Mulhorandi Pantheon

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Revision as of 23:48, 12 June 2008 by Llew Hy (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Mulhorandi Pantheon== Key:<br> Domain - Unchanged<br> <b>Domain</b> - Changed<br> (<b><font color="Purple">Domain</font></b>) - Not true P&P Match but best fit<br> *<i> Anhur</i...)
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Mulhorandi Pantheon

Domain - Unchanged
Domain - Changed
(Domain) - Not true P&P Match but best fit

  • Anhur: (L) CG Good, War, Strength, Chaos
  • Geb: (L) N Earth, Protection
  • Hathor: (L) NG Good, (Dream)
  • Horus-Re: (G) LG Good, Sun, Law
  • Isis: (I) NG Good, Magic, Water
  • Nephthys: (I) CG Good, Protection, Chaos
  • Osiris: (I) LG Law, Good, Plant
  • Sebek: (D) NE Animal, Evil, Water
  • Set: (I) LE Air, Evil, Magic, Darkness, Law
  • Thoth: (I) N Knowledge, Magic