Wiltenholm, Osclow

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Name: Osclow Wiltenholm
Title(s): Os, Mr. Funny-hat, Music man
Home/Location: Just about anywhere he can rent for the night
Birthplace: Navil
Age: 25
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Deity: Deneir
Alignment: NG

A minstrel from a small town southeast of Neverwinter who has come to Sundren claiming to seek coin and tales to tell. He seems somewhat determined to establish himself into many organizations within the land and has made decent progress in the short time he first arrived. Whether he is seeking mere profit or has some distant goal in mind remains to be seen. However, it is said by some that he has a daughter waiting for him back home whom he has made a certain promise to. The nature of this promise is known by very few.

Osclow is rarely without a whimsical smile, smirk, or at least a friendly nod to those he meets. He is kind-hearted, charismatic, and a quick thinker. At times he seems to lack concentration or focus, though the balance as to how much of this is real and how much is for show is difficult to tell at times. He has a somewhat odd outlook on life, commonly referring to events taking place in the land and in people's lives to be "chapters" of a grand "story".


  • Church of Oghma
  • rumored to be working closely with the Church of the Triumvirate
  • rumored to be established within various other groups

Significant Relationships:

  • Tia: The name of Osclow's daughter who waits for him back in Navil. Little more than her name is known.
  • Fenton Tellens: One of Osclow's best friends and his official partner in business. Though they have only known each other for a short time, they have almost become like brothers, agreeing to split all profits made 50-50.
  • Hano Fetten: A knight of Torm who has done a great deal for the land of Sundren in a short time. In him Osclow sees not only a good friend but a potential hero to fill numerous tales of wonderment and good triumphing over evil.

Miscellaneous Information:

  • The Wiltenholm family has a history of individuals naturally talented in the ways of music, arcane, and adventuring. It is said to be the official duty of those bearing Wiltenholm blood to help these natural talents flourish in their children.