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• Opposing skill: Sense Motive
• Opposing skill: Sense Motive
• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:<ul>
• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:<ul>
o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Bluff" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI)</ul>
o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Bluff" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI)<br>
o If you have 5 or more ranks in Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sleight of Hand checks, as well as on Disguise checks made when you know you’re being observed and you try to act in character.</ul>
• Responsible RP notes:<ul>
• Responsible RP notes:<ul>
o There isn't a need to roll bluff for every lie or bluff you make.  Saying your name is "Tom" instead of "Joe" isn't very difficult unless you RP someone who has trouble lying or are caught in the lie</ul>
o There isn't a need to roll bluff for every lie or bluff you make.  Saying your name is "Tom" instead of "Joe" isn't very difficult unless you RP someone who has trouble lying or are caught in the lie</ul>
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• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:<ul>
• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:<ul>
o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Intimidate" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI)<br>
o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Intimidate" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI)<br>
o If you have 5 or more ranks in Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.<br>
o Those immune to fear are immune to intimidation</ul>
o Those immune to fear are immune to intimidation</ul>
• Responsible RP notes:<ul>
• Responsible RP notes:<ul>

Revision as of 10:41, 4 August 2008

Skill vs Skill in a PvP environment

Pen and Paper (or common sense) rules aren’t always accurately mapped to Sundren due to NWN2 game engine limitations. In PvP interactions, responsible Role-Playing (RP) is needed to facilitate enjoyment for everyone ---- especially when a DM is not around.

For example, if a person successfully intimidates you, role-play it even if you’re the muscled fighter. It doesn’t mean that you’ll run away but at least hesitate or take a step back to show that you got intimidated. The goal of the following guidelines is to facilitate responsible RP’ing. This is obviously voluntary when a DM is not around but following them will make Sundren the enjoyable environment it already is.

• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: None.

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Appraise" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI while item to be appraised is targeted)

• Responsible RP notes:

    o None.

• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: Sense Motive

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Bluff" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI)
    o If you have 5 or more ranks in Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sleight of Hand checks, as well as on Disguise checks made when you know you’re being observed and you try to act in character.

• Responsible RP notes:

    o There isn't a need to roll bluff for every lie or bluff you make. Saying your name is "Tom" instead of "Joe" isn't very difficult unless you RP someone who has trouble lying or are caught in the lie

Decipher Script
• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: None

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o DC 20 for the simplest messages
    o DC 25 for standard texts
    o DC 30 or higher for intricate, exotic, or very old writing.

• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: Diplomacy

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Diplomacy" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI)

• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: Spot

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Disguise" icon in custom Sundren UI)
    o Druid/MOMF feat of 1000 faces and MOMF feat of Alter Self properly gives +10 ranks to the disguise skill when in use.

• Responsible RP notes:

    o Disguise is for changing your appearance. A Disguise roll is not needed if you’re wearing a full hood/face mask/helmet and are wearing different clothing.
    o If you’re wearing the same clothing or are carrying a unique item (i.e. not sold in stores), don’t expect people to NOT recognize you even if you’re fully hooded
    o To recognize someone’s voice, you must roll against INT vs a DC of ??. (((need DM/DEV note on this – I say INT as opposed to Listen because you’re not checking against whether you can hear the person but against whether you remember or recognize the voice)))

Escape Artist
• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: Use Rope

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o Ropes. (DC = Binder’s Use Rope +10)
    o Net, animate rope spell, command plants spell, control plants spell, or entangle spell. (DC = 20)
    o Snare spell. (DC = 23)
    o Manacles. (DC = 30)
    o Tight space. (DC = 30)
    o Masterwork manacles. (DC=35)
    o Grappler. (DC = Grappler’s grapple check)

• Responsible RP notes:

    o If you are captured and bound, consider your primary weapon “confiscated” I.e. You can’t wield against your captor if you suddenly break out.

• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: Forgery

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Forgery" under "Skills" icon under custom Sundren UI)

• Responsible RP notes:

    o The forger must at least RP the way he got a signature or document to forge.
    o If you can’t read or write (For example: INT 8 or less or a barbarian who never learned), you can’t forge nor know if something is forged.
    o You can’t forge or realize a forgery of a language that you can’t read/write.

Gather Information
• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: None

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o To get a general idea of a city’s major news items, assuming there are no obvious reasons why the information would be withheld. The higher your check result, the better the information. (DC 10)
    o To find out about a specific rumor, or a specific item, or obtain a map, or do something else along those lines (normally DC 15-25)

• Responsible RP notes:

    o If someone performs a successful Gather Information on you, you were duped into saying something or revealing something you may normally wouldn’t. Go ahead and give the person some information. You don’t have to outright reveal everything, but RP that he was able to draw something from your conversation.

Hide • Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: Spot

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o This check is done via NWN2 engine

• Responsible RP notes:

    o Do not stealth and stand right next to, in front of or behind a person. It’s unrealistic even if the engine allows for it. If you’re going to do it, take cover; lay down in the grass; etc.
    o Do not walk up to someone while in stealth, stand next to them, and start talking out of thin air. Talking should break stealth. (At the very least it should make everyone in earshot 'hear' you if not spot you)
    o Hide near terrain or en route from terrain to terrain. It’s safe to say that a bush or tree is representative of multiple bushes/trees/etc so hiding near one is acceptable RP.
    o If you see a hidden person, you shouldn't bother with them unless they’re obviously spying on what you and your companions are saying.
    o Train yourself to what “Seeing” and “Hearing” look like in game. You can hear individuals in stealth all the time, but that doesn't necessarily mean you know exactly where they are.
    o Do not cast anti-stealth spells unless you have a reasonable reason IC to suspect stealth (alarm spells or you HEAR them, etc) or you’re passing on information that you can't take the chance on.

• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: None. (Level + Wisdom modifier + additional saves vs fear)

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Intimidate" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI)
    o If you have 5 or more ranks in Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
    o Those immune to fear are immune to intimidation

• Responsible RP notes:

    o If you fail against an intimidation roll, RP it even if you're the tough half-orc barbarian. It doesn't necessarily mean that you run away or cower, but you should at least hesitate or take a step back.

Move Silently
• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: Listen

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o This check is done via NWN2 engine

• Responsible RP notes:

    o See HIDE

• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: None

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o Performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Perform" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI)
    o Level of performance (i.e. how good you perform) is returned by the script

• Responsible RP notes:

    o If a performer performs really well, give appropriate response (e.g. hands clapping, kudos, booing, etc)

Sleight of Hand
• Pen and Paper reference:
• Opposing skill: Spot

• Difficulty Class or Modifiers:

    o This check is done via NWN2 engine
    o Can also be performed by custom Sundren scripting (i.e. click "Sleight o Hand" under "Skills" icon in custom Sundren UI)
    o If you have 5 or more ranks in Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks.

• Responsible RP notes:

    o Official Sundren guidelines:
    o Versus players, it is advisable to use the custom Sundren scripting as opposed to the flawed NWN2 engine (e.g. It allows someone to pick pocket an unequiped Tower Shield!)
    o If someone picks your pocket using the above method, reward them with something (e.g. some stags). Let them know that their investment in the skill is worth something.