Richard Darkholme

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Revision as of 05:23, 14 May 2008 by Lothoir (talk | contribs)
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Name: Richard Darkhome
Primary Residence: Viridale Forest
Birthplace: Cormyr
Age: 36
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Whitepaw Spirit: The Whitepaw Tribe, led by Mittens Whitepaw, has recently adopted Richard as their war spirit. He often follows them around invisibily, but on occasion becomes visible around campfires, specificly the Exigo trade post.

Significant Relationships:

  • Alyrian Eldeas - When Richard first came to Sundren he formed a close group of friends. After his disappearance Richard has emerged to find only Alyrian left.
  • Mittens Whitepaw - After Richard's return to Sundren he had few friends, and scared most others away with his haunting eyes. But Mittens saw him as a warrior spirit come to help her tribe, and so Richard now adventures with them.
