Catchfoot, Spardo

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Birthplace: Friendly Arm Inn
Age: 19 born 1353 year of the Arch
Race: Strongheart Halfling
Gender: Male
Deity: None, reveres Gwaeron Windstrom
Alignment: Nuetral Good
Class: Rogue, Mage, Shadow Dancer, Arcane Trickster
Birthplace: Born in Halruaa. Background:

Apprenticed to Mage named Sedric when young. Moved to Baldur's Gate when twelve.

Got married to Leshariel at eighteen.

Daughter Darla, born . Taught to be a sneak.

Darla would always go out wandering as Spardo taught her. One day she came upon a beast of great evil.

Spardo rushed to were she was killed. He searched it over and under. Only clue he found, was her dagger. To this day he blames himself for what happened.

Spardo spend that next year wallowing in depression. He developed a deep connection to Darla's dagger and often spoke to it. He announced one day to find a way to magically bind Darla into the dagger itself.

Dream of evil that killed daughter is in the north. Went after it.
