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'''Name''': [[Brak]]

'''Title(s)''': Bear Warior, Tribal Protector, That Idiot.
'''Title(s)''': Bear Warior, Tribal Protector, That Idiot.

Revision as of 17:07, 21 May 2008


Title(s): Bear Warior, Tribal Protector, That Idiot.

Home/Location: Nomadic. Mossdale forest, the Druid Grove. Most often found with Mittens or another of the Whitepaw Tribe.

Birthplace: Unknown

Age: Middle twenties possibly.

Race: Half-Orc

Gender: Male

Deity: Tempus (Whom he believes to be a Bear God of some sort).

Alignment: CN

Summary: Brak found Sundren like he did most things, by accident. Having escaped slavery and torture from his former tribe, he simply followed his way down the Mountain led by squirrels. Truthfully, he was tired of the other Orcs and the constant pilliaging, seeing it as less than honorable. He is uncertain as to his where his home was and his history. As he ceaselessly reminds people, other Orcs are not his Tribe and he cares little what happens to them unless they befriend him. Those that know him better understand this applies to other Humans as well. He sees little difference between the two races( or any race ) as he watchs them cheat, lie and destroy themselves and each other.

He believes Brother Bear taught him his strength and Brother Wolf his wisdom that allowed him to free himself and subsequently bring his wrath down on those that held him prisoner. He freed himself through brutal means, using tooth and claw. He knows that his belief in a God other than Gruumsh played a part in his torture as well and was told he would be punished even as he ripped the throat of his former Chieftain out with his teeth and tore the heads from those bleeding him with knives before fleeing the horde as Brother Bear's Gift of Fury weakened him in it's aftermath.

Heavily scarred by torture and war and grotesquely muscled, he presents a frightening visage at best.His nature is gentle around most animals, leading to his expulsion and torture at the hands of his former Tribe( who believed this to be a weakness). He was for most of his life, little more than a beast himself. He still believes himself Brother to the Bear and Wolf and in some manner to all animals great and small.

He accepts most at face value but it takes only one misstep and the person is never forgiven. Welcomed by open arms by some, his dislike for humans has been tempered somewhat. Confused at the best of times and often hearing voices in his head he most often appears to be simple-minded. While his nature seems gentle , he is a Beserker, throwing himself recklessly into any and all combat.The Riddle of Steel and its song calls to him. He finds calm admist the storm. He is capable of generating a horrifying level of violence in a very short time. He believes the Bear God has gifted him with this, the ability to unleash his fury and wrath and to strike to kill relentlessly until all are dead unless they are of his pack. He watchs his Brothers the Wolf and Bear ceaselessly, learning from them whenever he finds them.

Upon coming to Sundren he found himself caught up in the plight of Lauan Tissle. A fellow Warrior enslaved bothered him to a great degree. Cautioned repeatedly and at length against violence, he gave all his gold and his new boots to Yasida to free this woman.A strange Bond was formed and she tempers his instinct to lash out and destroy.

Recently he has sworn a Blood Oath to Mittens Whitepaw and been accepted as a member of the Whitepaw Tribe. Until that moment he was without pack and until Mittens took him under her wing, somewhat lost. His new resolution has bred confidence and he ceaselessly protects his Little Brothers and Sisters.

Significant Relationships:

Lauan Tissle (Warrior Woman):He helped free this woman from slavery and often can be found watching her or near her. He is bound to her in some way he is uncertain of. Harm to her will trigger a Beserker rage.

Mittens Whitepaw ( Chieftain )- His Tribal leader, he has sworn a blood-oath to willingly lay down his life for her and the tribe. He believes Mittens to be the wisest person he has ever met and a powerful shaman. Her words are Law.

Malachi (Little Beserker Kitty): The familiar of Jos'iah Ithildurin, he believes Jos'iah belongs to Malachi. The first of many beserker kitties Brak has sought to train, it progresses well as Malachi has been smacking bunnies on the nose and hissing. He has a great fondness for Jos'iah's familier and in truth Malachi was the first being of Sundren to greet Brak.

Jos'iah Ithildurin( Jos, Elf Friend, Nice Elf .): The second being of Sundren Brak met turned out to be a extremely nice elf, so much so that Brak immediately reassessed his view on elves in general. The two shared many adventures together.

Niles Nilton ( Cornbread Man): A True Friend and giver of Cornbread. While he considers his friends tendency to go to war over flowers and plants dubious at best, he is just happy to be invited along. He enjoys Niles company a great deal when his friend isn't going on about Water Ratio's.

Logan the Foul : After an initial misunderstanding the two came to be good friends and adventuring companions. Brak values Logan's mean streak, considering it a refreshing change from the constant moaning about whats right and wrong others give voice to. While very different , they see alike on a surprising amount of issues

Thrion Daene (Volley): The source of the initial misunderstanding between Logan and Brak. At first Brak felt nothing but pity for the spoiled gray elf but eventually sought to teach Volley strength and to stand up for himself.Recent events have strained this relationship a bit but Brak still sees Volley as a friend.

Qybox Quarztcore (Little Brother): The adviser to Mittens and the Whitepaw Tribe, Little Brother's words are always listened to by Brak...even when he doesn't understand them ( which is most of the time).

Richard Darkholme ( Spirit Brother): The idea of a Spirit of the Forest grabbed Brak's attention and he is glad to have Richard as a member of the Tribe. He believes Richard to be a avenging spirit punishing those who harm the woods with idea Brak quite likes.

Pom Wader ( Other Little Brother): His newest little Brother. Brak is fond of Pom but doesn't realize he is, in fact, a gnome. He is vocal in his praise of his newest little brothers abilities of turning into a wolf.

The Strength of the Grove ( Brother Bear): Brak believes the Strength of the Grove embodies all bears and is somehow a link to his God. Often found sitting quietly by Brother Bear or speaking to him, patiently explaining the odd and confusing ways of the people in the grove ( Notably humans and their odd mating habits). To date, the Strength of the Grove has endured this with good grace, seemingly enjoying the attention. He believes the Strength of the Grove is his teacher and guide.

Miscellaneous Information:

Learned his fighting style from watching Bears and Wolves. He believes himself to be part Bear and his rough basso rumble reflects and reinforces this.Has been known to refer to himself as ManBearOrc.

Has recently started a version of " Performance Art" involving large quantities of blood and body parts after a chance remark by Niles Nilton in Aquor after he witnessed a berserker rampage and the subsequent bloodspray patterns. Recently told that a warrior should have other interests besides battle, he is running with it. This was furthered by a nice man telling him he would make a good actor because of his booming voice.

Like most animals, he simply sees death as the way of things, the stronger will survive. He also believes those that challenge the stronger deserve what's coming to them but honors their choice to strive to become something more than they are through battle. Recently has been reconsidering this attitude as more and more of those weaker than himself seek to challenge him. He now believes it inherent stupidity that must be unlearned by Steel.

Adores Felines, often trying to turn them into little Beserker Kitties. Dreams of teaming them with a horde of Badgers to overun Sundren.

Considers Badgers to be his " Little beserker brothers".

Dislikes bunnies.