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!colspan=2 style="font-size: larger; background-color:navajowhite; color:{{{fgcolor|#000}}}; line-height: 200%; text-align:center" |Glyir Belindorn
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Revision as of 16:57, 17 June 2009

Glyir Belindorn
Homeland Iltkazar, Old Shanatar
Gender Male
Race Shield Dwarf
Age 154
Class Cleric
Deity Gorm Gulthyn
Alignment Lawful Good


Glyir grew up in the care of his family, part of Clan Belindorn of the ancient dwarven city of Iltkazar. He proved an able miner, and his insight and understanding marked him out from early years. Drawn to the clergy of Gorm Gulthyn, the major patron of Iltkazar, he has spent many years as a novice before taking the full vows of one of the Vigilant Host.

The Great Sleep of Iltkazar's mysterious ruler, King Mith Barak, has failed to end as it always has in times past, and the Regency Council grows increasingly concerned. The stagnation borne of indecision has become obvious to many, and like others Glyir has resolved to seek answers elsewhere, being incapable of open disagreement with the Elders.

He was befriended by Murin Stoneheart a veteran ex-adventuring alaghor of Clangeddin Silverbeard, who had searched out Iltkazar for it's treasures of lore, seeking answers to the slow decline that still threatened the dwarven race, despite the resurgence marked by the Thunder Blessing. Murin bade him quest to the far-off surface realm of Sundren, Glyir initially believing this was due to it's recent newness, being opened by the human folk scant few centuries ago.

He is a traditional dwarf from a very old dwarven realm. Though he seeks understanding and answers, he is resistant to change. He is devout and determined in his following of Gorm Gulthyn, protector of all dwarves and dwarven holdings.

His holy symbol, in the form of a small bronze shield, is typically tucked away from casual inspection while adventuring, and he bears no other obvious mark of worship. After long centuries battling the drow and other enemies in the deeps, the patrols of his home often attempt to conceal their valuable priests from would-be ambushers. His battle cries and calls to Gorm Gulthyn are all the greater to compensate.

Historical Background:

The causes of the fall of the great dwarven realms of old are many, and a matter for the sages. Shanatar, Delzoun, Ammarindar, Oghrann, Dareth, Xonathanur, Sarphil, the names of the Lost Kingdoms are legion. Of the far greater number of smaller holds and cities now lost, many are forgotten even to the dwarves.

A common thread to all-too many of their tales is the slow bleed of dwarven blood upon the timeless stone. The great realms of old won many battles in defence of their holdings. But, in time their numbers dwindled through constant warfare, too many for the dwarves fragile fecundity to replenish. In the end they became stretched too thin, and fell piecemeal. Whether over centuries of incursions or scant years in the face of a great invasion, one outpost after another fell until abandoned or overrun halls were all that remained.

Of the survivors, some sought to escape this fate by sealing themselves off from both the realms above and below. They became the Hidden, and many such holds still exist today, tiny remnants of a once-greater whole scattered through the deeps of Faerun like pearls on a necklace.

One of the largest of such dwarven holdings is Iltkazar, the last realm of fallen Deep Shanatar. Though reduced to just the capital city itself and the nearby tunnels (these being known as the Kazardaern) it still endures. Able to hold many tens of thousands of dwarves more than it's current scant population, it's miles of empty halls tell of faded glory and slow stagnation.