PRESTIGE CLASS: This class is not available at character creation and must be unlocked by meeting special requirements, listed below.
Dreadmasters are the ultimate tyrants. They seek to rule absolutely, preferably through terror and domination. They instill the fear of Bane in all, but especially in those who do not give at least lip service to his supremacy as a deity.
Dreadmasters tend to accumulate followers and build organizations – like churches or societies, or political bodies such as kingdoms, nations, or city-states – over which they can rule with an iron fist. They want to know everything that is going on, overseeing every detail with what they see as ruthless precision and others see as an obsessive need to control. They love to accumulate items that enhance their personal presence to better cow others, their physical strength to better beat the weak into submission, or their wisdom or mental faculties to better plot the doom of their enemies. Dreadmasters always have many enemies (whether real or imagined).

To qualify to become a Dreadmaster, the character must fulfill the following criteria.
- Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks, Knowledge: Local 4 ranks.
- Feats: Skill Focus(Intimidate), Spell Focus (Enchantment)
- Base Attack Bonus: +4
- Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd level divine spells
- Special: Must worship Bane as a deity
Class Skills

The class skills of the Dreadmaster are:
- Bluff
- Concentration
- Craft: Alchemy
- Craft: Armor
- Craft: Jewelcrafting
- Craft: Tailoring & Leatherwork
- Craft: Weapon
- Diplomacy
- Gather Information
- Intimidate
- Knowledge: Arcana
- Knowledge: Geography
- Knowledge: History
- Knowledge: Local
- Knowledge: Nobility & Royalty
- Knowledge: Religion
- Lore
- Profession: Cook
- Sense Motive
- Spellcraft
Class Features

Base Attack Bonus Progression: Medium
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier
Hit Dice: D8
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Dreadmaster gains no new proficiencies with weapons or armor.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: When a new Dreadmaster level is gained the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as though he had gained a level in whatever divine spellcasting class gave him access to 3rd-level divine spells. If the character has more than one applicable divine spellcasting class, he must pick one to improve.
Dominating Aura: At 1st level, a Dreadmaster emanates a persistent aura. This has two effects. First, the Dreadmaster becomes immune to fear. The aura itself extends 20ft and affects all enemies that enter it with a -4 penalty to save vs fear. At levels 3, 5, 7 and 9 the reach of this aura extends by 10ft.
Insidious Insight: At 2nd level, the Dreadmaster is experienced in dealing with others. He gains a +2 circumstance bonus to diplomacy and gather information.
Summon Cohort: At 3rd level, the Dreadmaster can summon his followers to him. The summoning lasts for 1 hour per Dreadmaster level plus 1 hour per 3 non-Dreadmaster level. As the Dreadmaster gains levels, his summoned followers improve. At 6th and 8th level, the Dreadmaster can summon an additional type of creature to his side.
Rodcraft: At 4th level, the Dreadmaster becomes more attuned to symbols of power as tools of dominance and subjugation. He gains Craft Wand as a bonus feat.
Fanatical Loyalty: At 5th level, the Dreadmasters influence over his followers is so strong that he can ask them to die for him. When Fanatical Loyalty is cast on a Dreadmasters follower, the follower will take most of the damage dealt to the Dreadmaster. This effect lasts for 1 round per Dreadmaster level or until the follower dies. The Dreadmaster may use this ability once per day at 5th level, and twice per day at 7th level.
Special Cohort: At 8th level, the Dreadmaster attains a special cohort. This follower does not count toward the summon limit. As the Dreadmaster gains power, so does his cohort. At 10th level, the Dreadmaster may summon a different follower.