Bayushi, Shinza

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Revision as of 17:21, 25 July 2009 by Raziel (talk | contribs) (New page: Name: Bayushi Raziel Race: Half-Drow Class: Samurai Aligment: Lawfull Evil Diety: Leira (The Lying Darkness) Age: 17 Clan: Scorpion Clan Bayushi Raziel was born in Rokugan, possibly in...)
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Name: Bayushi Raziel Race: Half-Drow Class: Samurai Aligment: Lawfull Evil Diety: Leira (The Lying Darkness) Age: 17 Clan: Scorpion Clan

 Bayushi Raziel was born in Rokugan, possibly in Ryoko Owari, it is said he is the child of Bayushi Adachi and a humanlike agent of the Lying Darkness known as Raz'aran. Raz'aran ordered Bayushi Adachi to conceal the nature of the child and to raise him in Kyuden Bayshi untill him Gempukku. Afterwards, Raz'aran said, he would be called to his true master. How exacly Raziel came to Sundren is not entirely clear. 
 Bayushi Raziel was raised in the households of the Scorpion Clan, showing promissing aptitute for both the sword and for words, still this was not what made him stand (or rather fade) among his clanmates. Shadow seemed to embrace him. Bayushi Raziel still serves his clan, though he also serves a deity known as The Lying Darkness, who in Sundren is known as Leira. He always wears a mask as it is the custom of his clan.
 He is expressive, at least more than one would expect, his movements are fast and precise. He has come to these lands with a mission to fulfill and he is willing to swear his loyalty to any lord who can help him (Only Bayushi Raziel knows why and how). He is a master of deception and lies, and a skilled swrodsman.