Cleric Level 5

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Disrupting Weapon

Casting Time:1 Standard Action
Target:One melee weapon
Duration:1 Round/Level
Saving Throw:Will negates
Spell Resistance:No

This spell makes a melee weapon deadly to the undead. Any undead creature with HD equal to or less than your caster level must succeed on a Will save or be destroyed utterly when struck in combat with this weapon. Spell resistance does not apply against the destruction effect.

Divine Agility

Casting Time:1 Standard Action
Target:Living Creature Touched
Duration:1 Round/Level
Meta Magic:Still,Silent,Extend,Quicken

Calling aloud on the divine power of your deity, you imbue a living creature with agility and skill in combat. You grant the subject a +10 enhancement to Dexterity.

Mass Curse of Ill Fortune

Casting Time:1 Standard Action
Target:All enemies in a 20 ft. radius
Duration:1 Min./Level
Saving Throw:Will negates
Spell Resistance:Yes
Meta Magic:Still,Silent,Extend

Letting loose a stream of foul incantations, you curse the subject. You place a temporary curse on the subjects, giving it a -3 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.

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