tifton released all three captives for reasons unknown; less that two days later, Neradnal was also freed from Sundren city jail.

Now confronted by a host of issues surrounding the Artifact and the machinations of the Talonites, as well as by the issue of Karthus, Tamryn finds herself unsure regarding many things that she once held to be inviolable.

Significant Relationships

Tamara Roth: Tamryn's connection to the former commander of the Scarlet Lions and Banite defector are unclear to those who have not been taken into her trust, but she seems very familiar with the woman's presence and history in Sundren.

Kaldaris Kelenvale: Her lover and eventually fiancee, member of the Right Hand. He failed to planeshift back to the Prime with her, and all of her subsequent efforts to scry have found nothing. She still wears her engagement ring, partially to honor his memory and partially because it also contains useful magic.

Lida's recent revelation that she'd seen Kaldaris less than two weeks before Tamryn's arrival, within the time that she had returned to the Prime, raises new questions and reopens old wounds. She's currently unsure of his status.

Sigrun Hael: The gruff Northern woodsman became Tamryn's close friend after a rocky introduction over an issue regarding the hunting of the vampire Sylloven. She has no current knowledge of his whereabouts, but knows of his tendency to roam and so is not exceptionally worried about his welfare.

Balthasar: Sir Balthasar became a confidant and advisor for Tamryn during some of her most challenging times, such as a theft of part of her soul by the Dark Advent and the conversion of Kaldaris to the service of Torm. Tamryn has great respect for his leadership and experience, although she usually does not hesitate to speak her mind to him.

Alyrian Eldeas: Tamryn feels something for Alyrian, though precisely what is unknown. Regardless of their muddled feelings, Tamryn finds herself compelled to help him however she can, especially regarding issues with his magic and the presence of his mother.

Hano Fetten: Over a very short period of time, Tamryn has come to put great trust in her fellow agent of the Triumvirate. She sees much of herself in him, both for good and for bad. She also feels a great lifting of burden off her shoulders now that someone besides her has taken up a mantle of leadership, although she does worry about how hard he is working -- a worry that comes from her own experience.

Karthus El'Than: Tam's growing friendship and mutual respect of Karthus was cut short when she departed Sundren; her return found her staring at posters indicating that he had betrayed Sundren and taken up arms with the Veritas. She resents him greatly for his assistance of Elric, but recent conversations and actions have confused her as to his nature and intentions. She finds herself fondly disposed towards him, and on at least one occasion detected his presence via True Seeing but did not reveal him.


Tamryn knows instinctively how to speak Celestial, a side effect of her gift of divine magic from Torm, and can both speak and understand it about as well as a native to the plane. Her study of elven has suffered, though; although she can understand it, her pronunciations are crude at best, so she ends up speaking in the elven equivalent of lolcat.