Juniper Foley

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Revision as of 03:07, 30 June 2008 by (talk)
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Name: Juniper Foley, also known as Juney Thimbles.
Title(s): "The Heroic Haberdasher"
Home/Location: Wherever the wind takes her...
Birthplace: Beneath Rawlinswood, the Great Dale
Age: 65
Race: Gnome
Gender: Female
Deity: Baervan Wildwanderer, Tymora
Alignment: -

Summary: Juniper is a rather plump gnome girl with a head full of bouncing red curls, a mischievous smile on her lips and a spring in her step. She has a kindly face, and, while rather portly, is fairly attractive. She always has something to say, whether it need be said or not. She is drawn to crowds, loves to meet new people and adores being the centre of attention when it suits her.

Faction(s): -

Significant Relationships: Juney is more than happy to meet and chatter to anyone and everyone, but currently has no alliances worth remarking upon.

She was very close to the late Malaclypse Discordia, and after his death, she went missing for a considerable amount of time. She has only recently returned to Sundren.

Miscellaneous Information: Juniper is a seamstress and repairer of garments, by trade.