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Name: Kalyope

Title(s): Samurai Adept

Home/Location: Unknown

Birthplace: Unknown

Age: 17-19

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Deity: Unknown


A young charming girl with red hair

Summary: the only avaibel informations are in the letter bellow.

Faction(s): Unknown

Significant Relationships: Elijah Duskthorne

Miscellaneous Information: None

The past of Kalyope is mostly unknown. The only information are can be read out of this letter.:

Dear Duskthorne,

It has been a very long time since we last saw each other. I hope you are well. A tragedy has befallen us. Do you remember our Academy? It has been burned to the ground. It sounds unbelievable even as I say it. A Bushido Academy... burned down! The tragedy is that our Lord.... the Son of our Lord that we swore once to protect, has betrayed us. As you can probably surmise, Shogun Wusaschi is old and very ill by now so his son Mundur has the power over the government and the country. He somehow obtained powerful and evil allies that helped him to rise to such might. He must have feared the Samurai Order so he betrayed his own people and led us into a well-prepared trap.

He send the most of us to the Border of our Country with the mission to face some incoming raiding Orc Clan. All Lies! We built our camp in a canyon for the night. It hid us from sight but our position was betrayed! Our scouts returned saying that an enormous army had us surrounded. Orcs, humans, and undead led by Necromancers came from all sides. We had little time to prepare before the assault began.

A hundred Samurais had to face more than a thousand foes. Our numbers constituted nearly the whole order! Only the scholars and young ones were left in our Academy. It was an long and cruel battle that lasted until the morning hours. As you have witnessed yourself from your last visit, the fighting prowess of a Samurai can slay many times his own number. Many of our foes fell before us with ease but the Necromancers started to raise the fallen as undead. It was just too much. We had no chance and only twelve of us survived --- left for dead by the marauders.

In our dire state, we tried to warn the others at the Academy but it was to late. When we arrived at the Academy, it was already in flames. The ground was littered with Mundur´s Soldiers as well as most of the adepts. Even the children were slain! Mundur's betrayal was complete! Very few of us remain. Out of all of this, I only have one good message to relay. Do you remember my daughter Kalyope? She has somehow survived this massacre. I thank the gods daily for such fortune.

I cannot protect her anymore however. The Necromancers are in the Palace as advisers of Mundur and we are persecuted! The few of us that survived are now Rronin in hiding and I live in fear about my Daughter. We aim to regain our honor but this is no place for Kalyope. Her apprenticeship is nearly finished but she still has much to learn. I live everyday in fear for her.

I need to ask a favor that you cannot deny. I humbly ask that you take her as her master. She has nobody left and needs a wise mentor and friend. She cannot return here. Please help her in her training. She is an able learner and only needs encouragement and discipline to go on. As her master, she would swear you allegiance.

I will regain my honor even if it means my death so my daughter is now your daughter. Care for her as you would your own.

Your old friend, Miruto Tanaka