Singul, Omnigalas

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Incomplete. Needs proofreading! Go away!

Name:Omnigalas Singul
Title(s): Unknown
Home/Location: Sundren City
Birthplace: Crimmor, Amn
Age: 23
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Diety: Kossuth
Alignment: Unknown

Omnigalas was born some distance away from the city of Crimmor in an encampment that was used by traveling musicians, his very own mother being one of them. With them he traveled through much of his childhood, eventually learning the mandolin and drum so he could assist the group's performances.

While his environment was always filled with songs of joy and celebration, a minute yet overwhelming emptiness existed that acted as a heavy weight upon his own happiness and well being. He never knew his father; never seen his face, but he could not escape what others said of him and his qualities projected upon Omnigalas by others. He learned his father to be a sorcerer of noticeable power.

People would describe him as a vain and power hungry fellow with the an air of a covetous and dangerous man. He was a charmer, a lover, and a murderer. One with dragon blood in his veins and guiding his actions; a man who, at times, smelled of smoke.

Omnigalas did not believe most things he heard. He rejected the asserted notion of his father being a man who only thought of power through magic and murder. Concerning his father's purported draconic nature, Omnigalas found it to be most hilarious. Needless to say, however, he was regarded as a product of some sort of devilry. Thus, an anger began to form within him as time pressed on, as he believed none of it. Perhaps it was not simple denial, but instead a decision arrived through logical deduction. Often he would look at his hands and arms when alone, looking for something that was, "not human", however he saw nothing that set him apart from his peers. Regardless of this, at the age of 13 he departed from his family during one night, everyone being oblivious to his departure.

Life became very difficult for the young man outside of the safety of his traveling group. Although not a warrior in any sense of the word, he maintained some skill of the use of the sword. While not playing an instrument, one of his favorite past times was practicing a very rough form of swordsmanship with some of the older musicians that knew a bit how to work a blade. It may seem silly for a player of music to also be a stabber of hearts, however one has to remember that a traveling group may find itself to be in very vulnerable positions when removed from civilization.

Omnigalas was able to hunt small game and survive on the nourishment they provided, and lived in this (some would call "savage") manner until he happened upon a mountain range in Amn known as The Small Teeth. It was here he found a job in being a court a musician for the ruling powers of the land: two ogre mages. As strange as that may be, The Small Teeth and the empire they are part of were official Amn territory, so Omnigalas did in fact enjoy a good position indeed. His skill, though great for his age, was not the motivating factor behind his acquirement of the position. Rather, it was the kind of company that was kept in the ogre mages' court and the lack of any musical talent at all that made the boy shine in the ogres' eyes.

Monsters they may be called, yet they were intelligent, civilized, and accommodating to Omnigalas. Here he received some training in the true art of the sword, and it was here that Omnigalas found his weapon, that being the simple long sword. For many years, he lived a comfortable life creating music for his monstrous hosts.

The years progressed uneventfully, until that of his 18th. It was on one night during this year of his, some sort of awakening of a new sense of self occurred within him. Think he taken ill, or perhaps needed sleep, he did not think it too strange. However, as the days and nights progressed, this feeling became more profound, more unavoidable. A sudden desire, to learn...more about...himself, manifested. At this point he viewed these feelings to indeed be very queer and extremely unsettling. However, he could not...resist the simple urge to understand more about him.

His personality, mood, and outlook on life also changed at this point. He started to view those around him as lesser than him, disposable beings that would be more fit to serve than to think on their own. His own station in life only served to further fuel a then dim hatred of those around them and the things they possessed that he did not.

One night, alone, while playing with one of the ogre mages that ruled the land, Omnigalas had an idea that he acted out while it was still being formed in his mind. Shivering with mock fear, he "confessed" to the ogre that he overheard of a plot to assassinate the ruling mage, straight from the other ogre's mouth.

Mages of ogre blood are not stupid creatures, however Omnigalas had shown himself to be an obedient and loyal servant, and was treated almost like a son in some twisted sense. Therefore, these words in combination with tears had much weight on the ogre, and anger soon was his.

The aftermath of this was one of violence and death. The ogres waged war on eachother (following a botched assassination attempt by the tricked ogre), and sent their minions to fight each other and be slaughtered. Omnigalas was unsure if he enjoyed the resulting chaos, but was actually shocked at his own actions and made the utmost haste in leaving the place he lived in for so many years.

While leaving, he was unable to comprehend or understand what he had just done, but he did admit to himself there was a certain pride in the success of his radical actions. This did little to quell the ever present hunger that was present within him, however. Something...some force pulled him to another section of the mountain range. Eventually, he reached the peaks of the mountain, where the cold was no friend to any warm blood. Whether it was his drive, or something else, this did not affect him. It was here that he came upon Iryklathagra, the blue wyrm known as "Sharpfangs".

It has been said that this wyrm awakes only once a century. Fate is a strange fellow indeed, for that time came at the moment Omnigalas entered the lair. Unable to move at the sight of this gargantuan creature, Omnigalas stood in place in utter awe and wonder. Here, he felt his hunger subside, however he felt a new feeling take its place. The only way to describe it would be that it was a "wrong" feeling, it all felt, "not right", but it was preferable over the nagging pain felt with from the hunger, so Omnigalas payed it little heed.

The encounter that occurred between the wyrm and Omnigalas was one of pure terror for the young man, who found himself unable to speak for the most part throughout it. His life almost ended here, as the dragon was almost too delighted to see a meal in front of his eyes to be had almost immediately after awakening from its slumber. As it approached however, ready to feed, it smelled something strange coming from this human; a smell that most certainly should not belong to a human: a draconic presence. The wyrm could tell by its potency that it was not dealing with a polymorphed true dragon, but instead a human whose blood contained a touch of dragon.

This certainly prevented his untimely death, as the dragon viewed the human to be a somewhat greater being than the rest of his pathetic race. True dragons are proud creatures, however, and the human in front of this one still was viewed as little more than a waste of life in its eyes. Through probing and conversation, it quickly discerned the reason to its arrival, and found it to be quite a treat to have a situation such as this. The blood in Omnigalas' veins were that of a red. Certainly, if our friend's draconic side was that of a Gold, he would've been eaten or perhaps even tortured on the spot. Reds have a power that most experts in the field agree is greater than a blues, so some strange sense of jealousy entered the wyrm's heart.

It forced Omnigalas into forced servitude, and required him to perform various menial tasks, and many activities to lose one's mind in. Polishing trinkets in his hoard, to properly maintaining the other sections of his lair. The wyrm didn't even care for these kinds of things, but rather took great pleasure in seeing our friend suffer.

This was not to last forever. On the fourth year of his servitude (it seems our wyrm here sleeps and stays awake for great lengths of time), and the wyrm did as he planned he would always do. He said to Omnigalas on that day that he would reveal the general location of one more closely related to what was in Omnigalas' blood; one that could perhaps help him ease that desire that never went away.

But with one last stroke of cruelty, the wyrm told our friend that this information would only be revealed if Omnigalas himself committed a most foul deed: the murdering of his own mother.

It is unknown what occurred after this point. History itself contains no record of whether or not this foul deed was committed. All we know, is that Omnigalas now finds himself in the lands of Sundren; a place that is greatly removed from his own home. It is here that he appears to be in search for he knew to come here, only the gods themselves know.

Not done! Haven't proofread! Go away



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