Whitepaw Tribe

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The Whitepaw Tribe

The Whitepaw Tribe is a currently small group who are all connected by the tribal marking of a white paw drawn on the members' armor. For one reason or another all of the members have chosen to join the tribe and have been accepted by the chieftain, Mittens. Under Mittens' leadership the tribe has taken to the defence of the great trees around Sundren, namely the one situated between Sundren and Veritas forces in the Schild mountains. Thanks to Mittens' blood-sister Hubei Su Chi, a shadowdancer, the tribe has forged a close alliance with the shadows and are served by great shadow mastiffs that accompany the tribe on some hunts, and guard their Tribeland while the tribe is away. Handprint.gif



The Whitepaw tribe have been known to rally around great trees, where they plan for war. There are three such trees in Sundren:

  1. The Great Tree along the river in the Veridale forest. This was the first of the Great War Trees and where the war against the Mossclaw Alliance was planned and executed. The Whitepaw Tribe are rarely seen here anymore, having come to a shakey understanding with the alliance, though the tree still serves as a forward observation post against the Talonians and the plague that seems to be seeping out from the Untrodden Grounds.
  2. The Great Tree in Sestra. The second of the Great War Trees and one of the most significant. The tree itself is hidden away in a secluded mountain valley, which leads to the lands of a clan of ferocious Lizardmen. It was from this tree that the Whitepaw Tribe began to take shape as Mittens, Hubei and Qybox first came together to wage a bloody and prolonged war against the Lizards. It was here that Mittens carved the bones of her kills to be hung from the branches of the great tree in offering. It was also here that Hubei took Mittens after she was killed during one of the fledgling tribe's first raids against the Veritas. Pom Wader was first introduced to the tribe during this event as he watched Hubei lay Mittens out under her Great War Tree before sacrificing herself to Malar in exchange for Mittens' safe return from the beyond.
  3. The third, and final of the Great Trees, is situated between the Veritas and Sundren forces in the Schild mountains. This tree has witnessed many battles waged at its base and has suffered many injuries, being riddled with stray arrows and scorch mark from the magical artillery shots. To end the tree's suffering the Whitepaw Tribe has declared war on the Veritas and often launches raids on their steppes in an attempt to force the Veritas to retreat and leave the Great Tree in peace. While warring, the chieftain Mittens will invoke the tree's spirit and change her form into a terrible and wrothful avenging spirit.


  • Messenger - A particularly foul and obnoxious man who tried banning the Whitepaws from the Schild mountains. The Chieftain has ceased communicating with this messenger and is awaiting the entreaties of his chieftain to resume diplomatic ties.