Malaclypse Discordia

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Name: Malaclypse Discordia (real name unknown)

Title(s): (1) Faerie Friend (bestowed by the fae folk of Sundren). (2) Mooclips the Merciful (for his well known work with the Orcs of the Viridale). (3) Erishkigal the Munificent (the significance of this is not fully understood). (4) Lord Malaclypse, Grand Master of the Order of Kitchen Implements (A knightly order founded by Malaclypse and incorporating a number of people of chaotic inclination).

Home/Location: Buried somewhere in the Viridale

Birthplace: Believed to be Silverymoon.

Age: 242

Race: Moon Elf

Gender: Male

Deity: Erevan Illesere

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Strong, if confused, Chaotic Good tendencies)

Class: Wizard (Necromancer)/Eldritch Knight

Not a great deal is known for certain about the renegade mage known as Malaclypse, except by a few of his close compatriots. However, there are many rumours and tales surrounding him. ((To be finished later))


Significant Relationships:
Val Evra
Lida Angelfen
Galliana Eldzan
Taylor Windhurst
Tamara Roth
Juniper Foley
Alyrian Eldeas
Abbot Orlan Proskus
Shandra Vitro the alchemist
Hlaine Myr and Josephine Frostwhisper (former Red Wizard PCs)
Hadavi (A lieutenant of Colibrus, now also deceased)
Eris (Malaclypse's familiar: A shield beetle notorious for her primal instincts to breed and kill)
Myrddin Arriandraig
Etria Illiathor

Miscellaneous Information: