Glossary of Terms

Alphabetical Glossary of Common Terms

  • AD&D: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
  • AoE: Area of Effect (Generally Referencing Spell Radius)
  • CvC: Character versus Character
  • D&D: Dungeons and Dragons
  • Dev: Developer
  • DM: Dungeon Master
  • DnD: Dungeons and Dragons
  • GM: Game Master (Synonymous with DM)
  • GP: Gold Pieces
  • HiPS: Hide in Plain Sight
  • IC: In Character
  • IG: In Game
  • NWN: Neverwinter Nights
  • OOC: Out Of Character
  • Perm’d: Permanently Killed
  • PM: Palemaster, or Personal Message (Based on Context)
  • PnP: Pen and Paper (In reference to D&D)
  • PvP: Player versus Player
  • RDD: Red Dragon Disciple
  • RP: Roleplay
  • RPOTM: Role Player of the Month
  • XP: Experience Points
Last updated byDispater