Wrathful Castigation

Level: Wiz/Sor 8<br>
School: Enchantment (Compulsion) <a href="Mind">Affecting</a><br>
Components: V,S<br>
Casting Time: 1<br>
Range: Close<br>
Effect: One Living Creature<br>
Duration: 1 rd / level<br>
Saving Throw: See Text<br>
Spell Resist: Yes<br>

<i>The only known casting of this spell to date was by a Sorceress of Talona on a dwarf named Marcas StoneEater. At first it caused him to double over in pain, then cry out in agony, and convulse. The symptoms faded later as the spell finally killed him</i><br>

This spell causes wracking pain and violent convulsions, ending in death. The target must make a will save or writhe in pain on the ground, helpless, for the duration of the spell.. when it will die. A creature that passes the initial saving throw must make a second will save or be dazed and suffer a -4 penalty on saving throws for the duration of the spell.<br>

Last updated byAnonymous