Lauan Tissle

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Name: Lauan Tissle
Title(s): Lauan/Warrior woman/slave
Home/Location: Thayan enclave. (Aquor)
Birthplace: Thay, Surthay
Age: 23
Race: Human, Rashemi
Gender: Female
Deity: None
Alignment: Neutral

Lauan is not at all too shy and seemingly kind-hearted and naive upon meeting her. Lauan has the body of a woman, but the mind set of a seven year old. She arrived here from Thay with a mysterious wizard named Krang Mortenson. Her bond to this man was not one of love, or idolism, but of servitude. Lauan came to Sundren as a slave of this wizard but recently purchased from an auction he held when he thought she was strong enough to rake in a pretty penny.

After the auction, she became more light-hearted and seemingly happier (sometimes) with her new life style. . When she was sold to the kind hearted woman who loves and cares for her like a mother. She will usualy be seen in the Four Lanterns in, associating herself with many of her new "friends". When you speak with her, it is clear she has a lack of education and common sense. Her care-free life style is either something to look upon shamefuly, or with much envy.

Most of the time, things will often confuse her, and need repeating. When asked about who her "Mommy" and"Daddy" are, she will grow quiet and indifferent.

Lauan, though looking content with her new life, is tearing her up inside. She is free, a burden she has never had to bear, The stress of making her own decisions is painful, though the only thing keeping her from breaking down is her close friends, her child like attitude, and some... older friends of hers.

Faction(s): None

Significant Relationships:

  • Yashia: Through several realizations, and a firm belief in the workings of Thay, Lauan has given Yashia up, and pursued another path..* Sehron: Sehron, as well as Yashia may have been hurt the worst from Lauan's decision, but he may have given up on her, like many others..
  • Krang: Lauans former master, now has seemingly showed up again, and has formed some business agreement with her current master, Pyras.
  • Pyras Damathos- Lauans current master, he seems cold hearted and cut from the same cloth as many red wizards. Lauan has chosen him as a master rather than him choosing her as a slave. If asked, she will tell you she is completely loyal to him.

Miscellaneous Information:

  • Has an intricate tattoo on her back of a dragon with the head twisting and turning with an open mouth that reaches just above her thigh and breathes out the red and golden flames of Thay onto her stomach.(Only if you have seen her back would you know.)
  • Looks Rashemi in descent
  • No one knows who Lauan's parents were, except for a select few.
  • She carries around a doll named Lilly.
  • She seems to have an un-natural obsession with dresses, and sometimes armor and weapons.
  • Seemingly very sensitive to loud noises and yelling.
  • Absolutely adores the colors red and blue.
  • Story and such.