Ordin Nurduum

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Ordin Nurduum
Homeland Glitterdelve, Deep Realm
Gender Male
Race Shield Dwarf
Age 64
Class Fighter
Deity Moradin
Alignment Lawful Neutral

Historical Background:

Mightiest of all the dwarven realms, the Great Rift has endured unconquered for many ages. The Rift is but part of the Gold Dwarf holdings, which extend many miles under the surrounding lands. Mainly to the North and East, this extended kingdom is known as the Deep Realm.

The Gold Dwarves have yet escaped the doom wrought upon so many of the old realms. They lack the arrogance (and arcane strength) that lead to the fall of Netheril. And they never spread their strength so thin in the manner of the Shield Dwarves of the North, remaining close to their fastnesses and one another.

The Thunder Blessing of DR1306 has seen their numbers swell. Expeditions have been sent north and new holdings established in the Smoking Mountains. And the Army of Gold has marched west to the ruins of the lost kingdoms of Shanatar in the Underdark deep under Tethyr. There they contest with the Duergar Army of Steel to reclaim the long-lost halls.

But, challenged by few serious threats for many years, they have become aloof and over-prideful. Their military remains strong, and the fortresses well-guarded. But within their holds disunity breeds. The nobles spend more time contesting for power than worrying about outside threats. A threat that would require the entire Rift and Deep Realm to work together may yet find them wanting.