Salagar Grim

Name: Salagar Grim

Title(s): Salagar the Grim

Home/Location: Anywhere in Sundren

Birthplace: Waterdeep

Age: 25

Race: Halfling

Gender: Male

Deity: Brandobarus

Alignment: CN

Salagar was a much sought after "dagger man" for an infamous loan shark in Waterdeep. He had to flee Waterdeep because of his insatiable thirst for trinkets or what he calls loot. One night after he had "convinced" a client to pay his outstanding debt, he walked past some shady looking figures in black that were running from a broken window. He saw some items glittering from one of the bags they carried and became very curious. He confronted the two individuals. They instantly attacked Salagar and he was barely able to parry the numerous blows that rained about him. He was able to roll under one of the human thieves and hamstring him. The other thief, dropped his loot and ran. Salagar made short work of the human and took the two dropped bags.

The bags held a King's ransom in jewels! Unfortunately, the two thieves were affiliated with the Shadow Thieves of Amn in Waterdeep and soon Salagar was running for his life. He decided to settle in Sundren because he heard their was much "loot" to be had and he didn't think the Shadow Thieves held sway in Sundren.

Salagar is always curious and wants to witness everything there is to witness in this world or other worlds. He always runs from place to place, looking for new adventures and of course, new sources of loot.

Faction(s): None

Significant Relationships:

Mittens: Salagar thinks he may be in her new "clan" or maybe just someone who shows up when she is ready to go to war.

Hubei: They have crossed paths many times and shared a number of adventures. He doesn't really know where he stands with Hubei.

Miscellaneous Information:

Salagar is always friendly unless you cross him, then beware.

Last updated byAnonymous