The favored soul follows the path of the cleric but is able to channel divine power with surprising ease. She is able to perform the same tasks as her fellow divine spellcasters but with virtually no study. Favored souls cast their spells naturally, as much through force of personality as through study. Though this gives them extraordinary divine abilities no normal person could ever match, they see their gift as a call to action, and so in some ways may lag behind their more studious colleagues. Favored souls cast divine spells by means of an innate connection rather than through laborious training and prayer, so their divine connection is natural rather than learned. Mortals who perform great services to deities, devoting their lives and work to the cause of their god or goddess, sometimes become the Chosen of that deity. Being born a favored soul has both advantages and disadvantages. Like a cleric, a favored soul has access to her god’s divine magic. Unlike a cleric, however, the magic of a favored soul is natural. As such, it is unlikely to be denied by her god. Because favored souls do not need to pray for their spells, deities don’t need to approve or disapprove each and every incantation. This and the many divine powers of a favored soul make members of the class quite powerful. Despite these powers, favored souls are often hindered by a sense of inescapable destiny that surrounds their births. They didn’t choose their paths and may not want anything to do with their religion. In this way, the powers of a favored soul can be a burden rather than a blessing.

To qualify to become a Favoured Soul, the character must fulfill the following criteria.
- Not Applicable
Class Skills

The class skills of the Favoured Soul are:
- Concentration
- Craft Alchemy
- Diplomacy
- Heal
- Lore
- Spellcraft
Class Features

Base Attack Bonus Progression: Medium
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier
Hit Dice: D8
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Favoured Soul is proficient in the use of simple weapons, as well as their deity’s favourite weapon. They can also make use of light and medium armor, and shields (except for tower shields).
Divine Spellcasting: A Favoured Soul makes use of the Cleric’s spell-list, though in an entirely different manner, more akin to a Sorcerer. The Favoured Soul can cast any spell he knows at any time without preparation, and need not plan his spellbook before each rest. This class uses Charisma to determine what level spell can be cast, while Wisdom determines the DC for any offensive casting. The Favoured Soul requires a Charisma of at least 10 + Spell Level when determining what he is able to cast.
Deities Weapon Proficiency: At level 1, Favored souls gain a weapon proficiency feat that allows them to use their deity’s favored weapon. For example, favored souls of Kelemvor will gain the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat, enabling them to use a bastard sword. If the deity’s favored weapon is an unarmed strike, the favored soul receives Improved Unarmed Strike instead.
Weapon Focus – Deity’s Favoured Weapon: At level 3, a Favored Soul automatically gains the Weapon Focus feat for their deity’s favored weapon.
Weapon Specialization – Deity’s Favoured Weapon: At level 12, a Favored Soul automatically gains the Weapon Specialization for their deity’s favored weapon.
Energy Resistance: At 5th level, a favored soul chooses an energy type and gains resistance (10/-) against that type. At 10th level and 15th level, the character gains resistance (10/-) against another energy type of her choosing. These effects don’t stack; you simply choose a different energy type.
Damage Reduction: At level 20 the Favored Soul gains damage reduction 10/cold iron.