Typical Member Traits:

-Dedicated to the pursuit of money.
-Respects strength, but also has appreciation for a keen mind and strategy.
-Though few members are ‘religious’ the organization holds a certain respect for Waukeen, Shaundakul, and their clergy. Some also hold Helm and the Red Knight in high regard.
-Almost completely composed of humans, but not afriad to hire on other races if they can prove they are tough enough.
-Though willing to engage in the occasional ‘shady’ matter, they are generally law-abiding.

The Blackwood Company originated in 1342 DR (29 years before the Year of Wild Magic) in the southwestern areas of Calimshan. It was originally founded as a caravan guard organization under the command of retired soldier Tazil Al’anu. The company began with 12 other members, 10 of which were former soldiers themselves under Tazil’s command. Originally based along the Shining Sea coast, the company grew larger in size and more powerful, eventually taking regular jobs along the well-known trade route between Calimport and Memnon. The name of their company originated from their earliest jobs of protecting shipments of zalantar (which is also known as blackwood) along the Shining Sea coast.

Being one of the most successful caravan guard organizations in Calimshan (and one of the few to come out victoriously on a regular basis against the dreaded Black Raiders) did not help the fact that there were still many other similar groups that were willing to create just a little too much competition for the company. Business dropped and much of the company’s own equipment had to be sold to maintain basic needs. In 1355 DR, the company’s camp was ambushed by Black Raiders dervishes, hell-bent on revenge for their many defeats and led by one of their most fierce warriors, a half-orc known as Khooruh the Blood-Drinker. Tazil was badly wounded in the fight, but his protege Ryzad Kalim kept the company intact and defeated Khooruh in single combat. Tazil honored his protege by stepping down as Guild Leader and granting him the position.
Ryzad claimed that between the competitive mercenary guilds and the revenge-hungry Black Raiders, their best option was to head north for work. For nearly two years the Blackwood Company moved north along the Sword Coast and expanded their business beyond caravan guarding to include: private security, bounty-hunting, and even some of their own trade. Though the organization did relatively well, they still faced the common threat of having to compete with a variety of other similar guilds. Eventually they came to Sundren, where Ryzad met face to face with Exigo’s own Ramas Sepret and Captain Tidestrike shortly after learning of a recent caravan being sacked and picked clean by bandits. Persuaded by the strength, wit, and keen mind of the Blackwood Company’s leader, both Ramas and Tidestrike agreed to his terms and neither has regretted it since.
Nowadays, the Blackwood Company is frequently hired on as bodyguards and security for homes or trade camps, though they still get offers as caravan guards on occassion. It is said that Ryzad Kalim has incorporated himself deeply into the affairs of Sundren, even creating deep connections with the Hellstrom family, perhaps the most powerful noble bloodline in Sundren. Relatively unheard of by lower and middle-class citizens of Sundren until recently, the Blackwood Company has attempted to expand their business a bit through some minor advertising and offering their lower-ranked individuals at more ‘friendly’ prices.
Base of Operation:

-Second Wind Inn: Operational HQ. While much of the Blackwood leadership resides in one of the City-States or another, this small fortified compound has served as a main location for years.
-Satellites: The company also has offices of various size in each of the main city-states, though these are of varying size and operational capacity depending on locale.
Other titles include:

Sentinel: Technically this is a rank of guardsman in the Exigo. However, at any given time, roughly 70 to 80% of Sentinels are Blackwood Company members. Though usually filled by Grunts and Foot Soldiers, it is a reluctantly accepted fact that all but the highest ranked members will likely need to serve SOME time as a Sentinel. It provides a good outlet when business is slow elsewhere. Sentinel contracts can last anywhere from 1 to 6 months and though still under the authority of leading guild members, Sentinels are also under the authority of Exigo military personnel, including patrol leaders and Captain Tidestrike himself. Having two chains of command rarely poses a problem as the Exigo Syndicate and Blackwood Company almost always see eye to eye with one another and have treaties in place to prevent actions against the other.
Fortune Knight: A far more elite version of Sentinels, Fortune Knights are typically given far more dangerous missions and are often among Blackwood Company Guild Elite members. Their contracts can last as long as 4-10 years and thensome. (it is said Fortune Knight Ryan is under a contract for his entire life).
People of Note:

Ryzad Kalim- Blackwood Company Guild Leader, a top-notch warrior and a brilliant tactian with a way with words. It is said he has even charmed a noblewoman or two in the Hellstrom family.
Tazil Al’anu- Blackwood Company’s founder, now retired and living a comfortable live somewhere in Sembia. Many older members of the guild still hold him in high regard.
Ja’Mahri Reeds- Known also as Thumper, one of the guild’s top swordsmen and elite commanders with a burning desire to push his battle skills to the limits against the strongest of foes.