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'''Significant Relationships:''' <br>
'''Significant Relationships:''' <br>
'''Friends:''' [[Hano Fetten]], [[Alex]], [[Sagiri Shimermoon]], [[Lady Que]], [[Crusty Nimblebeans]], [[Grubbmarr Numbhands]]
* [[Hano Fetten]]. Peri regards Hano as a role model, and wishes she could match his martial strength - but she is not envious of his power. She is fully confident that one day she will be able to best him, under the guidance of Arvoreen.
* [[Alex]]. A kindly compatriot, Peri has fond thoughts of the half-orc.
[[Sagiri Shimermoon]]. A fellow hin, Sai has saved Peri's life, something she'll never be able to forget and forgive herself for. Peri's inability to defend Sagiri is one of her primary motivations for becoming stronger.
* [[Crusty Nimblebeans]]. Fellow hin and adventuring buddy.
[[Lady Que]]. Showed kindness to her when she first arrived in Sundren; Peri has a lot of respect for her.
[[Grubbmarr Numbhands]]. Her first adventuring buddy along with Sai.

Revision as of 01:43, 8 May 2008

Name: Pericles Redfoot (usually known as Peri)
Title(s): n/a
Location: Usually found in the Exigo camp
Birthplace: Halfling Community
Age: 20ish
Race: Lightfoot Hin ("Halfling? Does that mean I should call you full-ling?")
Gender: Female
Deity: Arvoreen
Alignment: NG

The Redfoot clan - characterized by their head of red hair - are equally known for their wanderlust and their bravery. It is customary for young Redfoots to travel out, see the world, and settle down, and as such they have many families throughout the realms. Pericles Redfoot was born into one such family in a small halfling community on the Sword Coast, and showed from a young age both traits of the Redfoot clan. She grew up exploring and wrestling with boys; and when she was older, enlisted in the militia. She spent several years in this position, defending her home against goblins, orcs, and occasionally human bandits. Through these endless conflicts, she naturally became devout to the faith of Arvoreen, halfling God of War.

Wanderlust soon gripped her when she was twenty, and her family and friends farewelled her with equal joy and sorrow. Over the course of a few years, she gradually made her way up the Sword Coast, doing odd jobs like hiring herself out as a mercenary or protecting caravans, all the while hardening her resolve to Arvoreen. When she arrived in Sundren, she soon heard of the recent turmoils, she decided to stay and prove her worth.

Recent defeats at the hands of Banites have made her too aware of her weaknesses; and she has resolved to become stronger to be able to defend others.

Because of her limited contact with the "tallfolk", she is still unused to their way of life. Her biggest peeve is being called short or little; and will fly into a rage if thus provoked. The faith of Arvoreen requires her to protect other hins, which she does gladly, ready to sacrifice her life it need be.

Significant Relationships:

  • Hano Fetten. Peri regards Hano as a role model, and wishes she could match his martial strength - but she is not envious of his power. She is fully confident that one day she will be able to best him, under the guidance of Arvoreen.
  • Alex. A kindly compatriot, Peri has fond thoughts of the half-orc.
  • Sagiri Shimermoon. A fellow hin, Sai has saved Peri's life, something she'll never be able to forget and forgive herself for. Peri's inability to defend Sagiri is one of her primary motivations for becoming stronger.
  • Crusty Nimblebeans. Fellow hin and adventuring buddy.
  • Lady Que. Showed kindness to her when she first arrived in Sundren; Peri has a lot of respect for her.
  • Grubbmarr Numbhands. Her first adventuring buddy along with Sai.

Miscellaneous Information:

  • Her name comes from her great-grandfather, a legendary hero of the Redfoot clan.
  • She is proud of her Redfoot lineage, which is why she introduces herself with her full name.
  • Her greatest hope is to become a Truesword of Arvoreen. ((Divine Champion))
  • Thinks spellslingers and generally most tallfolk are crazy...especially the guy with the tree.