Alyrian Eldeas

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Name: Alyrian Eldeas
Class: Warlock
Current Location: Unknown
Birthplace: Undisclosed
Age: Somewhere between 100 - 200 years
Race: Moon-elf
Gender: Male
Deity: Bane
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Recent History:
For the better part of a month, Alyrian has been suffering from the strain of containing his magic. Desperate to find a solution, he isolated himself in the glade. When he began to feel his powers growing out of control, he vanished. After a brief leave of absence, he has returned with an apparent full control of his faculties.

During the siege on the Necropolis, the source of Alyrian's recent troubles - and the reason for his apparent recovery - were revealed. Deep within the sacrificial chamber, Alyrian's body shuddered and then shattered, taking on the form of a horned devil instead. Phaedriel, Alyrian's mother, had been masquerading as her son - Alyrian was lost to her primal fury, helpless to stop Phaedriel from her call to battle. Though Phaedriel often assumed Alyrian's mannerisms when it suited her, there was no question as to who was really in control.

Alyrian's personality was completely suppressed. Only he knew what effect such an imprisonment could have on his mind and soul. However, upon discovering that the Lady Tamryn Jorandur had returned to Sundren, he broke free of his mother's domination - if only for a split second - just long enough to speak her name. When Phaedriel lured Tamryn into a trap and attempted to attack the Tormite, he again was able to stop his mother from bring the full force of her power to bear.

Already terribly weakened from these attempts, and helpless to escape from his mother's control, he languished in despair - until a small and unexpected ray of hope shined its way through. The fallen champion Tifton, one whom Alyrian had shared respect and empathy for, approached Phaedriel offering a new and less resistant vessel for her to use. She gladly accepted - and though Alyrian suspected that an innocent would need to be sacrificed, for the first time he willingly acquiesced to his mother's decision. Exhausted from the constant battle, he watched as Phaedriel's consciousness left his body, and control returned.

Desperate to repay Tifton and to offer the fallen paladin some source of hope or solace, he joined the Ill'Koresh, taking up faith in Bane, despite his contempt for the Gods.

Powers and Abilities:
Alyrian has displayed, at one time or another, the following abilities and supernatural powers:

  • - The ability to recover from deadly injuries - he once regenerated an entire arm.
  • - Intense blasts of eldritch magic, imbued with small hexes, or venom-green acid.
  • - The ability to walk unseen, even amongst the sharpest of normal vision.
  • - Bursts of intense speed.
  • - Short-range teleportation.
  • - Conjuring hellish tentacles to strangle and beat his victims.
  • - Dispelling magic.
  • - Increased agility.

Significant Relationships:

  • Richard Darkholme - As Alyrian's first true friend among Sundren, Richard has provided invaluable insight and advice to him many times.
  • Tamara Roth - Though she has been long-past, the aching memory of the love they once shared still hangs over Alyrian. It was in her memory that he now vows to protect Sundren from those who would do it harm. Because of this, he shares a rather complicated relationship with the Lady Tamryn Jorandur.
  • Phaedriel - Alyrian's mother, who first made the dark pact that empowered them both with eldritch magic. Her soul dominated Alyrian's personality, driving him into the recesses of his own mind as she assumed his identity. Only with the aid of Hano Fetten, Tamryn, Sehron Dy'ner and Tifton was Phaedriel finally banished and destroyed.
  • Tifton - In Alyrian's eyes, Tifton is the one who liberated him from Phaedriel's fiendish control. It was his efforts, unprovoked, unrequested, but given freely and willingly, that finally spared Alyrian of his mother's terrible domination.


  • The Black Hand of Bane


  • Hates being unoriginal.
  • Likes Play-dough.
  • Learn more: