Blake Kathryn

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Name: Kathryn "Katie" Blake

Birthplace: Lanternhead, a village on a small island called Horsa by the people who live there in the Moonshae Islands

Age: 17

Race: Human

Class: Sorceress
Gender: Female

Deity: Lurue

Alignment: CG

History Kathryn left her birthplace only a week after her Great Grandmother died. The people of her village, including her parents, beat and drove her away after she defended herself from a near rape using her innate magical abilities. Branded a witch, and an outcast she lived in constant fear before meeting Anna, her familiar and constant companion. With Anna's help Katie learned to control her abilities, traveling to the mainland to the Fortess of Candlekeep, after a time there she took ship again to the land of Sundren, in hopes of finding a home on the frontier.
Personality & Appearance: Kathryn is a very shy and submissive girl, due in part to nature, part to culture, and part to the way she was treated by the people closest to her the last time she saw them. She sometimes doubts herself, and has been known to blame herself for things that are not her fault. She's easily startled and prone to wearing her emotions on her sleeve. Her appearance could be called stunning, or flawless, and has been referred to as both. Despite this, she's known to wear close a few sizes to big for her, oversized cloaks, and large floppy hats. Short for a human at 5'3", and lithe, her hair is orange/red and she has startlingly large emerald eyes.
Recent History Katie has recently become engaged to Cirion Relius in a controversial event, which involved Cirion proposing to both her and Galiana Eld'zan at the same time, poly-amorous marriages not being common in Sundren. Katie and Galiana however seem very happy with this arrangement, both showing open affection and love for Cirion and each other, Katie usually taking the lead from one or both of them.