Copper Feldspar

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Name: Copper Feldspar



Birthplace: Blingdenstone

Age: Undetermined

Race: Gnome (Svirfneblin)

Gender: Male

Patron Deity: Mystra

Physical Features: Copper was born without the grey skin pigmentation common amongst his people. For all intents and purposes, he is indistinguishable from his surface cousins. As is common amongst the males of his race, Copper is completely bald, with only a small growth of beard shadowing his face.

Early History Copper was born in the Svirfneblin city of Blingdenstone the son of a stern father and loving mother. His earliest years were spent studying under the tuteledge of his father Garland, a master Gemcrafter of great renown. Although Copper respected and admired his father's work, his first love had always been the Art. His free time was spent scouring libraries and repositories accumulating as much knowledge concerning magic and it's various applications as possible. It was during his studies that he learned of Mystra and the weave, of their intricate design and balance, and their ultimate complexity.

Recent History

The Present

Significant Relationships
