Kantor, Fritz

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Name: Fritz Kantor
Deity: Selune
Age: 22


He is a pale skinned human man with crisp blue eyes and brown hair. On his left arm are tattoos of a stars, one for each vampire he has killed.


He is very much an eccentric. At a very young age, he had already shown an interest in mechanical engineering of weaponry and booby traps. The booby trap part did not so much entertain his parent who too often ended up hanging upside down from their very own living room ceiling. Socially challenging, his outlook on life is not what most would consider normal, even across the most contrasting cultures. He challenges norms, even his own, and is often troublesome. He enjoys challenges, loves chasing women, drinking, boasting, and is already in love with his legend that he so often dreams about. A friendly, creative, and assertive individual who is one deadly shot with his crossbow.

History & Origins:

In the rural region east of Neverwinter, just pass the Neverwinter woods, lies a dreadful looking keep where a Baron by the name of Kondul Vik Karn rules. Publicly, he is known to be a charming, witty, friendly, and kindhearted man who so happens to adopt many children. His relationship with Neverwinter, who he gives his loyalty to, is also very good and he often volunteers for embassy missions on its behalf.

But behind this veil of humble nobility lies a cold hearted vampire and faithful to Lord Colibrus. He is very well organized and ruthless with his execution on all his schemes. He places those he adopts into a shelter where they are raised and watched by only his most loyal and wicked servants. Sure it could be considered a human farm by those blood suckers of lower ambitions but, to our Baron, it is also a place to recruit talent.

Orphaned at the age of thirteen, Fritz found himself to be one of Baron Kondul Vik Karn's newly adopted children. The boy being the son of a fairly well known local woodsman and sorceress, the Baron placed him on his 'watch not drink' list and considered training him as a guardsmen. His talents had him on his way but Fritz's unruliness and natural dislike of authority figures started to become problematic.

Once Fritz became aware of the Baron's wickedness he, broke free and, began working against him. Most of Fritz's time after that was spent tracking and hunting lower tier vampires up and down the River Mirar, which angered the Baron. The Baron eventually sent out some of his loyal guard and has hired hired bounty hunters to stop Fritz and quite him as he probably knows too much.

Important Contacts:
Baron Kondul Vik Karn

People hunting Fritz:
The Vik Karn Loyal Guard
Bounty Hunters

Motivation and Goals: Killing as many vampires as he can to make the night a safer place, revenge, fame

The crossbow, tracking, trapping, and tinkering with weapons and trap creation.