Wiltenholm, Osclow

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Name: Osclow Wiltenholm
Title(s): Os, Mr. Funny-hat, Spoony bard
Home/Location: The Viridale Druid's Glade
Birthplace: Navil
Age: 25
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Deity: The Gods of Knowledge (Deneir and Oghma in particular)
Alignment: NG

Osclow Wiltenholm is the only son of former adventurer Issen and his wife Ladeira. He was born in Navil, a small town to the southeast of Neverwinter. As a young child, Osclow was a bit of a lone wolf, preferring books to people and usually seeking out quiet places to read. He may have been a book-delving loner for the rest of his life had it not been for his childhood friends Parm, Lilia, and Esmee. As he grew older, Osclow eventually began to follow the path of the bard and developed a more social and charismatic approach to life, though still never losing his love for books, particularly accounts told by adventurers.

In time Osclow’s feelings for Lilia began to develop into something more than just friendship. He became truly aware of this ironically after Parm openly confessed his own love to Lilia. Not wishing to step between Lilia and a man whom he believed to be more deserving of her, Osclow kept his true feelings secret. About a year after they were wed, Parm and Lilia had a baby girl whom they named Tia, in honor of Lilia’s grandmother. Though a loving father and husband at first, Parm slowly began to lose himself to his work within the militia, alcohol, and fits of paranoia. Often he would get drunk and make false remarks about his wife taking “interest” in others within Navil. Though he never struck Lilia or Tia, his distancing behavior and verbal abuse created a gap between him and his family. Through thick and thin, Osclow was always there. Tia was always the biggest fan of Osclow’s music and he loved the spunky girl as if she was his own daughter, constantly telling her stories of adventurer tales and great palaces where nobles lived. Like Osclow, Tia had developed a fondness for books and once told him how she dreamed of one day living in a grand palace, like the one’s told in his stories, where she could read and explore all her days.

Tragedy and an oath:
One tragic day, Parm discovered Osclow and Lilia atop Bluewatch Cliff, a common meeting place for the three and Esmee. Though they were merely talking, Parm was too deeply under the influence of alcohol to listen to reason. He accused Osclow of backstabbing him and Lilia of being unfaithful. After bringing Osclow to his back with a vicious right hook, Lilia stood before Parm trying even harder to explain that they were doing nothing wrong. Parm refused to listen still, and took a rough hold of Lilia’s shoulders hurling insult after insult upon her. Lilia slapped him, and in his drunken daze, he swayed right off the edge of the cliff, taking Lilia with him. Osclow attempted to save Lilia, but managed only to grasp at her sleeve and one last glance of fear and sorrow in the eyes of the woman he loved before the fabric tore free and she fell to her death. Osclow mourned for over a month. Though he managed to retain his cheerful demeanor in time, deep down he still blames himself for the tragedy that took place upon Bluewatch Cliff. Whether it be through the confession of his true feelings to Lilia or a better attempt to talk Parm away from his drinking problem, in his own eyes Osclow believes his inaction was the cause of death for Tia’s parents. The only way Osclow saw to redeem himself was to devote his entire life to the girl whom he had taken so much from.

“Tia…You shall have your palace some day”

This was the promise he made to his now-adopted daughter one night as she slept. Thus began Osclow’s adventuring career, while Tia waits behind in the loving care of her aunt Esmee. In time, Osclow came to realize however that all his daughter truly wished for was a loving family and for the bard to be the loving father he always was. Even after coming to call Sundren his second home, Osclow has never forgotten about his beloved daughter and is determined to turn the valley into the kind of place he can raise her, while simultaneously hoping to become a better man on the road to his goal.

