Does Sundren require the expansion packs to play?

Yes, in order to play on Sundren you will need the NWN2 expansion packs, Mask of the Betrayer and Storm of Zehir. The expansions add a lot of new things to the game and improve many existing features.
Can I join a Faction?

Sundren has a host of factions that are joinable by regular PCs and will offer different benefits. Each faction has its own private forum that will act as a message board for the members. Players are free to make their own groups, however there will be no sanctioned player-run guilds in Sundren at this time.
Can I use overrides on Sundren?

No, anyone caught using overrides may be booted, or if intentionally using them to cheat — banned. Overrides not only cause server instability, they also can corrupt your character file, affecting others as well as yourself. We will fully enforce this rule. Do not risk getting booted/banned, while playing on Sundren, either rename or clear your override folder located in:
“My Documents/Neverwinter Nights 2/override”
I messed up on something, can you relevel my character?

We will not relevel player characters unless the character file is somehow corrupt from a bug, or if you picked a moderated class that you didn’t get approval for.
In all other cases this kind of request will be denied. If we agreed to do this kind of thing we would get dozens of requests in a day and we simply don’t have the time nor desire to relevel people because they picked an incorrect feat or class.
There are many character creator tools available for free online to help you plan out your characters before you make them.
How long has Sundren been in development?

Sundren has been in development since October, 2006. However, the server went down sometime around 2016, and resumed development in 2021 when the current Administrator, Dispater (aka Seheren), obtained access to the semi-functional module.
Can you edit my character/armor?

For various reasons we do not accept player items, BIC files, etc. Nor will DMs or admins edit your character to change a color or to help you pick another feat, or anything of that nature. If you have issues with your character you can delete it using the Sundren menu in-game. Alternatively if its a serious issue such as a game bug a DM can help you reroll a new character and give you back your experience/items.
Are there any race restrictions on Sundren?

All ECL races, that is– any race that have special traits that make them require more experience to level (IE Drow, Aasimar, Tieflings, Druegar etc.) are restricted by default.
Players may make a character request on the forums for the staff to review. If you wish to apply for an ECL race, we ask that you submit a thoughtful background and we will discuss your request from there.
The reason for this is to maintain a balance of respective races and to ensure that the benefits of more powerful races are given to players who will put forth the effort of role playing them.
Is Sundren a localvault or a servervault server?

Sundren is a server vault server. This means that all characters are stored on the server, not on the clients machine.
What kind of server is Sundren?

Sundren is a role playing persistent world. Players are expected to be in character as often as possible. We strive above all else to offer fun, engaging gameplay in a rich interactive environment, where additional rulesets provide challenging and intriguing gameplay. Sundren is a low-medium magic server with an emphasis on the community, role-play, and building a story.
How can I contribute?

If you’d like to support Sundren, you can donate via Patreon to help pay for server upkeep. If you’re interested in volunteer opportunities, please see our jobs post in the Public Information forums. Regular users can help by reporting bugs they may find with Sundren.
Can you delete my character?

While we could delete the character, it is far easier for us to simply let you do so yourself. While in-game with the character you want to delete, use the delete option in the Sundren Menu.
What is Sundren’s Magic Setting?

Sundren is a medium-magic setting, meaning that the level of enchantments and abilities on items is greatly reduced from the maximum power that MoTB has made available. Generally speaking, a weapon or piece of armor with a bonus greater than +3 is profoundly rare, and perhaps even unique. It is equally rare to find items that provide permanent immunities to spell schools or effects, though they are in existence.
Does Sundren have custom content?

Yes. At this point, there are several new PRC’s that are unique to Sundren, viewable in that section of the Wiki. Additionally, there are numerous new spells and feats. More information on the classes and their many improvements can be found in the Classes page of the Wiki.
To what extent can players influence the world?

The impact that a player can make is almost limitless. From influencing factions, creating groups, swaying political and controversial situations, acts of building and destruction alike, and much more, players are more than capable of provoking and preventing countless outcomes in countless situations.