Sarah Von Richten

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Revision as of 04:36, 25 January 2009 by CorneliusVonRichten (talk | contribs) (New page: <b>Name:</b> Sarah Von Richten<br> <b>Home/Location:</b> Sundren City<br> <b>Birthplace:</b> Suzail, Cormyr
<br> <b>Age:</b> 26
<br> <b>Race:</b> Human<br> <b>Gender:</b> Female<br> <b...)
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Name: Sarah Von Richten
Home/Location: Sundren City
Birthplace: Suzail, Cormyr

Age: 26

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Deity: Red Knight
Alignment: Neutral Good

Daughter of a military family, with both parents serving as Purple Dragons Ornrions and following the
teachings of the Red Knight, Sarahs youth was coined with constant training in Swordsmanship and Tactics and the love of her parents, though most time this training came in the
form of various games and Sarah loved them. But she was given enough freedom for herself, to pursue her own goals.

Years passed and the cheerful girl turned into a young woman who, to the delight of her parents,
joined the Purple Dragons and quickly rose through the ranks becoming a Swordcaptain, serving under
her father.
But the constant scrutinising of her promotion to Swordcaptain, by her peers, sickened her. And so she
decided to leave the Purple Dragons, but not before she had slammed her fist into one of the other
Swordcaptains who had spoken ill about her, her family and how she was promoted, behind her back.
And so she started travelling around the realms until she arrived at the sword coast, where she heard
about an elite order of Red Knight followers in the distant land of Sundren. Still true to her goddess and
with the hope of finally finding a place where she could help, she travelled to Sundren.


Despite the things that happened in Cormyr, Sarah remained a cheerful and friendly woman, but she
can be pretty short-tempered and sometimes hot-headed, something she tries to overcome.
She hates undead with a passion and is quick to speak out against injustice.