
Aquor is a town close to the Spine that used to house the decadent and rich of Sundren’s elite when they were not in Sundren City. Famous for its art, music, and sculpture, Aquor boasted some of the most influential people in the entire valley making their homes within the beautiful town. The Second Sundering changed all of that, driving the majority of the nobility from the town. Only a handful remain, and these cower in the depleted numbers of the small town and pay service to Bane and the Thayan Enclave.
To the north of the town, the Az’Gema Lake was a well known fishing spot that some of the older retirees spend most of their day at. It was also placed right next to the Floating Flagon, where the barkeep loved to tell all kinds of stories, and houses frequent story tellers within his tavern. Sadly, the barkeep is silent now, refraining from even the most basic conversation besides transactional.
The road up north into the Spine also starts from Aquor, so it would be wise to bring some warmer clothing. Many caravans still pass through Aquor to the Spine and places such as Whurest and Icewind Dale. These caravans use the town as a final stopping point to resupply, despite the oppressive guardians of the area.
To the West lies the Thayan Enclave. This entire area, from the gates inward, is considered Thayan land. It has proven to be an attractive spot for some of the local nobles, but other more common folk tend to avoid it.
Aquor saw a great many changes with the Bloodmaim invasion, many of the Red Wizards decided with internal politics aflair combined with the very real threat of war on the horizon that their lives and studies were better made elsewhere, and they departed from the country. A handful remained, determined they could stay the tide and remain to profit in the aftermath of the war. Their knights worked in tandem with beasts and summons to hold back the horde, while the remaining red wizards utilized epic spells to bring down Cartel Mountain on the splinter of the main horde that were intent on burning Aquor to the ground. Since, Aquor has seen some significant changes, with no more Legion authority a stronger Thayan and Aurilite presence has since become noted in the town, with much of the Bloodmaim now holding the city in superstitious awe.
Located next to the Enclave was the Temple of Sune. This temple was constructed by a Sunite group new to Sundren, and its priests welcomed all who worship beauty into its hallowed halls. The wealthy inhabitants of Aquor helped fund the temple’s construction, and frequent the church when they can. The Sunites were known for their generosity and beauty, and were well liked by the other inhabitants of the town. However, in recent times, the Sunites have been driven out by the Aurilite presence within the town. Now, the temple belongs to Bane, the Tyrant God.
Underworld elements are only whispered about in the town, but it is well known that the Cartel ran smuggling through the small city despite the efforts of the Legion. This ended once the Second Sundering took place. The Cartel’s mountain hideout was destroyed in an effort to kill the Bloodmaim orcs attacking the small town, and they have been effectively wiped out from the area. The area around the former Cartel hideout erupted into small lava pockets, allowing lava to crawl on top of Toril’s crust.
Tailors and music shops were common in Aquor. One simply had to check their handy map in order to spot where they work, and the fine quality that they produce. These too, have been reduced extensively since the Second Sundering. The lack of nobility, and the lack of other customers dried up the business to a large extent. The Enclave still sold magical items, but the majority of the Enclave moved on, back to Thay.
The Aquoran Protectorate

Aquor gained autonomy five years after the Day of Broken Blades, under the protection Felicia Pendraig and by extension the Zakharan Empire. The Zakaharans negotiated a deal with Felicia’s cousin, Evelyn Meriadoc, for immigration rights from Zakhara. As a result, Aquor has a rolling influx of Southern Continent merchants and coin, which diffuses through the country through the now protected roads of the Regional Council.

With the return of Felicia Pendraig, the town has once again come under the rule of the noble family albeit with loyalties to a nation thousands of miles away. Felicia and her Zakharan troops took the town, with the help of River Highsun, turned it into a trading region for the entire country. Goods travel from the Port, Sundren City, and even Sestra to be traded for the rare furs, metals, and goods from the Spine. A simple taxation on the transactions has turned Aquor into a wealthy town once again, attracting mercantile interests of all kinds. Of course, this could not have happened without an intervening force. Avanthyr still takes a strong stance against both Thay as well as Sestra, and the Sundarian Empire too ostensibly refuses to conduct trade with Sestra straight out.
The Silent Peace

The Silent Peace was established as part of Aquor’s bid for independence from the Sundarian Empire. An agreement between the Republic in Sundren City, Avanthyr’s Port Council, Sestra’s Stratocracy, and Felicia Pendraig to treat Aquor as neutral territory. Within its borders, and while on any Aquor approved business near its lands, no harm is done directly or otherwise to trading parties. Myrkulites can trade with merchants from Sundren City, Sundren nobility can bargain with Avanthyr representatives, etc., without the fear of direct conflict.
That said, there are elements that do work indirectly on each respective city-state’s behalf. Mercenaries, spies, agents of all kinds are an accepted reality, giving rise to games between them. What some call the greatest game to ever grace Sundren politics, the Silent Peace acts as a deniable barrier to the economic and political forces at constant work to grasp at the riches pouring through Aquor as a result of Zakharan influence and Felicia Pendraig’s cunning. Confidence games, persuasion tricks, and every other type of scheme and ill-reputed feat are tried and fail under the watchful gaze of the Pendraig familiy and its governor.
The Organizations of Aquor

