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Name: Logan Title(s): The Foul Location: Streets of Arquor Birthplace: Cormyr, Talonhold Keep east of Arabel Age: 25 Race: Halfling Gender: Male Deity: Non-Practicing follower of Brandobaris Alignment: CE

'The Distant Past'

Born Perchin Stoutstables, Logan was born the son of the local farrier under the charge of Earl Soltion Brieghstar, a man of minor noble birth. His mother passing from an illness contracted soon after Logan’s birth, he was orphaned as a small child after his father was killed in the involuntarily service of a militia raised by Earl Breighstar in an attempt by the Earl to wrest lands and power from another local lord.

Logan, barely more than a toddler, was placed into the stewardship of a small orphanage operated by Father Persious a zealous follower of Illmater.  Unaccustomed with halflings, Father Persious took to Logan with cruel pity. Assuming Logan’s participation or guilt for all transgressions that happened in or around the orphanage, Frather Persious deemed that the path to Logan’s redemption lay in divine suffering.  After enduring several years of unjust abuse, one night following a particular vicious lashing given to him because a prayer book had been found with a crude picture of the Father Persious scrawled in it, Logan jammed the door to the Father’s sleeping chamber and set fire to the orphanage before fleeing onto the open road.

Making his way to Suzail, Logan and several other orphan children fell in with older blind beggar named Salien who taught the children to beg, pickpocket, and survive on the streets. After scraping by as an alley rat into his teenage years, Logan became a cabin boy for a corsair ship named the Serpent’s Spear. When a raid on a well guarded merchantman ship turned into a bloody skirmish and the Serpent’s Spear was boarded by mercenaries hired to protect the ship, Logan learned that his small size leant itself to slipping behind the unsuspecting and dealing lethal blows. However, Logan’s life as a pirate was abrupt. When the ship made port the following month in Ilipur the captain and half the crew were captured. Sticking mostly to trade caravans and travelers camps, Logan stayed inland from then on eventually making his way to the western coast and the lands of Amn.

'The Recent Past'

Arriving in Sundren…

'The Present' Hano is constantly struggling hard to stay on the path of righteousness. He has been faced with many situations that he would like to call 'Paladin Grey Areas'.. Times when the enemy would hide behind Sundren law preventing him to righteously act without breaking a law. He's grown to despise any villain that uses such means to escape his grasp and often lets his anger take over, clouding his ability to act in a righteous manner, and leading him to do unrighteous acts. None of them are severe, however, he seeks to discipline himself under Balthasar before they become such.


Temple of the Triumvirate Significant Relationships:

Balthasar: Hano looks up to Balthasar as a man able to make a swift just decision without second thought. His sense of duty and righteousness fuel Hano's passion to become an even greater Paladin than he himself.

Osclow: Hano sees this man as a great friend, diplomat, and Bard. Despite how 'spoony' he may seem at times Hano trusts this man to handle crucial matters with little doubt in him or his resources.

Peri: Peri is still a new friend to Hano, however he was captivated by her childish heart. He believes her to be a bit rash at times, but overlooks it in hopes of better disciplining her into becoming a fine ally.

Yashia: Hano holds Yashia with high respect for her martial capabilities as one that hunts undead, however, he feels as she is a misguided student and tries to act like her mentor so that she might regain her Paladinhood.

Elric: Hano has gained far more trust than he initially had with this mage after his recent actions against the Necropolis. Their ties grow together as they pursue common goals. Due to the man's knowledge and power Hano is slowly having to rely more and more on this man.

Braghuru, the Ice Hag: Fate seems to have thrown this Hag into Hano's path of righteousness. She has chosen to stand beside one of his sworn enemies, Samantha, The Vile Necromancer. Hano seeks for her to suffer the righteous judgment of Tyr alongside her her Necromancer ally and by the wrath of the Loyal Fury if need be. Miscellaneous Information:

Has never parted with his sword or armor willingly since they were given to him. They are truly his own precious tools and would not give them up for the world. Hano's enemies have a habit of stealing his sword. Hano does not find this amusing. Retrieved from "http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.php?title=Hano_Fetten"