Sundren Laws

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Sundren System of Law

Sundren is a land of laws and religions, its jurisprudence heavily influenced by the teachings of the Helmite clergy -- oftentimes swayed by practical concerns of the church of Waukeen -- and its judiciary tempered with the justice of Tyr, with a smidgen of Ilmater's mercy at times. Rumors persist that the Banites have their influence as well, though it has never been proven.

The degree of enforcement varies throughout the valley state. The most lawful area is, of course, Sundren City. Additionally, Port Avanthyr is highly protected, being a major route for commerce. Law enforcement and presence of the Legion diminishes the further you travel from these centers of government and business. Sestra has a lower presence of the Legion and relies on the local militia, called the Corsairs, and volunteers from the Arbiters' Alliance for enforcement. To the north, Aquor has an even smaller Legion presence. The Thayan Enclave is charged with protecting its citizens, but they limit their enforcement to within the town walls. Outside those walls, lawlessness is rampant.

The fairness of the legal system overall is adequate, if unexceptional, relative to the rest of the Realms. Still, it is because of Sundren's sound governance and effective laws that the people of the valley may sleep sound at night in their homes.

As with all places of the era, enforcement of the law is often highly-dependent upon expediency, practical relevance, and convenience. For instance, petty thugs roaming in the backstreets may receive limited spotlight from law enforcement, but murderous bandits in the heart of a Sundarian marketplace would likely be dealt with swiftly and harshly. One may expect the enforcers of law to take on the combined role of judge and executioner.

This is an age where legal loopholes are a privilege for the powerful, exceptional clauses tools of the resourceful. Sundren deals with internal unrest with little tolerance, by means of severe consequences. Eloquent lawyers will not save common lawbreakers, nor will petty bribes shake the dedication of the judiciary. Let them be warned who dance on the precipice of breaching the law, for the eye of Helm watches, and the punishment of Tyr just.

State Laws and Town Ordinances

Current Laws and Ordinances of Sundren

Recent Ordinances

Face-Coverings in Civilized Areas

No face-coverings are allowed in civilized public areas. This includes all Sundren City districts, Sundren towns, and trading posts. Hoods are allowed, but any mask or guard partially hiding the face is not lawful, save for those enlisted to protect the town.

It is lawful to wear such items in dangerous, untamed parts of the land where protections may be necessary.

Anderson Act

Vellik Act