Lauan Tissle

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Name: Lauan Tissle
Title(s): Lauan
Home/Location: Four Lanterns Inn (Sundren city gate)
Birthplace: Thay
Age: 27
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Deity: Red Knight ( Shows no real passion for her diety )
Alignment: Neutral

Lauan is not at all too shy and seemingly kind-hearted and naive upon meeting her. Lauan has the body of a woman, but the mind set of a seven year old. She arrived here from Thay with a mysterious wizard named Krang Mortenson. Her bond to this man was not one of love, or idolism, but of servitude. Lauan came to Sundren as a slave of this wizard but recently purchased from an auction he heald when he thought she was strong enough to rake in a pretty penny.

After the auction, she became more light-hearted and seemingly happier (sometimes) with her new life style. When she was sold to the kind hearted woman who loves and cares for her like a mother. She will usualy be seen in the Four Lanterns in, associating herself with many of her new "friends". When you speak with her, it is clear she has a lack of education and common sense. Her care-free life style is either something to look upon shamefuly, or with much envy.

Faction(s): None

Significant Relationships:
Friends- Yashia: Yashia acts as the mother Lauan never had.
Brak: Lauan takes particular interest in Brak, usualy trying to get close to him, or impress him by some means.
Sehron: Sehron babysits Lauan when Yashia is busy.
Carmella: Lauan has grown a strong bond to Carmella, who fills Lauan in on all she needs to know.
Krang: Lauans former master, now has seemingly disapeared.

Miscellaneous Information:
1.No one knows who Lauans parents were, except for a select few.
2. She carries around a doll named lilly.
3. She seems to have an un-natural obsession with dresses, and sometimes armor and weapons.
4. Seemingly very sensitive to loud noises and yelling.
5. Absolutely adores the colors red and blue.