Catchfoot, Spardo

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Birthplace: Halarahh
Age: 19 born 1353 year of the Arch
Race: Strongheart Halfling
Gender: Male
Deity: None
Alignment: Nuetral Good
Class: Rogue, Favored Soul

Background: Kendra and Jack left the Daleland's and traveled. They saw Cormyr, the Great Rift and ended up in Baldur's Gate. Kendra conceived and soon gave birth to Spardo. They decided to stay.

Kendra had a daughter, they named Darla. Spardo grew to love his sister deeply. Spardo was a decent sneak and loved getting into things. He was allowed to travel freely. He taught her how to sneak and gave her his favorite dagger even.

Spardo's life changed drastically. Darla would always go out wandering as Spardo taught her. One day she came upon something of great evil. Her parents found her remains and where devastated. Spardo took it worst of all. He rushed home and went to were she was killed. He searched it over and under. Only clue he found, was her dagger. To this day he blames himself for what happened.

Spardo spend that next year wallowing in depression. He developed a deep connection to Darla's dagger and often spoke to it. He announced one day to find a way to magically bind Darla into the dagger itself.

Dream of evil in north. Left to follow it.

On the trip north, Spardo met a fellow hin named Leshariel. She was a tale teller and took Spardo's breath away. He did something quite drastic, he asked her to marry him. Surprisingly, she said yes! Time will tell if this was a rash action or not. Definitely a time for new beginnings.