The Saharin

What some call the Silent Peace made this feasible, with the Zakharans sworn to Felicia keeping the peace and profiting from the nexus of trade. The Sarahin, as they call themselves, are sworn to the Pendraig family and its masters in the Southern Continent. Zakharan men and women who grew up in the wastes and deserts of their homeland, they hold unique views on everything from honor to hospitality. The cultural and racial differences between the and the residents of Sundren valley has at times caused distinct tensions, but the growing population cannot be ignored.

What the Saharin do not lack, is skill and loyalty. Their lives are dedicated to the Pendraig family, and their blades are bound to keep the Silent Peace. Woe be to those who seek to violate the Peace, for the Saharin’s curved blades wait patiently.
The Brightspears

The Pendraigs have never been ones to place all of their eggs in the figurative basket, and Felicia has doggedly continued that tradition. Inspired by her family’s past, she created a group of mercenaries beholden to her family, and her family alone. While her ties to Zakhara are strong, she employs these ‘Brightspears’ in her own family’s dealings within Aquor and other locations around the valley. In order for the Peace to remain ostensibly neutral, the Saharin police it, but the Brightspears maintain the Pendraigs’ influences outside of Aquor as well.
The Brightspears come from many walks of life, but they all have one thing in common: sworn loyalty to the Pendraigs. They can be councilors, bodyguards, mages, spies, and anything else that the family needs in order to conduct its business. As a result, many an aspiring adventurer, born and raised in the mountain town, seek an audience with Felicia in order to gain acceptance to the Brightspear name, and the brand that marks each of their arms. Trained in combat, diplomacy, and subterfuge, these elite individuals are watched closely, wherever they go.
Places of Interest

- Temple of Kossuth
- Floating Flagon
- Thayan Enclave
- Saharin Compound
- New Aquor Docks
- Pendraig Estate
- Brightspears HQ

Thayan Enclave– As led by Zulkir Nevron
House Pendraig – Although Lady Diane is nominally the head of House Pendraig, it is said that the aged Felicia Pendraig’s eye remains always roving on the town’s doings.

Population Approximate: 5,000
Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Mountains, Hills
Appearance: Beautiful
Hygiene: +2 (Healthy environment +1, Strict Public Health Enforcement +1)
High Magic (Common Enchantment, due to both the Enclave’s presence and the Silent Peace markets)
Culture and Economy

Language: Common
Literacy: Native
Wealth: Currently Wealthy
Status: -2 to 6 (Slave to Major Nobility)
Political Environment

Government: Aristocracy
Ruling party: House Pendraig

Major Imports: Foodstuffs, Textiles, Luxury Items, Magical Components
Major Exports: Furs, Hides, Magical Items, Lumber, Slave Labor, Crafted Goods
Economic Analysis

Histories recount Aquor’s periods of destabilization that has near ruined its economy. During these times, the ruling part of the Thayan Enclave had to inject a good deal of its own resources into the town in order to keep it more grounded, and practices a form of centralized governance that controlled most of the goods that went through the town. Despite the eventual problems with such a strategy, it proved effective in this brief period of time to settle the economy from falling further into depression. Craftsmen, workers, and other experts have been slowly trickled into the town, but real economic growth had fallen drastically due to the Second Sundering. However, Aquor’s strengths include an abundant supply of raw materials, as well as access to the Spine and Icewind Dale. With the establishment of the Silent Peace, and the growth of the town without war, the population has exploded. The once shelled out mountain village has become again what it was in the peak of its time in the Arbiters: a thriving, cultural oasis. Under the watchful eye of the Pendragis, the town has created a market for any good, illegal or no, and this market is strictly policed by the Saharin. With Whurest and Bristlebeard’s Hollow having established trading routes through the town, Aquor is now the key to the Spine and its vast wealth, hidden under the frost. Ores, furs, and countless other goods make their way through the town, and it is the picture of a thriving economy.

Military Strength: Thayans have powerful knights, but not in any significant numbers beyond the basic guardianship of the town. However, the Saharin are a police force that cannot be dealt with one on one. They police the town in force, and have significant military might.
Range of Territory: Aquor has expanded significantly since its time during the Second Sundering. Its population has recovered, and its economy has allowed the building of expanded homes and businesses.
Current Problems: None
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