Name: Snow Hawk
Title(s): Guardian of Nes'Anah, Peace of the Grove of Viridale
Home/Location: Rhemoraz Tribe encampment, Wyntir Manor, Cold Climb
Birthplace: Ice Wind Dale Tundra
Age: 17
Race: Aasimar
Gender: Male
Deity: Tempus
Alignment: CN (LG)
Snow Hawk is a very plain speaking, friendly, and influential young man. When his tribe came south following the elk herd, he was one of the scouts and gatherers sent out into the Sundren Vale. Though he's only 17 and has yet to pass his manhood test, he has proven himself to be a fierce warrior in battle and a diligent defender of the oaths he has sworn. He spends much of his time following Nes'Anah thru out the Viridale forest, often looking for ways to help her bring peace to the inhabitants, and protecting others against violence.
Snow Hawk takes great pride in his God and likes to tell others that Tempus teaches not just glory in physical battle, but in all struggles, challenges, and spiritual battles that a person can find in life.
Significant Relationships:
Keeper of the Grove: Looks to him as a father figure.
Nes'Anah: He loves her and is sworn to always guard her.
Colibrus: Has acted as intermediary between Colibrus and the tribe of the Rhemoraz in matters of the tribe's encampment and rights on Colibrus's land.
Miscellaneous Information:
Teaches fishing in the grove.
Feeds and heals the needy in the grove.