Law of Red Robes – Only Red Wizards may wear red robes, so that all shall be able to identify them easily. Punishment for those caught wearing red robes is immediate execution.
Law of Thievery – Do not steal from other Thayans or harm their belongings, especially their slaves. Punishment for thievery is maiming, branding, enslavement, or, in severe cases, death.
Law of Murder – Do not kill or harm another Thayan. Murders are investigated on a case by case basis, and the most common punishment for murder is enslavement, though death is also common, particularly for those who would make dangerous slaves (trained magic users, for instance). Slaves who murder others are punished in harshness according to the importance of the person murdered, and then either given back to their master or confiscated by the Thayan government and sent to work in the gold mines.
Murder of a slave is not murder, it is theft.
Laws of Assault – Punishment against assault depends on the importance of the person assaulted, and can range from enslavement to death, though lesser punishments might be appropriate depending on how the case is handled by the parties involved, as there is no hard rule on the issue.
Law of Obedience – Obey the orders of your betters.
Law of Travel – All, foreigners and Thayan commoners alike, must carry a pass issued by a tharcion permitting usage of specific cities and routes. These passes can generally be purchased at government buildings in major cities or tax stations.
Civil Laws

Suits for redress and righting of commercial wrongs must be brought before a person of authority, usually a local Autharch, Red Wizard, or Tharchion.
Disputes between Tharchions are heard by a council of Zulkirs. Disputes between wizards are settled between the two wizards themselves, and methods for settlement can be anything agreed upon by the parties involved, up to and including individual or even family feuds.
Major disputes might even be settled by hiring individuals from the Assassin’s Guild. The guild itself is legal, though individual members who are caught face punishments according to the laws above.
Laws Pertaining to the Enclaves, “The Three Laws of the Enclaves”

All governments sanctioning Enclaves must agree to the following three laws. If they do not, then the local government becomes accountable to Thay.
In exchange for these demands, the Enclaves pay 1% of their total profits to the local government, as well as access to temporary military service of Thayan wizards for the local military.
Law of Sovereignty – A Thayan Enclave is treated as a part of Thay, and all buildings and individuals are regarded as though they were walking on Thay soil. Thus, all laws that apply to Thay apply to the Enclaves, even to individuals who are not citizens of Thay. All local laws do not apply within the Enclave, however, crimes committed outside the Enclave are still accountable and the Enclave is required to turn over individuals for prosecution. Murdering someone outside of the Enclave and then retreating to the Enclave will not save the individual from local law enforcement, unless the Enclave chooses to illegally deny the individual’s presence. In most situations, however, the Enclaves are more than happy to turn over criminals, even if they are Thayan, in order to maintain their upstanding reputation.
Some laws may be overlooked in favour of keeping the peace, such as slavery and attacking those in red robes (of which the Red Wizards would grudgingly understand as common in other countries), but most others would still be in force.
Law of Trade – All Thayan goods are priced at 10% discount rates. Most items are magical in nature, though some mundane items are sold as well, especially Thayan artwork. Slaves are purchasable as well, though once taken out of the Enclave, the buyer would likely face prosecution by the local authorities. Slaves can also be accepted as trade for items, and these slaves are legally permissible to be shipped cross-country to Thay through national borders. Many governments use this as a way to pay the Enclaves for goods, by trading dangerous or life-sentence criminals to an Enclave in exchange for whatever magical items or services they desire. It is illegal to sell an unwilling slave to an Enclave that is not already a convicted criminal, though if an individual is freely willing to become a slave, it is permissible for them to sell themselves or be sold.
Scrolls of 0-level spells are sold for the same price as their manufacture as long as a buyer purchases an equal amount of other magical items.
Law of Crafting – Thayan Enclaves normally only will produce up to +1 items and spell scrolls, potions, and wands of up to 4th level spells. None of these may be outwardly dangerous items, such as Wands of Fireball or Invisibility.
In addition, Thayan wizards may also sell their wizardly ability to cast powerful spells, and it is in this way that Mundus conscripted a team of Red Wizards to destroy the mountain surrounding Sundren.
In general, items worth more than 2000 gp (or stags in Sundren) are not crafted, nor are dangerous items crafted (both of these rules may be violated under-the-table for particularly frequent or trusted customers). All items crafted in an Enclave must bear both the Red Wizard seal and the seal of the local city.