Darkwood Stalker

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Darkwood Stalker

PRESTIGE CLASS: This class is not available at character creation and must be unlocked by meeting special requirements, listed below

Description: Elves and orcs are ancient foes, their enmity dating back to times before humans walked the land. Some elves train as elite hunters of the hated orcs. These hunters, called darkwood stalkers among the elves,pursue their age-old enemies with grim determination. Darkwood stalkers usually come from the ranks of elf (or half-elf) rangers and rogues, although the rare elf barbarian can follow this path as well. Fighters and paladins make poor darkwood stalkers without gaining at least one level in ranger or rogue. Spell casters rarely take up the mantle of the darkwood stalkerm although druids willing to forgoe spellcasting can fit well into the order

Most darkwood stalkers are affiliated with elven military units, although some are lone scouts or field agents.


Race: Elf or Half-Elf

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Skills: Hide 5 Ranks, Listen 5 Ranks, Move Silently 5 Ranks, Spot 5 Ranks, Survival 5 Ranks.

Feats: Dodge, Track.

Class Skills

The class skills of the Darkwood Stalker are:

  • Climb
  • Crafting
  • Heal
  • Hide
  • Jump
  • Knowledge (Nature)
  • Listen
  • Move Silently
  • Search
  • Spot
  • Survival
  • Swim
  • Use Rope

Class Features

Base Attack Bonus: High

High Saves: Reflex and Fortitude

Weapon Proficiencies: Darkwood Stalkers gain no weapon proficiencies.

Armor Proficiencies:Darkwood Stalkers gain no armor proficiencies.

Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.

Ancient Foe: At 1st level, the darkwood stalker gains Favored Enemy: Orc. At 4th level he gains Favored Enemy: Half-Orc. At 7th Level he gains Imp Favored Enemy: Orc. At 10th level he gains Imp Favored Enemy: Half-Orc.

Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 2nd level, a darkwood stalker gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Improved Uncanny Dodge: At 5th level and higher, a darkwood stalker can no longer be flanked, since he can react to opponents on opposites sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies other characters the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack him. The exception to this defense is that a rogue of at least 4 levels higher then the character can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).

Dark Vision: Although stealthy and keen-eyed, the darkwood stalker is often at a disadvantage against orcs when fighting in darkness. Long ago, elven sages developed a ritual to allow the most dedicated stalkers to overcome thei disadvantage. At 4th level, a darkwood stalker gains darkvision.

Sneak Attack: At 3rd level and every 3 levels afterwards, the darkwoods stalker gains sneak attack +1d6, culminating at 9th level with +3d6.

Defensive Roll: At 8th level the darkwood stalker gains the defensive roll feat identical to the rogue class feat.

Death Attack: Identical to the assassin class ability except that the DC is 10 + int modifier + class level. Gained at 10th Level.