Laric Frashul

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Name: Laric Frashul
Title(s): Priest of Ilmater
Home/Location: Hall of Endurance
Birthplace: Unknown
Age: 62
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Deity: Ilmater
Alignment: Lawful Good


Laric has the look of someone anywhere from the ages of fifty-five through sixty-five. A decrepit body adorned with robes and a slow-footed walk is in constant need of support from his staff. With his pleasant demeanor complimented by talks of endurance and faith; one thing is certain. A priest stands before you.

-Factual Timeline of His Past-
(unknown unless revealed in character; for DM use)

  • Born into slavery and imported into the city of Calimport, Capital of Calimshan.
  • Oldest of Three children.
  • Two sisters. One deceased, other unknown.
  • Noble Master physically and mentally abused all three children routinely.
  • One sister commits suicide, other murders Master in mysterious way, and Laric is left for the streets. (Age 23)
  • Develops opium addiction; depression and malnutrition set in... Laric gives up on life and is rendered "Faithless".
  • The Ilmatari find and aid in Laric's recovery. Monks rid him of his addiction. (Age 55)
  • Johan Varrs, Priest of the Broken Deity, begins counsel.
  • An unlikely event occurs. A miracle is granted to Laric through prayer. He has gained favor among Ilmater and is ordained a priest.
  • Directed to report to the Ilmatari of Sundren. (Age 61)

-Detailed Backstory-

Stories of actual events will be revealed to those he trusts in character.

DM event/quests participated in:

  • Research of An Unknown Artifact. (5/11/2008)

Significant Relationship(s):

  • Hellsword, Annie - Hot headed at times, Laric has taken an interest in her well being and still unknown motives. He offers his counsel to her on matters of morality.