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The Skullcleavers are a dwarven group with a long history of aiding their fellow dwarves and their allies in the valley.

They are not mercenaries, though their aid can be requested to assist Sundren or any other group. They make regular patrols of Sestra and the Viridale Forest and have eventual plans to set up a post somewhere around Sundren.


To responsibly and reliably provide kin within the Sundered Valley with banner, shelter, arms, and armor. In doing so, provide our fellows within the Sundered Valley with aid and protection, and Sundren's artisans of magick, cloth, gem, wood, and stone a network on which to rely.


The Skullcleavers were active in the fight against the Lizardmen in Sestra. Afterwards they made efforts to resupply the local militia, then known as the Corsairs, and have conducted numerous patrols of the town.

They make regular patrols of Sestra and the Viridale Forest and have eventual plans to set up a outpost somewhere around Sundren.


The Skullcleavers were originally a band of Dwarves rallied together by the Dwarf known as Gael Ironhide. Ironhide formed the Brigade as a homage to his days at Citadel Felbarr and the many patrols of the orc-claimed lands surrounding the citadel. Upon the loss of too many of his patrols Emerus Warcrown ordered for the patrols of the outer lands to stop and Gael was reassigned to the halls of the citadel, where he grew tired of his duties and longed for the thrill of battle. Upon arriving in Sundren he formed the group consisting of possibly eight dwarves (none of which were openly recorded).

The group formed on several occasions and lead many successful patrols of the Viridale Forest and Sharahan Hills. Some time after the group's formation the bands leader disappeared (believed dead) and thus the keystone of the Skullcleavers was removed. The dwarves once again took their seperate paths.

Eventually the cup of the Skullcleavers was taken up by a Dwarf known as Glagnur Frostfury. He managed to gather a few of the dwarves for a short time before he too dropped the cup. The next attempt to rally dwarves was from a female dwarf by the name of Boflasia Glimmerstone, who offered her services as a healer to any dwarf in need.

Finally after many failed attempts it seems that it was a human that reignighted the flames of the Skullcleavers. Master Pentec, friend of Brorgor Ironfist offered to his friend to fund and aid in the assembly of the dwarves to the only known dwarven banner in Sundren, The Skullcleavers. He paid to have the armors and arms for ten dwarves commissioned and made to match. This original pattern was a dark armor with spiked pauldrons. It bore an Insignia on the center of each set of Platemail. The Skullcleavers' armor is as much to give the dwarves that wear it pride as it is to strike fear into who would oppose them.


(Excerpt from the 'Foundations of Stone')

"Skullcleavers shall be governed by a selected body of seven wardens presided over by a single thane. Wardens shall be elected from, and by, the body of the Skullcleavers and given dominion over seven areas: arcanum, spirit, nature, order, battle, munitions and acquisitions, and craft-works. By the will of this council, and its thane, the Skullcleavers shall be guided in their inner and outer workings."

"During times of particular urgency the Warden Council may elect to temporarily surrender their governing power to the currently appointed thane. In doing so, all governance and direction will be set forth by the thane. It shall be the Warden of Order's duty to enforce that after such a period of urgency has passed that dominion be restored to Warden Council."


Currently Dryn Stonewhisperer serves as Thane

"Appointed by the Warden Council, the thane occupies the highest post within the Skullcleavers. It is the explicit role of the thane to preside over the Warden Council and ensure that the council not only performs its duties, but that it does so to the safekeeping and best interest of the Skullcleavers. Votes cast by the thane during gatherings of the Warden Council shall carry double the weight of any single council member."

"The role of Thane shall be carried out by the appointed until they can no longer perform their role or the council deems the current thane has, or is, failing to perform their elected duty."

Warden Council

"Wardens within the council are granted dominion, by the body of the cleavers, over areas of clan interest. All votes cast by wardens of the council council shall carry the same weight."