
Sundren’s nobility often finds themselves mired in a byzantine web of political intrigue, guile, and betrayal. Those brave or foolish enough to seek glory and advancement within the nobles’ Game may find that with great risk comes great reward. All are welcome to petition any of the noble houses for favor and patronage. Retainers and mercenaries that succeed and are sworn to the noble houses’ service are collectively referred to as the Condottieri.
Each noble family of Sundren carries with it a rich history of tradition and lineage. Since Emperor Verinus’ declaration of Silent Peace, the major noble houses now comprise the Imperial Senate and wield unprecedented influence over the governance of Sundren City. In turn, those that are close to these houses wield an influence and prestige all their own.
Location: Sundren City, Aspirations District
Typical Member Traits:
- In pursuit of advancing their own interests, Sundren’s noble houses are always seeking talented representation of all kinds to bring themselves prestige and glory. There is no shortage of soldiers, spies, mages, and priests within the Condottieri and many noble families are eager to sponsor bards, sages, and knights.
- Members come from all alignments. The Nobles’ Game has little room for moral compunctions and even the most benevolent of houses may find itself in need of those willing to get their hands dirty, provided their loyalty and discretion can be trusted.

The Ulsteris family, their lands valued once more by the incoming refugees seeking their old homes and fields, has gained a prominent seat in the Senate. Since the fall of the City, refugees not settled in outlying territories have drifted back to Sundren City based solely on Lord Ulsteris’ reputation as a fair, hard-working man.
House LaCroix clings to relevance under the guidance of Lucien LaCroix, whose position as leader of the Thirteenth Legion is the House’s strongest argument in its highly contested battle with House Veritas for control of Castrum. Their retainers remain proud, stalwart soldiers; noble circles whisper that Lord LaCroix now seeks ambitious talents in all fields in an effort to tip the scales of his political conflict.
The Veritas have risen to prominence within the military district of Castrum. Arguably one of the oldest remaining families in Sundren, they have supplanted the LaCroix as the most involved noble house within the Sundarian Legion. The Veritas family’s bid on the Castrum seat is consistently challenged by the LaCroix, the two families almost bitter rivals over the coveted position. As such, both houses are quick to seize, steal and compete for the talent they employ.
A merchant house that clawed its way to nobility, leveraging business connections, trade arrangements, and dealings with the shadier facets of Sundren City to achieve their goals. Their reputation even amongst other nobles is low, and they are often regarded with suspicion and distrust by the populace at large. The ruined remains of several prominent families lie in their wake and serve a as warning to any who would deal haphazardly with the Zenten. In the last 50 years, the House has only increased its wealth and prominence. They are a renowned patron of the arts and those they sponsor are widely known to be handsomely paid.
Renowned as a House where honor meets pragmatism, the Val’Tess are skilled diplomats, advisors, counselors, and arbiters. In the last 50 years, the Val’Tess’ influence has waned in the City even as it has made strides among the newly established city-states. Ostensibly, the House is an arbiter of peace and a proponent of peaceful coexistence; this position has earned the Val’Tess many enemies, especially among the Sundarian elite. Most know their retainers to be leal men and women, though rumors now speculate that a Zenten spy has been planted in their midst.
A resurgent House Lachlam was restored to nobility by the efforts of Lucretia Lachlam. The House was one of the first to lend support to Emperor Verinus’ proposed Senate; Lucretia worked tirelessly as one of the system’s most outspoken defenders. Her granddaughter Bianca continues the House’s work and is generally well-respected by a majority of the nobility. Lachlam’s ties to House Meriadoc are widely known. Detractors often accuse Bianca of impartiality and favoritism towards the Avanthyrean House; the mercenaries in her employ have coincidentally tended to have seafaring backgrounds.
Base(s) of Operations

Sundren City – (Main building located in Aspirations)

The Condottieri serve at their noble masters’ pleasure. Each House has goals for itself, the city, and the valley at large.

- Fidata/Fidato
- Temuta/Temuto
- Sanguinata/Sanguinato
- Lamellere
- Tenente
- Capitano/Capitana
Timeline/Historical Events of Note

- 1382 – The Second Sundering. Powered by sundrite reactors, the city of Sundren takes to the skies.
- 1384 – Sundered Wings. A cabal of Left Hands sabotages the city’s sundrite reactors and forces the city’s fall.
- 1385 – Duskfall. House Hellstrom’s powerbase is scattered when Darius Blackwell slays Harold van Hellstrom.
- 1389 – Emperor Verinus establishes the Silent Peace and forms the Imperial Senate.
- 1392 – House Lachlam is restored to nobility by Emperor Verinus.
- 1395 – House Zenten maneuvers itself into an open position on the Senate.
- 1407 – House Ulsteris presides over the Senate with the support of House Val’Tess.
- 1418 – The death of House Val’Tess only viable heir throws the house’s succession line into doubt and signals the start of their decline.
- 1421 – House Veritas gains control of a majority of the Sundarian Legion. This sets off a decade-long contest with House LaCroix that is still ongoing.
- 1424 – Princess Licinia weds young Vycant Veritas, making him Prince-Consort.
- 1425 – Licinia gives birth to twins, Valerius and Leta.
- 1430 – Emperor Verinus passes. Licinia succeeds her father as Empress of Sundren at the age of twenty-five. Vycant Veritas becomes King-Consort.
Leadership/People of Note

- Karlon Ulster
A descendant of House Ulster, a branch house of the Ulsteris family, with the Ulsters at one time claiming that House Ulsteris was the branch house. Lord Ulsteris has seen none of these ambitions in the young Karlon Ulster, however, and he has elevated Karlon to Sanguinato. Karlon is said to have many friends among the Sable Order in Sestra.
- Lady Camarine
Camarine is Lady Bianca Lachlam’s closest advisor, Tenente of House Lachlam, and a grand player of the noble’s Game. Her counsel is widely viewed as one of the critical reasons House Lachlam and Bianca have ascended in status so quickly. Not actually a noble, she acquired the honorific from Everett Meriadoc, who affectionately uses it to address her in almost all official capacities. The title has spread into common usage by the rest of the nobility mostly through misunderstanding and Camarine’s own gravitas; she does nothing to discourage its use.
- Sir Redwin North
The House Val’Tess Man-at-Arms and Lamellere. Redwin has served ably at Lord Val’Tess’ side for many years. Rumors swirl at court of their unusual closeness; it is said the Lord Val’Tess shed more tears over a grievous wound Redwin sustained than at the funeral of his own wife.