PRESTIGE CLASS: This class is not available at character creation and must be unlocked by meeting special requirements, listed below.
The horned harbingers are agents of the fallen Lord of Bones. Some claim their creation heralds the restoration of Myrkul’s mantle of godhood, while others view their continued existence as the last remnants of Myrkul’s dwindling power. Each horned harbinger touched the Crown of Horns at some point since the Time of Troubles, although not all creatures who have done so have become members of this class.

To qualify to become a Horned Harbinger, the character must fulfill the following criteria.
- Alignment: Any evil
- Skills: Knowledge: Planes 8 ranks, Knowledge: Religion 8 ranks
- Feats: Godsbane, Iron Will
- Special: Must worship Myrkul as a deity
Class Skills

The class skills of the Horned Harbingers are:
- Concentration
- Craft: Alchemy
- Craft: Tailoring/Leatherworking
- Craft: Woodworking
- Craft: Jewelcrafting
- Craft: Weapons
- Craft: Armor
- Heal
- Intimidate
- Lore
- Knowledge: Arcana
- Knowledge: Religion
- Profession: Cook
- Profession: Woodcutter
- Profession: Fisher
- Spellcraft
Class Features

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Medium.
High Saves: Fortitude and Will.
Weapon Proficiencies: Horned harbingers gain no weapon proficiencies.
Armor Proficiencies: Horned harbingers gain no armor proficiencies.
Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.
Spells per Day/Spells Known: Horned Harbingers continue and increase their devotion to Myrkul. At each odd numbered harbinger level, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as though he had gained a level in Cleric or Favored Soul. If the character has more than one applicable divine spellcasting class, he must pick one to improve. He does not however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (level dependent domain powers, etc).
Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 4th, 7th and 9th level, a horned harbinger cast select from the following bonus feats. Divine Vengeance, Empower Turning, Extra Turning, Extra Turning II, Extra Turning III, Divine Resistence, Divine Might, Divine Shield.
Rebuke Undead: The character can rebuke or command undead as a cleric of a level equal to his horned harbinger class level. If the character could already rebuke undead, these levels stack with that ability.
Harbinger’s Touch: Once a day, the horned harbinger becomes able to call upon the power of the old death, Myrkul, to slay his enemies with a single touch. The harbinger rolls 1d10 x (Harbinger Levels multiplied by 2). If this is greater than the target’s hit points, the creature dies instantly with no save. Anything that protects against death effects protects against this ability. At level 5 the harbinger can use this twice a day, and at level 10 three times.
Death Watch: The horned harbinger becomes aware of all death and dying around him at will. When used, this ability will tell you whether there are creatures who are near to death, undead, or neither alive or dead within a 30 yard radius about you and their direction. This ability will also detect invisible or hiding creatures under those effects.
Create Lesser Minion: Once a day beginning at level 2, the horned harbinger is able to call forth a lesser minion to do his bidding until destroyed or dismissed. At level 5 this increases to twice per day.
Create Minion: Once a day beginning at level 6, the horned harbinger is able to call forth a minion to do his bidding until destroyed or dismissed.
Create Greater Minion: Once a day beginning at level 8, the horned harbinger is able to call forth a greater minion to do his bidding until destroyed or dismissed.
Captain of Undeath: At level 5, the horned harbinger becomes able to command two minions at once.
Reaching Death: At level 7, the horned harbinger becomes able to create his minions over a large distance, giving a tactical advantage in some scenarios.
General of Undeath: At level 10, the horned harbinger becomes able to command three minions at once.