Hano Fetten

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Name: Hano Fetton
Title(s): Knight, Servant of the Loyal Fury, Slayer of Kemnebi
Location: Triumvirate Temple
Birthplace: Scornubel
Age: 26
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Deity: Torm
Alignment: LG

'The Distant Past'

Hano was born and spent his earliest years in Scornubel, a Caravan Town in the Western Heartlands. He was born a son of a well renown Blacksmith, however, it should be known that his father did not gain his reputation through the durability and strength of his weapons. In fact, he made his claim with his astounding artistic work in crafting ceremonial blades for noblemen and, eventually, distant surrounding Temples. His mother was a traveling merchant dealing in fine silks that frequented the city during the summers, heading to or from the ports depending on the year.

If Hano were to have inherited anything from his parents it would be his father's beliefs in the importance of a sword. Hano was taught that a blade crafted by the finest blacksmith and enchanted by Faerun's most powerful wizards hail in comparison to a blade that is crafted for purposes beyond strength and killing - That by having unconditional faith in their blade it would reflect the user's will and, if deemed fit by the Gods, would embody the power necissary to carry out the user's will.

Hano spent his earliest years alongside his father studying blade craft, listening to the stories of passing adventurers looking to buy. The tales ate at Hano, planting seeds of desire to adventure within him. He spent a lot of his time in daydream of plundering ruins, fighting off hordes of demons, and being respected by kings and nobleman as a hero. His father was well aware of Hano's ambitions and dreams and supported them full heartedly. In fact, his father decided to escort him towards the Temple of Torm. One in particular he worked with through the years and on several occasions. He brought Hano before them bearing a giant sword easily twice the length of Hano as a boy. The sword was to be payment to the church for him to be squired by a knight. He was accepted with no haggling involved - In fact, the sword seemed to hold very little thought towards the acceptance of Hano as a squire.

He was soon to be squired under a Paladin known only as 'Vaen' - A planetouched, better known as an Aasimar. Reluctant at first, the Temple pursuaded him to take Hano under him. The man was held with high respect, but far from a man without flaws. His lack of respect and greed lead his path far more than the thought of righteousness. He never strayed from his code or the law, however, all of his campaigns against evil were executed in favor of which would provide the most loot or reputation gain amongst the nobles and lords. He truly believed himself to be the future leader of man and that he would one day lead them all in an epic campaign against evil. It left Hano subject to his harsh insults targeted specifically at his beliefs and lack discipline - In fact he believed that the rest of Hano's life would best be served as his squire taking care of his sword, deemed the only thing the boy could do right.

Hano followed Vaen on his coat tail for three years before thought worthy of holding his first replica sword made of wood. With his crude sword he trained himself vigourously between serving Vaen, keeping a vigilant watch over Vaen during his many battles in hopes to learn from his exceptional martial abilities. Hano trained under Vaen this way for four years.

By the seventh year, Vaen had indeed become popular; his deeds and ambitions spread like wildfire through the words of noblemen and lords. His respect and allies boomed, but in turn, so did his list of enemies in proportion. It is believed this to be the cause of his undoing. You see, the seventh year bore the day Vaen had disappeared. It was a particularly foggy night and he had taken rest with Hano a few miles from Scornubel with intentions to return to the Caravan City to take passageway towards the ports and ultimately Waterdeep. On that night Vaen had simply vanished during Hano's sleep. His whereabouts, let alone the cause, are far from known to Hano

Hano woke within the next morning, uneased with the surroundings. Vaen was gone, so was most of his belongings.. But not all of them. He took what little belongings were left behind - A map, a few scrolls, and a leather-worn journal. He then headed to the Temple of Torm in seek of guidance. He was greeted warmly as they took him in to train his faith. He mentioned only what deemed necissary about Vaen's disappearence. It was waved off as an abrupt leaving on Vaen's decision. They thought too highly of his abilities to think he would be kidnapped or killed so easily without notice, though, Hano thought very little of it for he despised his now ex-Lord Knight. He studied under the temple for three years.. During this time Vaen had become a passing thought. On the third year of training and discipline Hano was deemed worthy of being knighted. Though his martial skills were below par most Knights - his faith and unbreakable will out-shun any Knight or Lord amongst their ranks.

Hano was Knighted as a Servant of the Loyal Fury, Torm. The sword Hano was knighted with was to be given to him, though, ironically it was the very one his father gave the Temple ten years ago. Hano took this sword in hand with ease, holding it before him with great determination. Weather had not touched it in the ten years he was gone, in fact, it seems to have been well kept for this very day. It's almost as if the blade itself was waiting for Hano through the years for this very moment when he would be prepared enough to weild it. This was his sword now, and through it he would will to cut down the evil shrouding the righteous path of man. Now it was time for him to start his crusade against evil.. But where? Hano reached to his bag and slides out a map, the one Vaen had left behind, and circled on it was an island.. Sundren.

'The Recent Past'

Since arriving in Sundren, Hano saught out the Temple of the Triumvirate. Through word of commonfolk he learned that there was a house in Sundren for any follower of Torm, Ilmater, as well as Tyr (The Triad). He approached the head of the Loyal Fury's Servants in hopes joining their ranks. They gladly accepted him and his help against the Black Hand.

Under his new Temple Hano ventured far and wide through the lands of Sundren rallying together other adventurers that would aid him in his cause under a single banner. He considers himself to be fairly successful, however, has not reduced his efforts in recruitment or converting so far.

Of course, being righteous in plain sight has it's dangers, and with that as it is, Hano has made several enemies to this day. Amongst his enemies he has taken particular interest in Samantha, the Necromancer, and this new dawning threat 'Syran'. Between the two he holds little knowlege, and just as little of advantages. In fact, Hano sees the enemies swelling in far greater numbers and power than his allies. It should be known that this only inspires him to light the way on the tough road Sundren and her people have before them.

Hano was not known for great martial skill or glorious achievements, only for his constant meddlings that lead to one of Sundren's bigger advantages; he became a target of the (at the time) Most Wanted Man in Sundren - Kemnebi. Due to Hano's particularly untested skill Kemnebi underestimated the ability of this Tormite, ultimately leading to his demise at Hano's sword. Hano brought his corpse before Balthasar in the Triumvirate Temple and became a hero amongst the people. It should also be noted that the bounty, 40,000 staggs, was all donated to the Triumvirate Temple.

'The Present'

Hano is constantly struggling hard to stay on the path of righteousness. He has been faced with many situations that he would like to call 'Paladin Grey Areas'.. Times when the enemy would hide behind Sundren law preventing him to righteously act without breaking a law. He's grown to despise any villain that uses such means to escape his grasp and often lets his anger take over, clouding his ability to act in a righteous manner, and leading him to do unrighteous acts. None of them are severe, however, he seeks to discipline himself under Balthasar before they become such.


  • Temple of the Triumvirate

Significant Relationships:

  • Balthasar: Hano looks up to Balthasar as a man able to make a swift just decision without second thought. His sense of duty and righteousness fuel Hano's passion to become an even greater Paladin than he himself.
  • Osclow: Hano sees this man as a great friend, diplomat, and Bard. Despite how 'spoony' he may seem at times Hano trusts this man to handle crucial matters with little doubt in him or his resources.
  • Peri: Peri is still a new friend to Hano, however he was captivated by her childish heart. He believes her to be a bit rash at times, but overlooks it in hopes of better disciplining her into becoming a fine ally.

Miscellaneous Information:

  • Has never parted with his sword or armor since given to him. They are truly his own precious tools and would not give them up for the world.