Reasons for coming to Sundren:
Osclow had been working as a sellsword and entertainer-for-hire along the Sword Coast about 3 months before he first met Fenton during the investigation of a supposedly unknown ruin. Though the two worked well together in discovering an old artifact, Fenton was concerned about a dispute on the rise as to who gets to keep the artifact itself. Surprisingly to Fenton, Osclow’s very first offer was to sell it and split the gold 50-50. Not once did he opt for a greater cut or try to backstab Fenton, even when he was “baited” with several opportunities. In time, the two became good friends and business partners working along the Sword Coast and Waterdeep. Their business in the City of Splendors came to a grinding halt after Fenton seduced a young noblewoman by the name of Jaseima Quinalt, only to disappear from her bed the morning after. Jaseima had connections to rather unscrupulous individuals, whom she ordered to capture Fenton and Osclow, after doing what they could to ruin their good name with frequent customers and potential clients. Now constantly losing coin and ducking law enforcements after being framed for stealing from a church of Tyr, Osclow and Fenton had no choice but to venture elsewhere for profit. Various rumors spoke of a city-state to the north with opportunities to be had. This land was called Sundren. Quickly and quietly, Osclow and Fenton snuck away with the gold they had remaining. Little was heard from Jaseima after she learned of Fenton’s disappearance, however rumors state that she has not forgotten or forgiven Fenton or the man who helped him escape.

Osclow is rarely without a whimsical smile, smirk, or at least a friendly nod to those he meets. He is kind-hearted, charismatic, and a quick thinker. At times he seems to lack concentration or focus, though the balance as to how much of this is real and how much is for show is difficult to tell at times. He has a somewhat odd outlook on life, commonly referring to events taking place in the land and in people's lives to be "chapters" of a grand "story".


  • Church of Oghma
  • rumored to be working closely with the Church of the Triumvirate and a few other groups.

Significant Relationships:

  • Tia: The name of Osclow's adopted daughter who waits for him back in Navil. To Osclow, Tia's happiness is more important than his own life.
  • Esmee Vindel: A childhood friend of Osclow and aunt to Tia. Through messages delivered by her raven familiar, Heska, she keeps in contact with Osclow and Fenton.
  • Fenton Tellens: One of Osclow's best friends and his official partner in business, agreeing to split all profits made 50-50. It was acts by Fenton that landed him and Osclow in Sundren in the first place.
  • Annaleen Hanssen: A beautiful, young, high-spirited druid of Sundren under the service of Chauntea and Silvanus. At first merely good friends, she and Osclow came to see something more of one another and became rather close. Rumors speak of wedding bells not being too far off.
  • Hano Fetten: A knight of Torm who has done a great deal for the land of Sundren. In him Osclow sees not only a good friend but a potential hero to fill numerous tales of wonderment and good triumphing over evil. Along with Fenton, he is one of two people Osclow calls 'brother'.
  • Lauan Tissle: A high-ranking Thayan Knight and former lover to Osclow. After their intimate relationship fell apart, the two became rather fierce enemies, though this has really only come out in the form of verbal conflict.
  • Tamryn Jorandur: A powerful follower of the Triumvirate and friend to Osclow. Though he posseses no official rank within the Triumvirate Temple, Osclow follows Tamyrn's orders throughly and often finds himself in silent awe of the power she and Hano wield.
  • Cybil: A radiant young woman touched by the power of Ilmater. A close friend, Os finds himself often protective of this noble warrior for reasons he himself seems unaware of. Currently, she is teaching Osclow the communication art of Ilmater sign.
  • Cirion: A knight of Sune attempting to overcome numerous obstacles in his life. Though he would perhaps never admit it, Os sees much of himself in Cirion, and is sympathetic for much he tries to overcome.

  • Osclow is often seen in the company of others as well, including: Quelistyra, Yashia, Etria, Elusa, Rena, and Logan ((I plan to put all of these people in the S. Relationships list soon))

Miscellaneous Information:

  • Osclow is a talented crafter of marionettes. It is said he has made a puppet with the likeness of many individuals within Sundren, including Hano, Fenton, Yashia, Tamryn, The Keeper, and the late Kemnebi. These puppets are occasionally used in Osclow's street performances.