Whitepaw, Mittens

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Name: Mittens Whitepaw

Home/Location: Nomadic: The tree along the river in the Veridale forest, the tree in Sestra outside the Lizardman caves, the tree on the field in Schild mountain, Mossdale Forest
Birthplace: Chult
Age: 40
Race: Strongheart Halfling
Gender: Female
Class: Druid/Warpriest
Deity: Malar
Alignment: CN

Mittens was not born into a tribe as most are and she is not known to have a traditional family of a mother, father or siblings.

Hunters from different tribes deep in the jungles whispered rumours of a great beast, a jungle cat, much larger and ferocious than any other they had seen. Over time, most hunters in the area considered the great beast a good omen, as its appearance usually meant a successful and bountiful hunt. The tribal shaman had a far different view, however, and warned their tribes of this creature, claiming to have seen visions of pain and suffering and warned of Ubtao's wrath. As the moon rose and fell, waxed and waned, more and more hunters from the tribes would secretly pray to the great beast before hunts, and then after a time, began to ask favour of it for other aspects of their lives.

Ubtao grew angry as more and more of his children began to worship the great jungle cat, but he watched in silence, biding his time.

Through an odd twist in fate, this time came, as three different hunting parties from different tribes happened upon a small child. The hunters were suspicious of the other tribes, having all arrived at the same place at the same time, but saw this event as an omen from the great jungle cat and saw the child as a powerful gift. That day the tribes forged an uneasy truce around the child, but it was not to be like that for long, as the tribes grew jealous of each other. Each tribe saw the success of the others as a slight against themselves and tension grew.

Significant Relationships:
Hubei Su Chi: Blood sister.
Qybox Quartzcore: Advisor.
Samael Charun: Companion.
Brak: Companion.