Kaseira Kinthala

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Name: Kaseira Kinthala
Alias/Title(s): Wandering Playwright, The Green Bardess
Location: Far away from the angry mob
Birthplace: The High Forest
Age: 212
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Female
Deity: Oghma
Alignment: CN

'The Childhood'

To those unwelcome strangers whom sometimes wander too close, the High Forest can be a dangerous, dark place, its mysteries hidden to those not familiar with the many intricacies of some place so ancient. Places ages-old, brimming with archaic magic, deadly guardians, and long forgotten treasures surrounded the Forest, and it would be no small task for any experienced band of adventurers to explore. Which is precisely why places such as the Star Mounts, with its rumored dragons, or the Dire Woods, with its tales of massacres and undead, didn't see visitors too often. Those that did come typically met a terrible fate, finding their stay to be quite less than temporary, as the case may be. Conversational tea with a mix of friendly, welcoming hospitality was not something in abundance here, if it even existed at all.

Growing up in such a place was no daunting task for Kaseira, however. It was bred into her blood as a Wood Elf. She grew up to the parents of the Kinthala bloodline, one of questionable purity as it was often rumored that there were perhaps human or fae influences in it, long, long ago, but to the accuracy of such statements one could only guess. This was, however, a plausible way to describe the family 'curse,' as it may be, something that struck every few generations. Called the 'Itch', affectionately deemed by those of the other elves, a Kinthala would inherit the unrelenting urge to explore and make their way unto the world, perhaps one day returning after sufficient mark has been left. The High Forest was self-sufficient, after all, and to leave the seclusion of its embrace was something few Wood Elves ever deigned.

The girl grew up fast, as would be expected amongst such a place. Only an adolescent yet, one might jestingly say her naivety(in its naivety) wandered far into the forest and was never heard from again, lost forever to the ever-enveloping foliage and its twisting branches. Or, one might not jest at all.

'The Wandering'

Coming Soon

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